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Everything posted by culduthel

  1. Charles, almost 40 years on I still remember that tetanus jab. Long and deep into the muscle as I remember.
  2. As they the solution is in their hands. Lets hope they are up to it on Saturday. As they say, better to stay up than to go down.
  3. Well done Sir Alex and the boys! You stuck it to Liverpool and that prat Benitez. With any luck, next week Newcastle will be relegated to where they belong. Now to make my season complete all that is needed is i) a victory over Falkirk for ICT; ii) a victory for Man U over Barcelona in the CL Final - what odds?
  4. I agree Kenny Dalglish. Saw him play quite a few times. Remember a battle royal between him and Alan Hansen in a Partick Thistle vs. Celtic game a season or so before they both went to Liverpool. Hansen was a great player in his position. Had " Jim Baxter " style about him. If I had ever have seen them play I woud have opted for Denis Law or Jim Baxter.
  5. Hope it is not "famous last words"
  6. Some people post some great links to excellent You Tube content - which then starts you on a journey of links to other great content. Saves time trawling through poor content looking for interesting stuff. Anyone found anything interesting lately that is worth a look? Have not worked out yet how to do the link stuff myself. Will look into that this weekend.
  7. Walter Smith and Rangers welcoming back Ferguson and McGregor into the squad. Hope SFA do not submit to pressure and welcome them back into Scotland squad. Soon we will be reading about how they are the innocent party and have been hard done by. No excuse for their childish antics. Behave like a spoiled child get treated like a spoiled child.
  8. Gosh, if we had applied the country of birth rule to cricket we would have had a number of Scots who would never have been allowed to Captain the English Cricket Team.
  9. Trying to choose between Fiji, Samoa and Tonga. All pretty cheap down here at the moment and only 3 hours flying time from Auckland. Might go skiing in the Southern Alps instead.
  10. I reckon he will last five games and then they will bring back Keegan.
  11. Supporting Scotland is the triumph of hope over experience. Why do we keep doing it ? We just managed to beat Iceland 2-1 - wow! The piece in Trainspotting shoud have been " supporting the Scottish team is s***e because they are c**p".
  12. The guy's a chamelion. The only thing missing are the independently rotating eyes. Though you can imagine him having them.
  13. Everyone seems to have them. Even though they do not truly believe in them people will still enact them just in case. The most obvious one is avoiding the cracks on the pavement. Johan Cruyff always spat his chewing gum out into the opponents half of the pitch just before kick off. What are your superstitions??!!??
  14. That would be Billy Nelson. He still does the Clach PA and often plays tracks from his own CD, including the legendary "Westering Home To The Ferry." Thanks for that Charles. You are right Billy Nelson was his name. I remember playing football against him in my yoof. He was an o.k. player as I remember. Did he end up playing for Clach ?
  15. Makes for sad reading when you remember the days of Dalglish - Liverpool Hansen - Liverpool Souness - Liverpool etc. and many other players from top sides. What has happened to all the great football talent we used to generate. Not one world class player in the squad and there has not been for a very long time.
  16. I was home two and a half years ago and went to a pre-season friendly match over at Clach Park. ICT were playing Clach and ICT won 6-0 or something like that. The Clach announcer that day was hilarious. Throwing in really funny comments and quips as he did the announcing. He kept the crowd on their toes wondering what he was going to say next. At half time he announced the attendance of the crowd at the match. From memory it went something like this - today's attendance is 760 people, two dogs and a bike! You had to be there. It was very funny because you could see the two dogs running around the park and the bike parked over by the exit. I think someone said his name was Billy. Can't remember his surname but he had a grand old Inverness accent. Maybe they should recruit him for the job at ICT.
  17. But how many of the pre merger brigade are now supporting ICT ? Why did you start supporting ICT ? What do you think of the stay away population I am 55 years old. I started supporting Caley at the age of six ( first game I went to with my Father ). Lived up The Crown but always made my way to Telford Street with three or four of my mates on a Saturday afternoon. At the age of sixteen I started to become slightly confused about my loyalties. I ended up on the Thistle Juniors Team. At that time we also trained with the seniors on Tuesday & Thursday nights. But I still kept going with my support of Caley. By the time I was in my late teens I had good mates playing for Caley, Thistle and Clach. So had an interest in seeing all three teams doing well. Never felt any animosity to Thistle or Clach, in fact would go along to their games every now and then even though I was still a Caley supporter I was overseas when the meger occurred and was suprised about how bitter people got when it happened. I started supporting ICT at the formation of the Club. Still always go to games when I get home. I know of friends who did not support ICT in the first few years of formation but are now fans going to nearly every game. An incubation period of about two-three years seems to have been about the average for those that felt badly betrayed. After all this time I am suprised that there is still a serious stay away population. Seems like an eternity to carry a grudge. Or they must be the ones that had something wrong with their brain wiring in the first place. Which ever way you look at it now - would you want their type back as supporters? Better off without them.
  18. Rugby is a gentleman's game.
  19. Ronaldo, I was in the 2nd. Down at Ness Church as I remember. I was in the Cubs originally and due to go up into the Scouts. My Father took one look at the Scoutmaster on the night we were supposed to join the Scouts and we were out of there within 2 minutes flat. Four of my friends also moved out of the same troop and moved to the BBs.
  20. Hard to tell. Looks like most of them on a good day!
  21. The Lights! The Lights! The Lights!
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