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Everything posted by FoolPhysio

  1. They are planning doing a Fifa 13 comp with a prize to the person who scores the most past Caley... That what they call "fantasy football" then??
  2. Laurence, I just had a look at your signature and it isn't true - I know of at least one long-distance truck driver who has been convicted committing a crime while reading a book - police charged him for dangerous driving. Mind you, it is as accurate as your posts on the referendum topic. While some of your points have certain validity, you persistently undermine it with reactionary drivel that actually does our cause more harm than good. You are Nicola Sturgeon and I claim my £5! Spelling OK for you this time DC? Nice to see someone actually reads my posts . . .
  3. "sentance" Eye halve a spelling chequer, It came with my pea sea. It plainly marques four my revue, Miss steaks eye kin knot sea. Eye strike a quay and type a word, And weight four it two say. Weather eye am wrong oar write, It shows me strait a weigh. As soon as a mist ache is maid, It nose bee fore two long. And eye can put the error rite, It's rare lea ever wrong. Eye halve put this poem threw it, I am shore your pleased two no. Its letter perfect awl the weigh, My chequer tolled me sew. Sauce unknown
  4. I take it that they have heard of the full stop! Every sentance ending in an exclamation mark takes away the emphasis and therefore the point of it! And just makes it look stupid, as if it was written by a 15 year old Media Studies student! Or perhaps it was!
  5. Feck that was close. Wonder how we will do against Celtic in the next round . . . ?
  6. Yes. I have also heard that they have sold out on all their hospitality and they have a waiting list for season tickets having been oversubscribed with all the thousands of supporters flocking to them. Plus Derek Adams took a weeks holiday in the Middle East and solved all their problems there during one lunchtime. Oh to be . . .
  7. They cannot stock a sports shirt because it is made by someone not owned by them? So they don't sell Norwich shirts in Norwich then. Or Italian replica shirts such as Parma's strip? They seem to be happy enough to sell Puma (Newcastle), Nike (Arsenal), and Adidas (Chelsea) though, despite not owning any of them. Sounds like a fopp. They obviously have some grudge against anyone who is not mahoosive in their eyes. Fair dinkum - limits them in certain respects but they make enough money with the stock they do sell so maybe they aren't that interested in all aspects of sport after all and are certainly not locally oriented but just another large soulless chain. Who cares? They can sell what they like. I seriously doubt that someone passes a JD sports shop, looks in the window, sees a strip and says "wow, how pretty, think I will start supporting them now". And you know when you buy from our club shop that it is the club that benefits, not some tawdry retailer.
  8. The referee was posted his "teams not allowed penalties" list post-match and realised his error for which he is now very contrite. Silly boy. He should have known better - there is only one team on the list and it is the same as last year . . .
  9. I am available to play for National team too. There - now I have said it using a public forum I can confidently sit back and wait for Levein to give me a call . . . :-) Tongue-in-cheek, sorry, couldn't resist. Don't agree that just because he has used a public forum that the first move has necessarily been made, as it shows a bit of cynicism towards the media in "well I did my bit it is him who isn't wanting to do what is right" BUT I also think that now it has been widely reported then there is now an opportunity for the manager (and it has to be the manager, not a lackey) to contact him direct and call his bluff. If they can grow a pair and act like adults then this "mis-understanding" can be put behind them and we can get an undoubtedly talented individual back into the squad and into contention for first team selection. However, the underlying problem remains - Fletcher will expect to be picked for every game if he does come back, since that was the problem the first time, and a manager should not be forced into such a situation just pander to individual egos.
  10. The only thing that has annoyed Paw Broon is the fact the referee forgot that ICT are on the "do not give penalties for only against" list. Soon made up for that by denying a later more blatant claim.
  11. Looks like the SPL did the Peepul a favour now that it seems McCoist has actually found his level - 3rd Division suits him. Oh, how I chortled . . . Arrogant barstewards thought they would just walk the Division and any competition they entered. How wrong they are. Opposition is not so diddy now you have to play them week in, week out, are they?
  12. Good one staggie. And you believe everything you hear from OTB??? :******:
  13. Yawn. Just exactly HOW would separation make us significantly better off? What is preventing us from being a successful, modern nation that would be a paragon of virtue to all and sundry? If wishes were horses . . . And bringing government posts from different parts of the UK to Scotland will indeed bring jobs - but will require us to shoulder the full cost of both set up and maintaining them. With Scotland already having a higher proportion of public sectors jobs per head of working population that would mean a much greater hunk of the tax take required to do so. False economy. It is human nature to want something other than you already have, and much of our Western economy has been developed to exploit this. Your separatist politicians are cynically doing the same thing. Firm facts and figures are required, but you won't get that for a whimsical notion of how much better it would be to be free, free, FREEEEEEE!!!! Bollards. Fact is, like it or not, what we have now is probably as good as it can be. Separating will not make it better, but similarly it may not make it worse. It will be plus ca change. Yet we will have had to pay for this divorce which we will probably be lumbered with for a long time come, get worse in the immediate term while we pay it all off and then we will have all that pain of stimulating regrowth just get back to where we are now. Who in their right mind would vote for that?
