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Everything posted by alimci

  1. I presume Gary is the new owner (see reviews)
  2. That's a toughie. But I think Motherwell are safe, and I would like to think Fraser would give 100% to make sure he doesn't contribute to us going down. After all, that tells his future employers he can't play under pressure.... Although as I said elsewhere I would prefer Esson for his better penalty saving record.
  3. I'm going from Queensferry - where are you?
  4. Only about 3 mins walk from the ground - on the left hand side as you're approaching Fir Park from Airbles, just off the main road where the high flats are. It's more or less opposite the point where you turn off that main road and walk up to the ground. I can see it my mind but I'm not sure if that description makes any sense. Thanks, I'll try and find it if that's the venue.
  5. I'd rather he was staying with us as well. Although at the moment I would actually rather see Esson in goal as he's actually saved penalties and if we go down because we lose a penalty that would be bad beyond bad...
  6. Where is Jack Daniels? Only ever been to the Supporter's Club.
  7. In the new Europa cup format which incorporates the existing Uefa cup and the intertoto cup. This gives us two places for third and fourth in league + Scottish cup winners place. For next season only we have been awarded a fair play place which will go to the fair play team in Scotland. Thanks Alex. Must check out the new format...
  8. I'm baffled by the European places this season. I thought fourth place was supposed to replace the Cup runners up, but now people are saying Falkirk will be in Europe as well? And with the Fair Play spot, that makes six?
  9. IHE Is it possible because the guy is French, the quote you are making such a big thing of, which he made, in English, is not quite the way he intended it to be? How's your French, btw? And, just how many goals has he, solely, been responsible for? Then compare that to any of Munro, Tokeley, Fraser, Essen, Proctor and probably all the other defenders. Is there much of a difference? I think not. You, IHE, were one of Hastings biggest critics. At least you personally are not advocating his return, favouring as you do, McBain, at left back. But I do find it laughable that so many others are pushing for Hastings to get back in. Don't get me wrong, I think Hastings has been a great servant to ICT, but, in my view he has been found lacking this season, even before his injury. Clearly Butcher, unlike IHE, doesn't fancy McBain at left back, so imo he has had no choice but to give Lionel an extended run. He was very brave to start him at left back against Celtic, after his poor showing against Partick, but Lionel overall has not let him down, and I would be surprised if he didn't stick with him for the rest of the season. I agree. I also agree that when he gave the ball away yesterday and Offiong almost scored as a result, he could have lost us the game. But I actually like watching Lionel, and I don't think he's any worse defensively in LB than Proctor is in RB. What's wrong with Pavels btw? I find Munro's constant inclusion more annoying than Lionel's. Lionel at least has creativity (and if he'd scored yesterday from that long ball would have been a hero), albeit a tad raw, but all Granty can do is hoof. And as often as not, *that* ball goes to the opposition. Why not try Pavels and Rossco in the centre and Munro as RB?
  10. Wow, are we Hamilton in disguise?
  11. Not sure what has brought about the increasing realisation by the squad that they could actually acknowledge the fans. There was certainly very little of it in the past, barring a few players who did have a modicum of decency, regardless of the amount of noise generated and the final result. For whatever reason, it's good to see it though. Very annoying to be standing with your throat bleeding at the end of a game, only for the players to disappear down the tunnel without even turning around.
  12. 90 minutes of excitement is worth years back in Division 1? No thanks, I want us to be as safe as possible beforehand.
  13. Barrowman certainly put in a bigger shift than I've previously seen, but that just meant he actually put in 50% of the effort of the others rather than 10%. Would still rather see Rooney or Wood.
  14. Ah :018: I guess they built it like that to make Rossco look bigger :thumb04:
  15. Just to echo the others, a great fighting game, and well done to all. Is it me, but the new Midden ground seemed smaller than Love St. I was surprised by how small it looked for a new stadium. And their fans are shocking. They just sat like zombies until they got the equaliser.
  16. Annoying that no-one in Rangers did that last week. B*st*rds.
  17. Quite happy for all the players from the bottom six to be injured until the end of the season
  18. Hmm, so I can get in for a tenner but I'll come out and find no wheels on my car... We'd BETTER win in that case.
  19. Don't want any ICT player being called up and risking injury at this moment. Stupid time to schedule an international.
  20. Anyone seen the new ground? From the Midden website looks like it's still street parking only? I thought with a new ground there might have been actual car parks.
  21. I was impressed how the biggest away support ever at Falkirk managed to produce a 4-0 defeat. Maybe NO-ONE should turn up for the final game....
  22. All the aways. For the final game I'll be hiding in the wardrobe.
  23. Equally baffled. The last Hamilton and Falkirk were both packed and noisy. Even if a lot of the shouting at Falkirk was at the stewards.
  24. Unfortunately our team has shown this season that when the pressure is on in the crucial games, they bottle it and put in a terrible performance. If we go into that last game needing a result, we will get relegated. Edit to add: Examples of failing to rise to the occassion - v Falkirk in the league cup, v Falkirk in the Scottish Cup, v Falkirk recently in the league. Doesn't bode well! Totally agree unfortunately. My dream is still that Hamilton go down. I really hope that we can score first against them next time and then make them suffer their own ghastly time wasting game.
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