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Everything posted by Doofer

  1. Hibs! Really? Its hardly a step up. If he does leave then it is clearly for financial reasons. Why would leave a team 3rd in the league, semi final of a cup for one out of the same cup and in the bottom half of the league? Money!!!!
  2. Well that beats my journey of an 800 mile round trip from Wakefield. I don't get to make it to many matches so was very excited to make it to this one so I booked 2 days of annual leave, spent £85 train fare and for what, half a match. I'm not expecting county to reimburse me but I am going to write to the club and ask none the less as I think they should do considering it was not extenuating circumstances or the weathers fault.
  3. Having watched the oneshow the other day when the guests were the proclaimers it got me thinking. They showed a clip from the Scottish cup final when Hibs were in it of the fans singing Sunshine on Leith. Inverness really really desperately need a song, an anthem of such that the fans can really make their own to belt out at matches. Here is a clip of sunshine on Leith from a few years back but genuinely made my spine tingle. I am going to write to the club and see what their opinions are on this matter and maybe try and actually get something going. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sPXCNwBu_t8
  4. Hopefully the game against St Johnstone was a one off. In the absence of Vincent I would like to see Greenhaugh given a start as he has played pretty well in the games he has come off the bench. A good win this weekend will set us up nicely for the county match
  5. Should ICT and RC merge? What a stupid question!!!!!
  6. Decent draw and a home tie to match. Very good chance of another semi-final and with celtic out, its wide open
  7. It would benefit the atmosphere in the ground and it would make the ground look better but there is not the demand for it, not even against celtic
  8. We never get what our players are worth, where as other teams in the SPL do. Take David Goodwillie for example, Blackburn bought Goodwillie with an upfront fee of £2 million plus £800,000 in clauses. If a team was to come in for Billy I wouldn't accept anything less than £1m but personally I think he is worth more
  9. Tricky. Never easily to pick a starting 11 for the first game of the season, especially when so many new faces have arrived. The definites for me are: Esson, Raven, Meekings, Warren, Shinnie, Draper, Doran, Foran, McKay Not sure who the other 2 should be but perhaps Vincent and our Scandinavian friend who's name eludes me. I would like to see a very attack minded line up to hopefully get off to a good start with a few goals scored
  10. Thank goodness my wedding day is on an international weekend with both the scots and the old enemy playing on the friday
  11. Even if we are playing a lot of the lower teams in pre season friendlies, we aint half banging the goals in. I am feeling optimistic about the up coming season
  12. For any of the top European teams i'd be more than happy to pay £30-40 for a pre season friendly as long as a good number of their respected "big guns" were playing. Paying that for their reserve team would be a bit steep. £60 for bournmouth vs Madrid is a lot, but if inverness were to play them and it was the same price, somehow I don't think there would be an empty seat in the stadium
  13. I have always been one for equality and fairness and I do believe that men and women should get equal pay for the tournaments they enter - however, only if they play the same amount of tennis. In the men's singles, they have to win a minimum of 21 sets ( 7 matches winning in 3 sets in each) to win the title but the women only have to win a minimum of 14 (7 matches winning in 2 sets in each) this is at the grand slams. The men also could play a maximum of 35 sets in a grand slam where as the women would only play a maximum of 21 sets. so why do the women get equal pay for playing less? I think the women should get the same prize money but they should also play the best of 5 sets like the men. Women run the 100m like the men, a marathon like the men, play 90mins of football like the men so why not play best of 5 sets in tennis like the men? Not looking to offend anyone, just wondering what other peoples opinions are on this
  14. Had Salmond been sitting in front and to the side of Cameron, and had waved the Scottish flag when Murray had won - would this be in the news as much, no chance. It may have been a bit daft of Salmond as he would have known the cameras would be on him and Cameron but regardless of that, why can't he wave a Scottish flag in support of a Scottish sportsman? As my dad has already said, if he was sitting in amongst the paying fans, we wouldn't be talking about it now.
  15. Not the best strip the team has had, at least its better that the orange one we had back in the day. Sadly I did own that one!
  16. I am sure i started a similar topic last season so why not start it for this one as well. What are peoples expectations for the pending season? Personally i think the aim has to be for top 6 football. We did very well to finish 4th last season and for a club like our own, that was a massive achievement and one i am sure we are all proud of. Although i would be delighted to finish so high up the table again i think my realists brain has kicked in and top 6 would be great again. There are clearly poorer quality teams than us in the league and should be nowhere near the relegation zone. Hopefully these lads TB has signed are all future Lionel Messi's in the making. My goal for this season - Top 6
  17. http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/22619453 Glad to see terry is starting nice and early this year. Gives the new lads plenty of time to get use to each other and hopefully have gelled together by the start of the new season
  18. Firstly i would like to start by saying what a tremendous season we have had. The club has exceeded all expectations i think. If we had been offer 4th spot, to be above county and a cup semi final at the start of the season we would all have taken that there and then no questions asked. To miss out on Europe on the last day is gutting but the season as a whole has been a resounding success and the team and the fans should be very proud. As for the game itself today, where do i begin? As i was watching the game on the tv (in a pub with no sound) i cant comment on the atmosphere but heard it was pretty special, especially at the end of the match. The game itself was an absalute shocker from an ICT POV. Second to everything, no creativity, dodgy defending, playing hoof ball to a short striker, very inexperienced midfield (why did TB not start with ross and/or sutherland?) the list goes on. One of the poorest perfomances i have seen for ICT if i'm honest. It looked as if they didnt want to win the match and you would be forgiven to thinking that it was county going for europe and not us. In the latter stages of the game i was laughing to myself because it was comical to watch how bad we were. All in all it was a bad day at the office for us but a successful season so overall, i am a happy ICT fan
  19. Well looks as if i was wrong then. But i am glad to be on this occassion.
  20. He'll get 4 or 5 starts to begin with like Rooney did and if he doesn't make an immediate impact he will get chucked on the bench, Used as a sub every other game and be lucky to grab 5 goals. Wrong move IMHO
  21. 1. Barry Wilson 2. Charlie Christie 3. Ian Stewart 4. Jim Calder 5. Dennis Wyness
  22. Excellent news, also fantasic to hear that draper and warren have signed extentions. Keeping this team togeter is vital for next season's top 6 and european push
  23. I knew it was elvis and it may not be completely unique to ICT but celtic and liverpool both sing you'll never walk alone so why not have this song as ours.
  24. There is that elvis song (i hope im right there) that a few lads sing at most matches. Get that played on the tannoy and have the lyrics in the program. ICT then have a song that they sing and other clubs dont, our anthem if you like - problem half solved
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