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Everything posted by AJS

  1. Suprised anybody took him on so soon.
  2. Any better? hmm that might be even worse seeing an england captain in a scotland tracksuit! He's probably talking to Shaun Maloney and Kris Commons.
  3. Charlie does still work for the club, I believe. Ok i should have been more specific, i apologise. I knew he worked for the Centenary club but i meant in more of a coaching capacity.
  4. I would agree with Black tbh. I watched the players sometimes in home games and their body language told me they looked unfit which was strange because thats virtually impossible given the fact that Brewster was such a fitness fanatic and now it turns out they weren't unfit... they were overworked. I wonder what that "private matter" was about.
  5. Were showing a serious lack of ambition if we take another manager back. Can't believe the board are even considering it. Robbo was in this position with Livingston 3 seasons ago and he failed to keep them up. I appreciate what he did while he was here but that was then and this is now. I voted Craig Brown, experienced, down to earth, knows the game and dosen't have a massive ego(as far as i know). Yes he is a bit on the old side but i'm still convinced he could do a job for us. I would happily welcome the idea of Terry Butcher or Archie Knox as well though however with Barry Wilson working as along side one them in a Walter, Ally McCoist sort of roll.
  6. Mr Cripps by any chance? What a saint that man is... No it wasn't Crippsy. But i do know he has an ICT season ticket . It was a teacher currently there on probation and she just logged on to BBC and it was there as breaking news.
  7. I'd imagine he will be on his way now.
  8. Well it's too late for a new gaffer to sort that unfortunately as both Fraser and Black are already on their way. Still perhaps hope of keeping Cowie though, whoever comes in will have to surely make another 3 or 4 signings though. Hopefully this won't make any difference to the futures of Lionel and McAllister.
  9. If its toughening up our team needs then theres always Vinnie Jones :thumb04: He could certainly teach Proctor and McGuire to defend
  10. Any NEW manager that came in would take one look at Russell on the pitch then send him packing imo and i would be first to congratulate him. Would like to see Charlie working for the club again within some capacity but not as manager.
  11. Was in the que for lunch at Charleston Academy when my History teacher told me that he was gone. Then recieved a text from a mate saying the same.
  12. Tried to make his article look creative but its all just a load of rubbish.
  13. Here, here. Time to look to the future now.
  14. Mark Burchill wouldn't be a terrible idea. Pat Clarke is certainly proving himself at 1st division level despite Clyde being absolute rubbish but we don't need Dargo or Wyness back because they've only got 4 goals between them since joining St mirren. Wonder if Jim Hamilton would be worth a punt. Or mayb'e Ben Hutchinson on loan from Celtic. He was VERY impressive for their reserve side when they came up here.
  15. We desprately need an experienced head to deal with this team. Craig Brown, Terry Butcher or if were to take a great lower leaguer then McInnes would be my man. But we need to stop lacking ambition and get someone new, no Robbo, no Parky, and defnitely no Pele.
  16. It would however mean that perhaps Cowie and Fraser will stay knowing they have something to prove, would it not?
  17. Unfortunately i'm working but this is a great idea.
  18. I don't think Charlie would take the job and i would hate to see him get pressured into to doing something he didn't want to do. He is not up to the job, he said it himself so why would they go back for him?
  19. AJS

    Mikey Fraser

    Not to fussed if he goes or not. But if he hasn't im sure he may want ot hang about to show whoever comes in what he can do.
  20. Good luck for the future Brewster, and thank you for your efforts over the past 18 months or so. Sorry things couldn't have worked out.
  21. Terry Butcher or Craig Brown and get Barry back as number 2 to whoever. Swift no thank you from me to the idea of Robbo returning, plus i heard that if Brewster was to go the board would not consider him as he and David Sutherland apparently parted on "bad terms" Please don't get Maurice Malpas or Neil Lennon though.
  22. Just glad this saga has come to an end and now we can start looking towards the future. It has been the worst season to be an ICT supporter imo but now i think things slowly have a chance of getting better. Time for somone new to come in.
  23. Of all people the board should realise that if we go down it would be a FINANCIAL crisis as well as a footballing one. How long are they going to hide away in their offices before its too late? Theres not alot wrong with Brews signings but indeed his tactics continue to baffle me and his same old excuses each week for a poor result put me off even wanting to listen to them. I reckon just getting rid of him would bring a lift to the players. If he and Malky were to go now i reckon whoever takes temporary charge would get some sort of result out of the team at Hearts.
  24. AJS


    Black should have played yesterday, simple as that. Dods never stopped playing when he signed a pre-contract with Dundee Utd and he had a good finish to his season at ICT so why can't Black get the same? Personally i would have put him in for Duncan yesterday because he was flippin useless. Everything he did just went wrong. Unless Hearts come in with something like 150k for him or if we find a decent replacement then i hope he plays every game between now and the end of the season. And i think the abuse that some fans directed towards Black at the Hamilton game at Half-time was totally unacceptable.
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