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Everything posted by davieB

  1. Dargo is by far our best option up front. Anyone who thinks that Bayne or Wyness is better must be living on a different planet. As for this pish about CC showing who's boss......will he be doing the same with Brown and Dods then? It's quite obvious Brownie is looking at getting away, so bench him then CC. Dods has already signed for someone else....the bench for him next week then? If Dargo was undecided before today, I don't think he will be now. We have few genuine class players, it's fecking annoying when the ones we do have are sat on the sidelines. Personally, I really don't care if Brown or Dods leave, but I fear for us if Dargo goes. The thought of Bayne/Wyness being our first choice strike partnership doesn't inspire me with confidence at all.
  2. Fuxake.....I fecking hate Aberdeen :008: :008: :008:
  3. Get in there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! C'mon, hold on now boys........
  4. Is Wyness still on??? I haven't heard his name mentioned once in the second half. If CC is wanting Dargo to stay he's not giving him much encouragement to at the moment.
  5. McBain's always been a decent player for us, and I think some of the abuse aimed at him is totally unjustified. Yes, there have been certain games where he's been anonymous, but the same can be said for many in the team, and they don't get the abuse that Roy gets. Saying that, I don't think I've ever seen such a one footed player in my life!! It's very noticable how often Roy turns back onto his left foot, even if that means halting a move. You would think players at this level would have the ability to use both feet to some degree(I know he can use his right as I've seen him do it!). The bloke does have bags of skill though, and one of the things that does annoy me sometimes with him is that he seems to lack the confidence to take players on. Often in one on one situations I'm thinking 'Skin him Roy!' but his preferred option seems to be look for someone else. Personally I think he's far better suited to the centre of midfield, rather than being stuck out on the left, and CC seems to see the same judging by the last few games. Certainly a player who doesn't get the credit he deserves IMO.
  6. I agree with most of what's already been said. It pisses me off when the club comes out with statements like this. It's seemingly obviously to everyone, bar those involved with the running of the club, that our ticket prices are an embarrassment. My brother and wee nephew came up on New Years Day, and I took them along to the St Mirren game. If I hadn't had the foresight to buy the tickets in advance I'd have been paying an extortianate £35 as opposed to the £22 I paid. The club having the cheek to complain that locals are not turning up when they're charging such prices is insulting. I've said it, so have many others, time and time again......if the club want to attract more people along then set prices at a realistic level. It'd be far more profitable to sell off the 3000+ empty seats every home game for a nominal sum than to have those seats remain empty.
  7. Good draw at home :021: Nothing to fear about either of those two. Bit of a bummer draw for Deveronvale mind.
  8. davieB


    Is that you on top of the Cobbler in your wee piccie thing there Mantis? Spent many a fine day climbing, summer and winter, there(some miserable ones too!).
  9. davieB


    Hmmm....Rory ahead of Dennis and Dargs :024: :024: :024: Anyway, good to see Denzil finally back on the scoresheet. For my next thread I was going to go for 'Roscoe and his inability to pass' and see if it has the same effect. Any other suggestions??
  10. Paisley???? Pah....my brother and nephew are flying up from Wales tomorrow to stay with me for a few days, and the highlight of their trip is their first ever taste of watching the mighty ICT!! So it'd better not be called off :007:
  11. davieB


    I agree that playing him in a slightly deeper role could well be a good move. There's no doubting his talent and that may well utilise his skills more. I also agree though that him and Dargo are our best option up front. Some of their link up play can be fantastic to watch....at times. I'm just worried that if Dargo does go then presumably our preferred striking option would be a Bayne/Denzil partnership, and I've yet to see anything that suggests the two play well together. He's obviously very low on confidence at the moment. I've noticed on quite a few occasions in recent months when a chance comes along, where the Dennis of old would have just pulled the trigger without a seconds thought, the Dennis of just now seems to want that extra touch all the time.
  12. What's the best way to the ground coming from the north Harry?
  13. davieB


