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Everything posted by caleyboy

  1. I take it that the other 50% is owned by Tulloch?
  2. caleyboy


    Thought you lot would have grown up by now.
  3. Fraser - Duff - Munro - A truly local backbone reared thru the youth programme from age 12! Who says investing in youth doesn't work. Add Dale Gillespie to that lot and you spell SUCCESS.
  4. Now come on Smee - once a Dalneigh boy - ALWAYS a Dalneigh Boy - and PROUD of it too! :021:
  5. IMO one or two have been in situ too long and believe the club couldn't survive without their wisdom - time to take stock and move on!
  6. I am probably missing something but pray tell me how "Orion have done all right out of it"? Typical "heathmount pub" dealing again by the looks of things
  7. Will do his transfer value no harm when we sell him this summer :tic01:
  8. Yeah, it was a Caley Fan who waged a year long legal battle to court to stop the transfer of Thistle's Assets :029: No Tree it was a Jaggie who took the court action to freeze the Jags assets and eventually lost! Really. Do they have sarcasm down your way :017: Oh - what a klonker :splat02:
  9. Yeah, it was a Caley Fan who waged a year long legal battle to court to stop the transfer of Thistle's Assets :029: No Tree it was a Jaggie who took the court action to freeze the Jags assets and eventually lost!
  10. Very commendable Caley 100 but I wonder how many will do likewise when he eventually takes us back to the first division :024:
  11. :012: :012: :012: :012: :sillywave: :sillywave: :sillywave:
  12. No - just to smother you in your fav black and red top! :blah01:
  13. caleyboy


    Dale Gillespie has a chance
  14. But which will draw the biggest crowd? Ross's game was very last minute and they took Sheffield as they were about anyway. I think that Barry's testimonial committee have done a lot of work to bring a 'big' club. I'm pretty sure we'll see a sell out and hopefully we might see a few of the names we recognise from Liverpool. It'll be good to see some of the old faces back in an ICT shirt. You obviously weren't on Ross's committee then! No need to try and score points here LG. Wait and see what "Liverpool X1" actually turns up before blowing your trumpet. :018: :018:
  15. You'd be surprised just how many coaches in the SPL actually rate McAllister quite highly!!! In fact, if he was to be transfer listed I doubt we'd have much trouble in getting a few quid in our pocket for him when you hear some of them talking about him. Weird eh!!!! and which ones did you hear talking about him CaleyD?
  16. my uncles brothers nephew heard that zidane was coming out of retirement and heading north :023: I heard the same from my aunties sisters neice. But he's going to play for Brora :blah01: Aye PIES always had good connections but didn't think they went that far. :015:
  17. See from today's press that Man U are coming up to play HAMILTON ACCIES!
  18. You are spot on here Kingsmills. In the old days, John Fraser was always very critical of the way the club was run, right or wrong, but always refused to sit on the board where he would have had a major influence in the decision making process. Instead, he decided to voice his opinions outside the boardroom which did more harm than good. This situation regarding Sutherland is becoming a mirror image of how things used to be and it is a recipe for disaster. I think it is deplorable that Savage was denied the opportunity to rid us of that hut in front of the stand (erected in Sutherland's time) just because of politics. Both Sutherland and Savage obviously have substantial egos to fuel and they should air their views at General Meetings instead of trying to score points in the press!
  19. There is every chance that George Fraser could be the most sincere and valuable chairman this club has had. :022:
  20. Dont think so. I'm sure I can transfer or sell my shares to whomsoever I please and dont need anyones approval. Shares not yet issued would need approval of board. Unless there have been changes, the board must approve all share transfers and purchases. I do however stand to be corrected.
  21. Good point, but in order to afford Marius within ICT's regular budget he'd need to at least half his wage demands. And after the season he's just had I'm sure there's someone in Europe who'll take him on for a few extra 1000 ?s a week! I think Marius would actually be sensible to stay here. From what I understand he was getting worse each season- his last at Sporting was poor, Standard Liege was poorer and he was apparantly awful at Mainz. He's got himself back into the international scene so why not stay here, bang in the goals and keep himself there :024: Would be nice to see him stay but we can't afford him unless he comes into the wage structure of other players.
  22. He is but one or two of the ICT Family see him as a threat! :004:
  23. Why would Savage want to win our support? He is history and doesn't need support from anywhere. This is all a personal battle between Sutherland and Savage and as I have said previously, this is not the first battle Sutherland has fought and won (remember Doug McGillvray). Sutherland, by his own admission is very democratic but only if you agree with him. So long as Orion Group hold 12% of ICT then Savage is not history. Perhaps I'm just a very cynical person, it comes from years of seeing power struggles and takeovers in business. and the effect that has on people, but Orion have a 12% stake in the company. They could increase that with the right offer to the right people. Collectively there's between 10 and 15% of stock held in small amounts by a fairly large number of fans. I believe that around 43% is held in some form by the Sutherland empire, either in personal stock or held through various companies, so there is a majority holding possible. After all that has happened, if you can't see that Savage is history then continue to live in your little dream world of business power struggles and takeovers. Remember Ian Fraser, the man who put the money in at the birth of the club - not Sutherland as per yesterday's P&J. Sutherland made life so horrible for him he eventually sold his shares to Sandy Catto. You must also remember that the sale or transfer of shares needs the approval of the board so Savage has absolutely no chance of increasing his holding as Sutherland now has an even stronger say on the board. As much as Sutherland is applauded my many, if you don't live by his word - forget it.
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