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Everything posted by Johnboy

  1. Quite a few of the Rangers fans applauded Hayes goal today.....
  2. You should write to Rangers chairman Alistair Johnston or Chief exec Martin Bain about that. I'm quite sure either of these gentlemen would treat your complaint seriously and take the matter up with Miller. Can't think why you would have wanted Miller's autograph all the same....
  3. Nick Ross was badly missed, but even then - we were so much on top in the first half, we could have had it wrapped up by half-time. Johnny Hayes could have been MoM just for his goal of the season, but Stuart Duff was immense today - never put a foot wrong. It's unbelievable that he couldn't get a game for Aberdeen - given their present full back situation.
  4. By which time the points will already be wrapped up.
  5. Can't see it being anything else, which is probably why no one bothered to start this thread - until now.
  6. On the eve of one of our biggest and most important fixtures of our season thus far, why so little speculation on here as to how this game might pan out? The mood and belief in our camp has never been higher. I can't see anything other than a Caley win tomorrow. ICT 2(Rooney Foran) : Rankers 1(Miller)
  7. Nice one, Stan.... Although I do think you are a wee bit extreme with the : Aggressive policing suggestion
  8. I'm a wee bit concerned by this statement from the Metropolitan Police Commissioner which the Beeb has been broadcasting all day : Sir Paul refused to be drawn on whether they were authorised to shoot at the protesters, but insisted officers had shown "enormous restraint and great judgement" in deciding how to react last night. What on earth did he mean by "enormous restraint" that was shown by his armed officers? .
  9. No danger.... TB's clearly destined for much greater things than that. See here
  10. See here Who will they target as a replacement?
  11. Hmmmm.... They (the polis) have just called off Celtic/Killie and Dundee Utd/Motherwell... Think you will find they were postponed "on police advice" and not by the police themselves. Neil Doncaster has criticised them for making such an early decision. Yeah, but when the police issue advice they generally expected it to be acted on!
  12. Hmmmm.... They (the polis) have just called off Celtic/Killie and Dundee Utd/Motherwell...
  13. Could be they've been assured Willie Miller need not be staying on as DOF.
  14. Great news... Are these the Skye fans having received their briefs?
  15. I'm inclined to suspect that the game will be called off along with many others across the central belt. If the SPL don't do it, the police almost certainly will.
  16. Exactly Gringo..... As soon as I hear the man on the radio saying that "police are urging motorists not to undertake any journeys that aren't absolutely necessary", I just pull the bed covers further up, disable the alarm clock, and then shout for the chief squaw to bring me some coffee along with my P&J.
  17. It's good that the squad are in a confident mood approaching Saturday's game if this is anything to go by. See here I just hope there isn't a danger of over confidence, or even complacency breaking out in the camp!
  18. I wouldn't mind seeing Vigurs back at ICT, but I doubt it will happen.
  19. Should he? Just because of an exceptionally heavy fall of snow?
  20. Good omen! Last time we beat them at Ibrox he was the ref.
  21. Interesting article, with praise from an unlikely source. See here.. Who might he have in mind?
  22. Given the volume of snow across the central belt today, and the forecasts for the rest of the week, I confidently predict this weekend's fixtures will meet with same fate as last Saturday's.
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