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Everything posted by Wanderer

  1. HT: 0 - 1 FT: 0 - 2 1st scorer ICT: Foran 1st scorer Opp: Stokes Crowd: 41,122
  2. Very much lapsed Stanton-era Hibee. Home games. Black, Blackley, Cropley, O'Rourke, Duncan, Schaedler etc etc. Real men, real fitba...then George Best killed it. Nothing against the legend that is GB, but, I mean... Then ICT presented a link to my Highland forebears and one inebriated evening later I was a shareholder, fan, match reporter, old git and, glory hunter (thanks Yngwie) when I turned up at Hampden. Journeys up and down the A9 and to the shires in the company of the LOTSW crew have been hugely entertaining. Did you know that an Aberdonian was found dead on a 'pay-as-you-leave' bus? I do, Mantis told me 324 times.
  3. HT: 0-1 FT: 1-2 1st ICT: Rooney 1st Opp: Rankin Crowd: 4183
  4. With the ebb and flow in a game and the confidence a goal can make it's perhaps not surprising that teams can often appear to play in two different mindsets during a game depending on the momentum. I remember this time last year it was the same but we were far from happy, rightly, with either the performances or our prospects in the league. It's a funny old game.
  5. Top notch reporting. Yer a natural at this AM.
  6. Jings, this thread again. It is exactly what everyone is saying. At home the vocalists are spread about, the stewarding is bizarre (for 'home' stewards) and the watering hole too distant. Away you have, these days, a sensible place to congregate next to the ground with the opposition fans and a good deal of banter and alcohol, a compacted support that provides the team with a focus point...Eric, next time you score an important goal at Ibrox, the other corner, ok? THE OTHER CORNER! There must be a lot of pressure for these young guys. Even in front of 2019 (WTF?) supporters yesterday the pressure to perform must be fairly intense...and public. A couple of hundred adoring away supporters are bound to make you feel a bit more comfy than 3000 of your own kind ready to jump on your back at the first opportunity! And don't forget there are hundreds of us out here who are away day specialists because we don't live north of Aviemore. Never have. My grandmother was an Invernesian...so when Naelifts suggested we buy shares in 'this new SFL club' I thought, yep...let's do it. The 90s, Caley Inn, Innes, TCS...fantastic; away days - among the best days of my life. The players (and Terry and Mo) are simply responding to a lessening of pressure and an unapologetic worshipping. Wouldn't you perform better?
  7. HT: 0-0 FT: 0-2 1st scorer ICT: Rooney 1st scorer Opp: Mensing Crowd: 3223
  8. HT: 0-1 FT: 1-1 1st scorer ICT: Foran 1st scorer Opp: Mc Guire Crowd: 7411
  9. Just noticed another fault...ICT lost a football match. Can you fix please. Your efforts greatly appreciated.
  10. HT: 0-0 FT: 1-0 1st scorer ICT: Rooney 1st scorer Opp: Murphy Crowd: 4152
  11. HT: 0 - 1 FT: 3 - 2 1st scorer ICT: Tokely 1st scorer Opp: Miller Crowd: 44732
  12. fish n chips n biscuits...what every footballer should eat
  13. Suppose this means his dulcet tones and sensible observations will not be gracing 'Open all Mics' on Saturdays. He had a great contribution last weekend when he informed Chico that Skacel WILL SCORE from this free kick...hoof, goal! Cue Chick greeting...and much hilarity from the other commentators! Good luck JR.
  14. Certainly very quiet in the office this morning. Had to sign on to CTO to understand why. Ooops <--- Why's our location not there? (I'm in Feyenoord City!)
  15. Well done lads. Another great away win!!!
  16. HT: 0-1 FT: 0-2 1st scorer ICT: Rooney 1st scorer Opp: Sammon Crowd: 4246
  17. HT: 0-0 FT: 1-1 1st scorer ICT: Rooney 1st scorer Opp: Milne Crowd: 3667
  18. Nearly Christmas isn't it???
  19. HT: 0-0 FT: 2-1 1st ICT Scorer: Rooney 1st Aberdeen Scorer: Vernon Crowd: 5,526
  20. He might have been a bit of a muppet but this is certainly one of my favourites!
  21. HT: 0-1 FT: 1-1 1st scorer ICT: Munro 1st scorer Opp: Lynch Crowd: 4568
  22. HT: 1-0 FT: 2-0 1st scorer ICT: Rooney 1st scorer Opp: Samaras Crowd: 28,968
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