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Everything posted by Johnboy

  1. Got a line-up now that I would have preferred to see from the start.
  2. There but for the grace of god go you, Scotty..... If only you hadn't got so wrapped up in creating CTO!
  3. Surely you'll be there for the 1st half?
  4. Tuffey was many of our fans' MoM against Celtic, and (allegedly) was not responsible for ANY of the 6 goals. But yes, it is bizarre.....
  5. Good point, and very well made! It must be hard for TB, or any manager in a similar situation to strike a balance between fielding a side that would be capable of competing in a one off game in a cup competition, and yet keep in mind the importance of attempting to create a 3 point gap between ourselves, and the likes of St Midden on Saturday. I'm quite sure TB was hoping for more from the team he fielded on Wednesday night. You could argue he gave several of them a chance to make a name for themselves.
  6. Well we've just seen what happened to Lee Cox - TB is saying it looks like a broken ankle now, and he could be out for months. Bad enough it should happen to Cox - it would have been even worse had it been Hayes, Foran or Rooney. Cox is certainly not injury prone - by all accounts he was the victim of a really nasty, unnecessary and career threatening challenge.
  7. My God.... No Facebook? Could this signal the end of civilisation as we've come to know it?
  8. I would think most decent managers would be thinking along the lines of saving/resting key players for more important fixtures ahead. As others have suggested the CIS Cup is pretty meaningless - The Midden game is a massive fixture. Even at this early stage in the season, it's imperative we take at least 1 point here.
  9. Time to bring in some defensive cover on a loan basis? Suggestions?
  10. That would be my choice - kind of picks itself, although McCann won't be available. Surely be good enough for at least 1 point - hopefully 3.
  11. Yeah... Done, and best of luck from me too. Some serious competition there, all the same - especially DJ Knoxy. :licklips:
  12. It's interesting to note how much life that 6-0 defeat has breathed into these forums. All kinds of people have come crawling out the woodwork during the last 24 hours, many of whom I thought had disappeared altogether into a sea of apathy. Up until last night's result, it seemed like the quality of the pies at TCS and how long you have to wait for one was the only major talking point on here.
  13. You mean like they did with Niculae and Barrowboy?
  14. Could have been worse..... At least it wasn't another home defeat.
  15. Yeap... Very strong line-up, NJ... So strong in fact, that we probably won't need a keeper!
  16. Johnboy

    CIS Cup

    That's a good word!
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