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Scarlet Pimple

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Everything posted by Scarlet Pimple

  1. Looking carefully at the overall financial position , changing horses in mid-stream is folly. Robbo is probably doing the best he can with very limited resources. If an injection of funds is expected at this point then from whom would all this money come from? It does look as if the Board members are not inclined to inject personal money into the club or is my understanding of this situation not correct?
  2. I have to say that I do empathise with Robbo and his challenges. He seems to have the right spirit and ,let's face it, he took over a dying duck. As to motivation I am not sure that he quite has all the marbles lined up in a nice row but how do we know anyway, unless we ask each player individually of their opinion of Mr. Robertson ? And are some of them really old enough to fully comprehend what his ambitions are and how he will try to achieve them when he is now drafting in the younger set? After all, a Manager who even tries to spend money wisely can still come a cropper through injuries to players , one bad transfer and trying to make sure all his changes are fluid and work? But liking a man for his efforts will probably not cut it in this ICT situation where we are still wondering if anyone on the Board has any real football smarts or are just there for the ride so to speak. Frankly I am also wondering if many other Managers in this division also have the same frailties and lack of money that plague us. It seems like a disjointed framework all -round and not likely to change radically before the season ends. And not at all, season to season , UNLESS a large sum of money is injected into the mix to galvanise the major changes needed that are readily apparent. Comments please?
  3. That was quite a read and leaves me drained. It does raise the question as to whether or nor Robbo is the Man for the Job? But, if so, then who is and where would he or she come from? Unless there is a dramatic rise in effort and an upped tempo then this season is a bust. Many parts of the Ross County game showed us up well but that too faded and R C were in command again by the end of the game and accordingly won that game. A winning team does nor fade or throw in the towel because the spurts of energy and effort has a fading spell. They keep at it and that is why I ask..."are they as fit as they should be for professional players or are they very young boys who need a lot of encouragement? " The team seems to be disorganised and lacking solid direction --either that or the players we have just won't be able to handle it?
  4. Ryan Dow--great set of teeth but his ice blue eyes could preface a steely warning stare waiting to break out to stop the opposition in their tracks. Looks fit though? Anyway hope he might be a hard running player who can get the ball into the area of the net for someone NOT to miss a good chance to score ?
  5. I looked at IHE's remark again and I think you are right about the target of his thoughts. So relieved 'cos I like the grumpy old sod, I really do. Our promotion Bucket? Well you just never know. I see Celtic are slipping and the Rangers gave them a pasting lately. Good , A bit of humility from Celtic's officials would be encouraging.
  6. No problem Buckett. It takes all kinds to make a world. Without the darkness you would not be able to see the bright light and what it shows up. What I do remember about the Whitecaps was once when Willie Miller ran almost the length of the pitch to score a great goal and that was a real highlight for me. Cheers! And a very happy and productive New Year to you and yours.
  7. Comments noted IHE. Somewhat nasty are they not? Ever thought of contacting a member quietly and off-site to discuss your challenges? You are a smart guy and knowledgeable but getting in too deep with sarcasm and rudeness will not serve you well. Over and out, Biggles.
  8. OOPS ! Well that is disappointing. Not yet seen the video but it sounds as if there may be a lack of an ability to direct the ball accurately and near misses don't count I'm afraid. I was just reviewing Mantis's video of the Morton match and that's also the fact --too many reasonable chances over the bar or just plain not on target. The boys seem to be playing very well but truly the finishing needs a lot more work. e,.g Why so many balls too high and/or over the bar or, whether left or right, missed the goal completely. Maybe instilling a little more composure might work? I don't think it can be solely Robbo's fault but he should be making the boys practice shots on goal, definitely. And then practice ...and practice...…
  9. A breath of fresh air...………………….
  10. Hope you enjoy the game. Could be a corker. And a win for ICT would. be the icing on the cake wouldn't it? Today I had a talk with one of the Maple Ridge, British Columbia, major City Officials when he came over to my house to discuss a couple of complaints I had about the damage Yobbos have been inflicting on cars as they enter and come down this street because it is a shortcut for them. We had a successful meeting and a new firm friendship has been established. Which is not surprising since his name is Frank Quinn and he is of Irish background and likes football and he knows quite a lot about our team Inverness Caledonian Thistle which surprised and delighted me. It's amazing what you learn and can achieve by talking openly to people.
  11. In that case J.R. should ensure that he gets a game or two. Otherwise he won't be any good to himself in the long run and if our current main goalie gets injured then who would we be able to count on? Dunno !! I'm only an "out-of-touch" Canuck. Smile.
  12. Hi Scotty I am not a devotee of North American football since I live at least 45 odd miles away from the Vancouver Whitecaps stadium, having moved out of the Vancouver area and going Eastwards because the house prices in the city were getting utterly ridiculous. Joined by many others of course. But that's very interesting so thank you and we shall see what transpires.
  13. Manfer's comments flow from wisdom and a touch of irony still left in his bones and not from any desire to put-down anybody else's comments. Watch out for that wily old fox and pay attention, Corporal. "Ja mein Herr! Das ist gut "
  14. Not quite sure what you mean BDU. But my thoughts are running along the lines that the Vancouver Whitecaps new management might have difficulty in finding good players at the drop of a hat and might wish for players with at least NASL experience since a new Manager has his or her hands full right from the word go. Also I would expect that they would be quite prepared to buy out any residual contract affecting ICT' so that our Inverness team will not suffer. Having seen the films of roaring fans in their thousands I doubt that that club is running on monetary fumes! Have I answered your rather deprecatory and cynical thoughts now? Frankly I really don't give a hoot for the Vancouver team but thought an opportunity might be there for both OFW and Caley Thistle to benefit. Now, you have a merry Christmas tomorrow, BDU, and also New Year when it arrives. And the same to all loyal ICT fans and friends.
  15. The Vancouver Whitecaps (Canada) are in turmoil right now due to their sacking of their Manager--an Englishman.-- who has been there for at least 3-4 years. Anyway, if OFW needs a new club he could do a lot worse. It's a beautiful place to live and their fan base is massive (upwards of 100,000) in a growing sport and they have had quite a lot of past success. What also matters is that they appear to have the money to pay him a very good wage. This transfer would also reduce ICT's wage bill and if the Whitecaps need a spare goalie then the transfer fee would be good for the ICT bottom line as well. Hope someone suggests this to him?
  16. Home Sweet Home Scotty very soon. Wheeee!
  17. Foul!! You mean you went all the way to North America to see that kind of ball -play? Takes all kinds.... WHEE--Off topic. …………. But thanks for showing that nice picture of La-La Land.
  18. My wife has bad cancer and I am about to personally visit the Uro;logist --in some trepidation I do admit. So my heart is with you Scotty. Hope all goes very well. Scarlet
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