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Everything posted by FoolPhysio

  1. FoolPhysio


    Is the online shop going through a revamp? There used to be a whole raft of kit available including headgear, ties and novelty items. Now there are only replica kits. Does that mean that if you want to get any these other items from the club shop you will actually have to visit it? Not a problem per se, but seems a dramatic reduction on what was previously on offer for no obvious reason.
  2. I fancy this one. As I work in Aberdeen I will probably be driving from there after 1700 (it can take at least an hour to get out of town and head south as well!) so if anyone wants a lift PM me. The Arbroath FC has the league price at £12 for this season - is that likely to be the same or similar for a cup match? Pay at the gate?
  3. I wonder how many of the boo boys would have been on their feet cheering if he had scored soon after being introduced though? Pathetic, really. The point of playing for the country is to put petty prejudices aside and get behind the team as a whole. He should at least be given his opportunity to shine.
  4. Nicely put Heilandee - my sentiments exactly. I have had various conversations with people around and about, including in the Middle East (yes, it gets as far as there) and I have yet to find someone who is fervently on the Independence side. It would appear that the support is not as widespread as the SNP would have us believe, nor do I believe that this will change greatly between now and the anniversary of Bannockburn. The undecided vote is the one that is being courted, but there is a strong probability that they will not turn out in any case or if they do, will vote along with the majority. Union it is then. My question is more regarding what happens afterwards, should the vote state that we remain a part of the Union. What happens to the SNP manifesto for 2015?
  5. So three wins, two (close) losses and a draw, making 10 points out of a possible 18? Considering wins were few and far between last season . . . can we get him every week?
  6. Yeah, I thought something similar so I went to Dundee's website to see what the ticket prices are - nothing (unless I wanted a season ticket!). Ah well, must be due to the uncertainty of which league they would be in which is perfectly reasonable thinks I, so off I pop across the road to their oppo's website and find . . . the same, absolutely nowt. Now why would DUFC not have ticket prices ready I wonder . . . ?
  7. What a load of P***H Both hilarious and pathetic at the same time! It's the comments below that are most illuminating - apart from one sad bleat at the start, basically everyone else is ripping into this "open letter" and calling it what it is. A refusal to accept responsibility and to blame everyone else for their current and future woes. Thankfully it seems this clown is NOT representative of the vast majority of Rangers fans. And I echo earlier comments that I feel sorry for them, the ordinary supporter, who is having to watch what they thought was a strong and proud team to be humiliated and pilloried.
  8. I have the horrible feeling that our Board will be waiting, hoping, for the critical 5 "no" votes to be announced by the other SPL clubs before they finally nail their own colours to the mast. It will be so much easier to vote "no" then when it is already more or less a fait accompli.
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