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Everything posted by Johnboy

  1. Excellent call on Jim Traynor's "Your Call" from Jimmy in Inverness, who said everything I was wanting to say on that programme, but couldn't get through. He was absolutely right to suggest that Walter never gave ICT any credit for their performance today - also that the pressure the OF put the refs under has become totally unacceptable. Also Traynor and the Beeb seem to forget that their programme is broadcast the length and breadth of Scotland and not everyone is obsessed with what happens in Weegieland. Does anyone know who "Jimmy" in Inverness is?
  2. Yeah, he's not quite the finished article but when he is, he'll be the hottest property in Scottish football.
  3. Think Duff will still be RB, with McCann left-mid.
  4. I can mind going to Methil several years ago to watch a cup-tie against Dunfermline. At one point in the first half the ball clattered on to the roof of the main stand. I was puzzled when all the local supporters instinctively covered their heads with their hands. I couldn't understand it, but eventually the penny dropped when everything (and everybody) in that stand became covered in a fine red/brown layer of rust. Happy days...
  5. We're on a mad undefeated run - have been since St Midden on the 25th of September.... Long may it continue!
  6. Johnboy


    You should not be commenting on this case.
  7. Everybody goes downhill when they leave here..... I hope Robbo will come on to this thread to say his farewells.
  8. Celtic 3 up after 13 minutes - totally destroying the Saints and demonstrating once again the huge gulf between the top two and the rest. Doesn't really auger well for Saturday.
  9. Yes, most of them tend to read the Financial Times, or the Telegraph.
  10. It's just you, CrownJaggie! I look at the top of the table first, then work my way down until I find ICT - I call it "the power of positive thinking"
  11. Mahonio - You need to get over this now - The more you harp on about it, the worse it will get. Reputation voting is a system aimed at inarticulate yobs, who, unlike you, are so sadly lacking, they don't even possess the ability to string a couple of sentences together.
  12. Yeah, good luck at Methil, Robbo.... Don't sell your house up here yet though, there could be another managerial vacancy arising soon at Dingwall.
  13. :lol: Thank God someone's got a sense of humour!
  14. I wouldn't shed any tears if reputation voting was scrapped. What on earth is wrong with responding with a typed message to any post you strongly agree or disagree with? Thinking about what you want to say, and how you are going to say it can be a very worthwhile exercise, and very beneficial to one's education. I've noticed over the years just how much certain posters have actually improved their writing, spelling, punctuation, grammar, vocabulary, etc, just by submitting regular contributions to this forum. Posters like Miss ICT, Georgeious, Kingsmills, The Immortal Howden Ender and several others have actually managed to dramatically improve their communicative skills, by succeeding in an environment where our state education system clearly let them down badly. These posters owe CTO a huge debt of gratitude.
  15. It always bugged me the amount of stick that could be dished out to that young lad, FROM HIS OWN SUPPORTERS. Even when he wasn't playing some of the boo boys were more than happy to dish out dog's abuse on here. The same thing happened up to a point with young Nick Ross whenever he appeared last season. Even when he scored the only goal of a game against Morton, he was criticised for lacking a Tokelyesque physique. Thankfully he now appears to have shut up most of his critics in the best way possible. There's just no pleasing some people.
  16. Thanks Johnboy . Any time mate - no problem. Just give us a shout if you need anything else!
  17. Well if that really is the case - and I'm surprised to hear that - they should tell him to go and feck himself.
  18. Maybe this is why our attendances are so low.
  19. Yeah.... great report IHE. Good that you were allowed to see out the entire match. Pleased to read your comments on Eric.... He hardly got a mention on the radio commentary. I don't agree that Nick Ross will be warming the bench when Cox returns - just about the last man I'd take out that team just now.
  20. Shame we're not playing Celtic on Saturday..... They looked demoralised at the end of that. Certainly a terrible decision for the penalty - ref wasn't even in a position to see the challenge on Broadfoot - he must have been influenced by the shout from the crowd or the Rangers players.
  21. Cracker of a game for a change.... Celtic go 1 up on the stroke of half-time. Hopefully Rangers will have a few players sent off, or badly injured in the 2nd half.
  22. Just revealed on Sky TV, referee at today's match is Willie Colum - a teacher, who's subject is religious studies!
  23. Bughts Park would have been a superb venue if the infrastructure issues could have been resolved. As Charles says, the chances of a bypass materialising in the near future, are about as about as likely as Rangers chances of winning the Champions League.
  24. Indeed you are right in thinking that! See here
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