    Just looking through his stats and while I knew it was about 20 light years since he last scored a league goal I didn't realise it was as far back as the 4-2 win at D.Utd last Feb!! If that was any of our strikers I suspect they'd come in for a lot more stick than Dennis does. To be honest, apart from the odd game(Rangers midweek), his form has been very poor in my opinion. I know people go on about his touch, his ability to bring others into play etc etc.....but his job is to score, and for a scorer to have not scored a league goal in nearly a year that's pretty poor form in any book. Denzil really needs to get his finger out, or CC needs to conjure up a goalscorer from somewhere, because if Dargo decides to leave then our options up front are severely fecked. I realise that by posting this Dennis will now go and hit a hat-trick tomorrow against the Midden.......fingers crossed.
  14. I've no idea what the answer to Blackies problems are, but I'd hate to see us lose such a talented youngster because of his inability to control his temper. For the first few months of this season I thought he was a shadow of the player we saw last season, but over the last couple of months he's been back to his excellent best IMO. However, I appreciate that their's a serious problem when a manager has to sub a player before he inevitably gets himself sent off.....Dunfermline last week. What's annoying is that last year we were all moaning that he was getting silly bookings because of his inabilty to time his tackles correctly. This season he seems to be picking up cards for the most stupid reasons...kicking the ball away, backchat etc. I wasn't there today so can't comment on what happened, but if there's any case for even the slightest bit of defence then I do think his reputation has earned him SOME cards that others would've got away with. Most have been deserved but some have been very harsh. Like I said, I don't know what the answer is, but surely it's not a problem that is beyond resolving. Maybe CC should give Mr Ferguson a call and ask his advice....
  15. Well Caff is more than an able replacement in the the short term. Assuming Dods leave then defence is an area that CC will HAVE to look to strengthen.
  16. It's the fact that most of his bookings are for for such trivial thinngs....kicking the ball away, backchat, etc that's so annoying. Thing is, he's been excellent for the last month as well. There's other players who need a kick up the arse. I've said it all season, Rosscoe has been absolute gash, yet week after week he's on the pitch. Just because he's a 'legend' shouldn't give him automatic selection. McBain....contributes very little. Rankin....3 great goals, but very little else to show for our £65k. It was so inevitable this would happen today :007:
  17. Back to the usual pish, what a load of utter bollox :008: :008: :008: How can we play so well against Rangers and then serve up complete dross against the so called 'lesser' teams? Thank feck I didn't waste any money going down to see that *****.
  18. If Dods leaves how about going for that Italian bloke Canavaro??
  19. A quote from FollowFollow... 'The home support were chanting Sebo's name more often than we were - shows how uterly shyte he was He is fast becoming the new Jason Lee' SEBO SEBO SEBO!!!!!!
  20. And do they just pick a name out of a hat?? It always seems such a random choice and very rarely do I agree with it. I presume it's the match sponsers? Dennis WAS very good tonight, as was everyone, but both Bayne and Hastings(my POY so far) were immense.
  21. Saturday was one of the worst performances I can remember from us, tonight was one of the best. Absolutely feckin brilliant. With better finishing we could've put 3 or 4 past them. I'm still grinning like a mentalist :001: :001: :001: Now, feckin perform like that on Saturday and Monday boys!!
  22. davieB


    Ermmm....how does me disagreeing with you constitute me moaning??? :017: Maybe those at yesterdays game should've come out with 'another point gained, another clean sheet, some decent football by us, and the boys gave their all but didn't quite get the breaks. More of the same on Weds please. We've come a long way in such a short space of time' instead? As I said earlier, this is a discussion forum. However, those critical of the team are readily subjected to a flaming everytime they dare type anything different to the opinions of the 'glass half full' brigade. Me? I'll sit in the middle, I'll criticise when it's justified, likewise I'll praise when it's deserved. Anyway, I'm away to get pished. Have a good one all.... :001:
  23. davieB


    What's the point in having a discussion board where anyone who criticises the team gets a slagging? I'm certainly not one of the 'get rid of CC' brigade, but if some people have those opinions then so what? I find the counter argument of 'we should be grateful, look have far we've come, we're just a wee team punching above our weight etc etc' equally absurd. We are now in our third SPL season. We're an established SPL team. We have earned the right to play all the top teams in Scotland. If we play pish then I'll say we played pish. If we play well, then I'll be full of praise. Unfortunately, IMO, we've been treated to some absolute dross this season. I don't see the point in covering over that fact with the argument of 'oh well, lets just be grateful we're here'. The simple fact is that some people don't expect us to win every match, far from it, but some of us would at least like to see us lose playing some decent football. I've no doubt the players go out every week with the intention of giving it their all, but all too often this season it's just been mindnumbingly boring to watch. If the team continue putting in performances like yesterdays(against by far the worst team in this league), then how else are people supposed to react?
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