  14. Yes, this is another one of the myths that I keep hearing about. I have yet to find a Scot who believes, truly believes, that they are inferior to anyone. We might be the underdog, especially when it comes to sport, but we don't actually consider ourselves less than anyone else. If anything, we are aggressively superior in outlook. There is nothing we cannot be, nowhere we cannot go, no achievement we cannot attain. We already have that. We don't need to be independent to get it. I personally feel that it is patronising for the separatists to suggest that we are anything but masters of our own individual destinies already. Don't our achievements in science, medicine, engineering, commerce, arts, education and law already prove that?
  15. I feel you may be missing the point of the argument here. All of this would require time to sift and sort, and that costs money. If you decide you want to keep it (and I would suspect that like the currency and the Head of State you probably will) then you still need to change the operating name and arrange contracts of affiliation / memorandums of understanding etc etc. For those you don't want to keep as is, which your post already implies would be few and far between, then you would need to create a new body to deal with it. Very, very, very few would be scrapped outright. What is for sure is that virtually nothing would be kept exactly as it is just now (except aforementioned currency and Head of State). Either way, who is benefiting from all this except lawyers and political hangers-on? And how much would this massive re-branding exercise cost? And more importantly, who would be footing that particular bill and for how long? So exactly where would the benefit be, since we are already relatively autonomous in our own affairs? As we have been for long before the parliament was conceived in 1999. For an example of how a close neighbour can co-exist with a larger country on it's border and yet have a totally separate identify, which is after all what you are after, then go visit the Celtic puddytat. They are independent and exclusively manage their own affairs. And they rise and fall on the decisions they make. I am sure they are all delighted at the way they have massively prospered since their separation from the nasty Brits. I am not saying we are a direct comparison with the Irish but it is a hell of a lot closer than using the Scandinavians which are more of a foreign culture to ours in many ways, both socially and economically. And the one thing that we learn from history is that we never learn from history. So the point remains - how much will it cost, for how long will we be paying for it and what is the overall benefit in the end beyond vague promises of control of oil revenue? If this were a business venture then the people proposing this MBO would need to demonstrate the NPV and pay-back involved before any bank or venture capitalist would even dare investing in it. With so much being conjecture, we can only go by comparison with others who have gone down the separatist route and study them. Can you recommend any we should be using as our study sample?
  16. Posted Yesterday, 05:08 PM FoolPhysio, on 30 August 2012 - 10:02 AM, said: Attendance was only 672 though but well done to the ICT singing section who were more vocal in the 2nd half and kept encouraging the players when they were foraging at the Arbroath goal end. They must have found one more after the announcement at the ground then!
  17. I enjoyed that last night. Nice ground, friendly competition and spectators on both sides. No segregation and no need for it - fantastic. Herds of spectators moving from one goal end to the other (never seen that before, fabulous!). Team played with determination and competence, a good flowing style that utilised a lot of passing movement - there was still a lot of high balls up field that worked reasonably well most of the time but could be suspect against a more experienced SPL back 4, but no evidence of the old hoof'n'rush that we have suffered from in the past. And throughout I had an excellent chat with another life-long ICT supporter who is studying in Aberdeen and had also made the journey down to watch the game, good craic. Attendance was only 672 though but well done to the ICT singing section who were more vocal in the 2nd half and kept encouraging the players when they were foraging at the Arbroath goal end.
  18. How do you come by this? Will be leaving work shortly to drive down, just curious.
  19. Absolutely. But potential banana skins all the way.
  20. I came onto the scores late last night, with only 10 minutes to go in the various matches, and laughed so hard I almost crashed the car. Even if it is in the Who-cares Cup. Maybe it was a little schedenfreude, maybe it was a little bit relief after hearing for weeks how much better our tink cousins over the water were when compared to us, and maybe it is a little premature considering our test has yet to come in the match against Arbroath tonight, but that score line for the Staggies cheered me up no end. But how is it the BBC insists in calling it a “shock result”? They have only been in SPL for 5 minutes. They played a team they had been facing for oh-so-many years in the recent past and who were perfectly capable of beating them, being at a similar level. No shock there really. Kilmarnock – now that was a shock result (although Stenhousmuir famously humbled the shighty sheep a few years ago so not un-used to taking major scalps in cup competitions). But at least they didn’t have such a long journey back to their hovel to ponder on it . . .
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