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Everything posted by lizi

  1. I have received a 3ft by 3ft pic of Liam Polworth in action in a cup winning game, I believe! I love it, but, if I put it up in my spare bedroom, my guests may not sleep! Shall I put it up in my own room and remain single for ever! No disrespect to Liam - it’s a great picture and Peter Paul said I should get it signed but...... would Liam want to come to my abode to sign it? Decisions decisions.
  2. I am usually classed as a Happy Clapper but......I totally agree with Gregors comments. It’s now time for ICT to be sorted out, from the Boardroom, to the Manager, to the team. It’s not working just now, so, get your thinking caps on or get someone in with a plan B. Please. ASAP.
  3. MAs an ICT fan, going home and away, I loved the Semi Final v Celtic and that game will always be one of my favourite memories. After queuing for ages for umpteen tickets for the Final, I became seriously ill and couldn’t attend. Friends offered to take me by wheelchair, but not possible. Awful! After all these years of following ICT, to miss the final. Watched on tv - not the same. Was delighted with the win, but, I wasn’t there. However I have wonderful memories - David Raven v Celtic, Nick Ross v Hearts at “neutral venue” Hibs! Games v Ross C.unty so good. Ayr with 7different goal scorers; ICT have given me so many good days out and the craic with those around me is so much better than watching games on tv. Thank you ICT.
  4. David Raven - if only for that goal against Celtic in the Scottish Cup Semi Final. Never forgotten and it’s a disgrace that he didn’t get a medal after the Final when subs who didn’t even play received a gong. They should have handed one over to him, if they had any decency or conscience.
  5. The best bit will always be David Ravens goal v Celtic in the Scottish Cup Semi Final. These memories even eclipse going to Bucharest and seeing ICT fans in the street and on sightseeing bus - wonderful days.
  6. Lovely to meet you in Sports Bar, Buffy. Hope you enjoyed your day despite the result. Happy Christmas to you and yours, except when against ICT! Love from Lizi xx
  7. Always sad to lose a legend for any Inverness Club. Sincere sympathy to his loved ones.
  8. Very well done Johndo ! Every “episode” made me laugh but, who told you about my “buns” !! I haven’t ever read such fun on the website - you have picked up on the various posters so well. More power to your elbow AND/OR your writing skills - your talents are lost in your current role. Merry Christmas and, see you soon for a hug at next ICT game you attend. Xx
  9. If it helps ICT, surely if cash, which is sorely needed, is forthcoming, then Thank You, and Welcome. Incidentally, where oh where, and When (even more important) is/are the Stadium naming sponsors? That’s taking longer than Brexit.
  10. Ps - yesterday was awful. No segregation of fans and if game had played til midnight ICT didn’t look like scoring.
  11. You may consider me a “happy clapper” but ICT are my first and only team, am a season ticket holder and go to the majority of away games. I certainly don’t go to the odd game not caring who wins.
  12. Maybe that’s why I overheard a comment in the North Stand today “where’s Polworth when we need him”.
  13. So what did Man of Match Charlie Trafford not do today to be dropped next week?
  14. Ps spoke to Sean Welsh today. He hopes to get surgical boot off in two weeks and maybe back playing around Christmas/New Year time. . Good news.
  15. Todorov had a good game v Queen of the South (I was there) and scored a goal but gets dropped today. Why on earth? On his worst day Toddy is better, more industrious, not scared to tackle, than White. I am fed up of White jumping and missing the ball. I am no football manager but fail to see the benefit Robbo sees in playing White week in week out for little return. I would have Todorov starting, with Walsh too and Keatings. Incidentally well done Charlie Trafford, he never gives up despite not being given a regular start. Carson a good signing, improving every game.
  16. lizi


    Why ? North Star will be full spread pages of the mighty Ross Co.nty and their wonderful exploits v the rangers via the assistance of Global and Uncle Roy.
  17. How come no Voting for players in this game? An oversight or?
  18. lizi


    Some people then need to apologise if they have spoken, or put on Facebook, words which on hindsight were inappropriate. We await.
  19. IHE - 39 not 19 at Dumfries and if you count all the persons in the photo of the away section, there was even more who made more noise than the whole of the crowd. Some must have sneaked in! If you watch film of the goals, you may hear my rattle being used each time - success! Happy days.
  20. What’s IHE’s fancy dinner got to do with ICT awayday at Dumfries ?
  21. Not long home after a good away trip despite two road closed diversions on way home just to delay us even more. A good three points and plenty Dobbie misses so we are well pleased we made the effort to travel, after being at Greenock on Saturday. Enjoyable craic and team played so much better than against Morton. More of the same for the next few Saturdays please ICT.
  22. I’ll be there and would be delighted to see your team selection there, excluding Storey and Doran and including Carson and Walsh. Now thats my dream team - would make long journey and lack of sleep so worthwhile.
  23. lizi


    Gosh - the Travel Club will have to book at least two more buses for all Jim’s true ICT supporters to come to Dumfries on Tuesday evening after giving up going to Greenock for the joys of spending money in Drumossie Hotel.
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