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+06: Site Sponsor
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Everything posted by Wanderer

  1. I hope ICT have been practising their goal celebrations
  2. An observation: From 'Forum' if you click on Newsroom it launches the Home page in a new window. Take it this is just a result of ongoing migration. The improved Forum features/design are great btw.
  3. There you go :) I used that function as well and was a bit bemused to not see it in this version. Then I tried View New Content which not only opens what is essentially the same content as before but when you click on a topic it snaps straight to the latest post since you last viewed the topic. And that Scotty and Don was about the only criticism I had of the previous version. A grand job. Thanks.
  4. He's probably thinking George Harrison.... It would be quite a coup if somebody could get him to perform again. Who ya gonna call? Feb82000!
  5. Wanderer

    the Open

    BMI issues aside, the prospect of endless Ryder Cup, eh Ryder, Ryder Cup interviews with, with, you know, with ehhh with Monty, with eh you know Monty is a truly horrible, eh horr, I mean I mean horrible prospect! Sunday was as dull as dishwater. After an hour or so of the final group going out Oosterwho'she probably realised he could've putted his way round the back 9 such was the lack of challenge. Maybe the players' 'obesity' would be sorted if they carried their own bags...
  6. I feel this is tempting fate but here goes. Engineer arrived on time having called in advance that he was on his way. Did a million checks and concluded the 3.5 year old modem was the problem. Installed a new one with wireless (yummy!) and hey...problem apparently fixed. Just been on Skype for 30 minutes and not a dropout. Many of our big (though mostly foreign owned) businesses get a lot of bad press, but BT, from the call centre to our friendly engineer who was in the house for an hour, did a grand job today. Top marks. I'll side with Smee on this one...for technical support they really did the job. PS. It was tea, milk and 2 sugars.
  7. Some lovely designs here
  8. OK here we go... For the past month or so my BT Broadband connection has been chit. The connection drops out for 30-40 seconds every 5 minutes or so. It then reconnects without me doing anything. Ruddy annoying if you're live streaming or on Skype. But clearly a fault anyway. Have been online (when I can!) and looking at various blogs and forums it seems I'm not the only one with this problem. No obvious solution posted other than to change provider. I've been connected, successfully, with BT Broadband since 2007. Now it's a total waste of time. Today I had 30 minutes in a helpline queue then a reasonably helpful 30 minutes with a nice chap in India. (It would have been 10 minutes but he insisted on saying everything 3 times for some reason.) They've checked the line and are now sending an engineer on Wednesday. I don't expect any on here to give me a silver bullet solution but has anyone had the same problem? Did it get resolved? Should I be expecting to change supplier in the near future? Would a new modem help? Will I give the engineer tea or coffee on Wednesday? PS. Any suggestions for exceptional broadband suppliers?
  9. ...that was before, now he's blumenalright. Walking in a kibbutz wonderland.
  10. I see it's arrived in Japan...
  11. Did you notice whether you had any jewellery missing? Well the story goes like this I think it was in 1968 - West Ham had been playing at Blackburn. Blackburn had a very nice night club call the Carleton, I sometimes popped in there for a pint afterwork. The bar was deserted because Bob Monkhouse was on and most people had gone to watch him. I was having my pint, when a friendly blonde guy started chatting to me,( no not like that, before you start). He asked if it was a good club, and was there much going on. I just chatted on about this and that. I realised he was some sort of cockney or Essex type, but I didn't think much about it. After a while a few more guys came in very loud and in your face types ( The West ham united team ) , I still didn't twig, about my drinking partner, untill I saw a look of pain cross his face. I thought after he was glad of a bit of piece and quiet, which was now gone, after , this unruly mob came in, with most of the waitresses , I might add. Not for me this sort of carry on, so I said my farewells to Mr Moore and left to play the tables before I went home. I must mention he was a very friendly nice bloke, quiiet spoken, and glad not to be reconised. The little chap in the middle was the fullback Charles, funnily enough he was the one I reconised, I said "are you footballers"?, he replied in a very rude way, I shall not repeat. Did you lose any jewellery though :crazy03: I thought women wore Jewellery - certainly not me. A crappy old watch maybe. I know there was some acusation in Mexico about Mooore, but I don't think there was any foundation in the story. Pretty sure Mr Mooore was jailed for 3 years for that offence... Full story here...
  12. Impressive. Now if it had been Pam Shriver or Maria Schrarabova...that would've been a story!
  13. Rather good Scotsman article on the topic
  14. That wasn't my memory of last season. Up to Xmas the defence were only playing for 45 minutes, then we learned to defend from the front with Rooney holding and distributing to a midfield which grew in confidence in the new year. With better protection, the defence came good. If we have the same "strong defence" (Bulvitis has gone has he not?) from the outset in 10/11 as we did last season it's going to be a rough Autumn. But good news re. Tokes
  15. Colin Paterson, music journo Danny Baker, DJ & Worst Broadcaster of The Year Nicky Campbell, BBC's Head of Dumbing Down Any particular reason for license payers forking out for their air tickets?
  16. outstanding!!! :( Wandereto
  17. Gringo Jr. Howabout doing a sponsored walk from TCS to the top of the nearest Munro in tribute. I seem to remember reading he was doing the Seven Summits for a specific charity. Would seem fitting. 10 quid from me...might even join you.
  18. :D Yeah...great news. Congratulations Brosno and the (expanding) clan!
  19. I'm sorry guys... a 20 quid voucher from Timpsons in EK. POY Robbie Keane eat yer heart out!
  20. Well, BIG congratulations to Dewsburydude...who I had the privilege of meeting at QoS earlier in the season. Well done sir! Prediction League Champ :021: For me, I've been hugely disappointed by my efforts last season...I'm really thinking of a huge clearout and getting some journeymen brain cells in to make a push for the title next season.
  21. OUTSTANDING!!! Hats off to you all!
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