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Everything posted by alimci

  1. alimci

    New Kits

    what! :o ! This season one is black and red and Im sure its cursed!!! I completely agree. I *never* wear mine to games any more.
  2. alimci

    New Kits

    Hmm, I'm not drunk, I just can't draw... Anyway, the point is that you get a big I if you look from the front. Sort of. I can't decide on sleeve colour so white one season and black the next should keep everyone happy. Kit_template.bmp
  3. alimci

    New Kits

    I still think we should combine blue and red to make purple and black and white to make grey...nothing lost, no longer garish, no arguments about percentages any more, and unique in the SPL.
  4. Yeah, we are still in this. lets hope the HT teamtalk is effective. Hope so. He is an intelligent and articulate man, after all
  5. Sounds like going to the Falkirk Stadium might have been less frustrating... How can we have turned back into crap in four days? Falkirk are playing mince this season and we haven't been able to beat them the last two outings. We couldn't beat Hearts when they were sh*t, and they must have much more confidence now. Doesn't bode well for Saturday
  6. Why did Aberdeen release him?
  7. Damn! I was going to write BONDAGE and HANDCUFFS and LESBO ACTION just to see what happened
  8. Oops! I was getting ready to go to Falkirk tomorrow You Divvy! :018: Well, I could have come in on Thursday and said how crap the support was, and that the team were invisible on the pitch.... :thumb04:
  9. Oops! I was getting ready to go to Falkirk tomorrow
  10. Very entertaining game, great performances from everyone, and an amazing result. Shame about the Riordan goal, but the fact that so many Hibs fans left with 15 minutes to go showed how much we were dominating. Wow. It's nice to remember what leaving a game happy feels like :thumb04: :018: Only downside: Barrowman for Wood. An immediate downturn in performance. DON'T do that again...
  11. I'm not saying I don't know why Celtic have Irish origins, only why they should be so obsessive about elements of Irish history which happened hundreds of years before the creation of the club (and therefore have nothing to do with the club, any more than Culloden or the Clearances are relevant to Inverness as a football club).
  12. shocking if you ask me I don't agree that the wearing of poppies should be compulsory, but these people are imbeciles. Hopefully the media will ignore them. People died for their country. Some of them may not have wanted to fight, and some of the causes for which they died may not stand up to scrutiny. But the fact is that they died or were injured as a consequence and they deserve respect and support for that. But I have to confess I don't really understand Celtic at all and their obsession with ancient Irish history. You don't see Inverness players refusing to go to Fort George because it's a sign of English oppression.
  13. A lot of people would agree with that. But perhaps you could explain how booing him will help him get any better? i didnt boo him aye incourage him, but i would like to see a better sub coming on who would have a bigger impact on the game Too true
  14. Ah, Falkirk away - a speck of golden sand midst a sea of sh*t. I am more concerned about our back line than who is in goals actually. I think Mikey has done a good job and one extremely bad day at the office shouldn't see him replaced. On the other hand it does no harm to give Essson a start. He's not Zibi, at least...
  15. Artur Boruc is out of the next Champion's League games http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport2/hi/football/t...tic/7714256.stm
  16. A lot of people would agree with that. But perhaps you could explain how booing him will help him get any better?
  17. The problem is we're utterly crap. If you're good enough on the field, you don't need to whinge about one offside goal, you go and and create chances and pull back into the game. I guess the refs in the previous cup games must have been making things really difficult as well?
  18. I see Chelsea have sacked Rainer Bonhoff....
  19. I've always supported Ike but please bring on Esson. We need someone with more confidence for the second half. What's the record SPL defeat for any club? Hopefully not 12-0 on 1st November 2008. [sorry caleyonup, just read your message...]
  20. alimci


    From Alex's P&J link: "?Losing hurts but there is quite a good atmosphere at the stadium." Is he going to the same games as everyone else?
  21. Totally disagree with that. We had record points and were unbeaten after the split. And even on the losing run under CC the players played with a bit of passion. I could not believe how crap we were (yet again) on Tuesday night.
  22. The only positive from last night was that it only cost ?12 to get in. Two possibly bad decisions don't alter our total gashness over 90 minutes.
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