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Everything posted by PaderbornCaley

  1. Thats a vicious slur on my good name!!!! The ale will be gone long before 1pm :drinking06: As long as you don't drink all the cider again Dude!!!
  2. Terry Butcher is one of the best things that has happened to this club. Even, the PR that it has brought us has made us a more noticeable team in British football. Sam Allardyce got Bolton relegated twice - and promoted twice, and they stuck by him, now that he has left, they haven't been the same. There are far too many clubs changing their managers, and we have a management team that want to stay here long term. The position we are in right now is not great, but it will change. We could have bad spells and good spells no matter who is in charge, but I for one am glad we have someone of the calabre of Terry Butcher. Well done board!
  3. 10p (maximum) per bet, so is that bet there 3 singles? If so, that's fine. Welcome to the world of 10p Bowling! You won't be able to stop playing!
  4. Slightly off topic but, I was at the Glasgow City V Valur Reykjavik (Womens Champions League game) last night. A guy appeared with a big drum and the police wouldn't let him in with the drum. Absolute nonsense. It's hard to create atmosphere with overly politically correct red tape these days. However, I think that ICT are one of the best in the SPL in terms of crowd pleasing.
  5. I thought that sounded like your voice Dude!
  6. I'm not sure if it is specifically a language barrier, but possibly a communication problem. They players don't seem to be talking much to each other. In saying that, quite a few of the goals conceded have been individual errors. Golabart at Aberdeen / Dundee Utd for example. I think there are many factors. - Lots of new young faces trying to settle in to the Inverness life (wasn't to be for Aldred) - Injuries - which has knock on factors such as: Back line constantly being changed. This results in players taking longer to gel (possibly here's where the communication may struggle) - Lack of a leader in defence (again communication related). Tokely isn't really a leader. He's a good defender but not realy Captain material. With no leader in defence, confidence may be reduced if a mistake is made. Foran has underperformed as Captain this season IMO so it's difficult to boost confidence on the park. In terms of Tokely, i'm not too sure. Some games this season, he has been great, other games poor, so he can't be past it but is struggling to find consistency (but then again so is the whole team).
  7. In a sheer business sense, the SPL chiefs / clubs must realise that there is a strong demand for terracing. If they want to make more money, i.e. get more folk through the turnstiles, then surely re-introducing terraces / standing areas would generate this extra income as well as satisfying the customer demand. It's basic business.
  8. HT: 1-1 FT: 2-1 1st ICT: Tade 1st Opp: Thompson Crowd: 3412
  9. On another note, and I hope I don't open up a can of worms here but, who are the couple that have started bringing the St Georges cross to the games? It was at Dundee United and I jokingly said I hope they don't bring it to Parkhead. Low and behold there it was! We have a bit of an unfare reputation as being closet Rangers fans (in the eyes of many Celtic fans) and i'm sure they'll see this as more 'proof'. I have no issue with a St Georges Cross as we have many English supporters and quite a few English folk living in the Highlands and of course a strong English element in out squad BUT I don't like how the flag has a teeny wee St Andrews Cross in the corner. Get it sorted!!! At the very least, have a St Andrews Cross the same size, not smaller! Just a personal quibble. Can of worms open...
  10. They were certainly more lively in the second half. The whole stadium was buzzing. Green brigade chanting to fans at the other end of the park, and the other fans chanting back. Tremendous effort. Can we try this at Caley park? Should be much easier as all it takes is the North stand to shout at the main stand and vice verca. I could see it now. North Stand: CALEY! Main stand: THISTLE! CALEY! THISTLE! CALEY! THISTLE! I thought we have a 'if pigs could fly' smiley but can't seem to find it!
  11. Ahh I couldn't remember the other one that made me laugh! That was it.
  12. 102 out from the crowd prediction eh! Not bad! Out of interest Gringo, has anyone got the crowd bang on to the exact number?
  13. Well I stood the whole game at Parkhead today without any problems. Common sense is starting to prevail. Even Dundee Utd stewards were accomodating to those of a standing persuasion last week.
  14. Well first of all thanks to Johndo for making me laught at the 0-0 posts through out the thread. I came away happy today. I said pre match that a 2 goal defeat would be a good result (as long as we played well) considering this seasons form. We played well but lacked that finishing touch. If we had a striker like Rooney, we would have won that game. Yes, we are one player away from winning at Parkhead. Tade was outstanding. I went to a few bars around the stadium as usual, and after the game, one Celtic fan said that out of every player on the park, he thought Tade was man of the match. He ran them ragged and I can't help think how well we could do if he was re-deployed to midfield / right wing. Lots of positives out of today. The fighting spirit looks to be back, as opposed to the dire performance at Dundee United. Also, I must add, fair play to the green brigade today. No IRA songs, just fun Celtic songs. The banners they displayed (how did they get them in?!) were tremendous. After about 20 minutes I look up and see a a massive banner saying: NO STANDING. Then about 10 minutes later: NO SWEARING Then my personal favourite: NO AGGRESSIVE FLAG WAVING
  15. They were very instrumental in making the rules so I'm sure they, and their west end cousins, will manage to change them. Partick Thistle?
  16. Tweet fom NASA: The chances that you (yes, I mean YOU) will be hit by a piece of the UARS satellite today are one in several trillion. Don't think i'll be rushing down the bookies for that one!
  17. I'll be there. Meeting Crystal Palace Bar at 11am and then along to Bridgeton and finishing at LRT. I sent you a text you earlier......
  18. Celtic are conducting a feasability study into a standing area at Parkhead. They'll need to get around the ridiculous SPL rules, but hats off to them for trying. Now THIS is the kind of thing to get people back to Scottish football, not relegating a quarter of the league. http://sport.stv.tv/...at-celtic-park/
  19. County are terrible. I can see why they are near the bottom of the league. However, I thought Munro played very well. We should sign him in January. The BBC wanted a good game to show, well they indeed showed the wrong game. Looking at Countys current form, I had a feeling it would be a poor game. Of course, the media don't think like that and were still living off County in the Cup Final. The Central belt media still seem to rate Adams all based on a good cup run as well. I am delighted however, that there will not be an all old-firm final. Lets hope Hibs can pull off a surprise in the next round now. Anyone but the Old Firm.
  20. Where are the Trust bus folk likely to be going once in Glasgow pre-match? Most of the Glasgow based guys will be in the London Road Tavern prior to kick off......
  21. Lennon may come under quite a bit of pressure if Cunty win. Personally, I dislike the Old Firm and County. The Old Firm because of the bigotry that comes from them and County, because well, just because! Ideally I would like a County win to knock Celtic out, and then a team like Brechin or some one to defeat County in the next round.
  22. I don't know. I saw the Man U Chelsea game on Sunday. The chances missed in that game were amatuer level.
  23. Anyone else think that TB is feeling the heat? TBH the injury card is wearing pretty thin and his reaction to someone shaking their head at him was ott. We also have Foran in the press and journal apologising to TB but not to the fans who spent good money going to the game to support the team. Anyone else think something must have happened at half time in the dressing toom? We could clearly see tensions on the park in the second half between players eg at one point Esson looked like he was going to deck Proctor he was shouting at him so much. Cant think of a striker injured now and agree that really realistically we are missing Cox and Hayes so agree with above. Actually couldnt believe my eyes when proctor lined up at centre half in the 2nd half. BNo mention of Golabart being injured either! I think Golabart is basically a fairly decent defender who is going to be prone to bomb scare moments but inho we would be better with this scenario that Proctor. Butcher shouted up at a fan: 'Don't you shake your head at me!' Then another fan shouted: 'That was sh*te today. Get it sorted Butcher!' Butcher then shouted something ( I couldn't make it out) and waived his fist in the air in a rage and stormed off up the tunnel. He's very good at PR but seems to struggle with fans criticism!
  24. HT: 1-0 FT: 3-0 1st ICT: Tansey 1st Opp: Hooper Crowd: 47484
  25. Really good first half and didn't deserve to be down at half time. Tade was standout for me in the first half. Second half we were awful. I cannot believe Butcher put Procs on at centre half. Yes, Golobart made a mistake but would it really improve things with Proctor on?! In saying that, Procs had a decent game so maybe it was a shrewd move! I thought we had turned the corner but not now after that second half preformance. I'm really dissapointed that Foran has underpeformed this season. Another shocker of a game and he seems to have lost all confidence. Although, I would have taken Andrew Shinnie off before Foran (but I wouldn't dare tell his mum and dad that )
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