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old caley girl

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Everything posted by old caley girl

  1. Good post Scotty. Was fuming listening to Chic Young on saturday night sprouting rubbish and Gordon Chisholm is just at it.
  2. H-t 0-0 F-t 2-1 1st us Rooney 1st opp Weatherson crowd 3011
  3. I think the design shown above is great. However, if we all like it then thats probably the kiss if death for it.
  4. I agree, so friendly. As we approached the ground one of the many loitering stewards pointed out the appropriate turnstiles and said, 'Hope you enjoy the game...' Brilliant! Others we encountered were just the same, as was the copper standing at the top of a stairwell inside the ground. Very genial. A refreshing change Agree. As we approached the ground the steward pointed out the parent and child gate and also wished us to enjoy the game. It was the same at Dunfermline the police told us not to go into the ground right away in case it did not go ahead due to the snow and to go and get a cup of tea at the neighbouring garage. The stewards were also really pleasant and when we paid to go in the gateman told us to hold onto our tickets in case the game was abandoned and we needed to get out money refunded. Seems to be really friendly set ups at both grounds.
  5. Proctor, Bully and rooney for me.
  6. Just home from game. Crap first half but never really looked in serious danger of losing a goal. 2nd half wow 4 goals.Good crack in the away end which seemed to be appreciated by the team. Now we're scoring well and defensively we looked fairly solid and no Lionel thank goodness. Must have been Roy MacBains birthday as he actually got on the park. Bully came over to celebrate in front of us when he scored. Shocking home crowd though and not many left after the 4th goal as most of us let them know. Hope we can keep this going. Even Im starting to believe that we are still in with a chance of going up and the County double headers and Dundee away are looking like must win games.
  7. H-T 1-1 F-T 1-2 1st ICT Rooney 1st opp Russell Crowd 2,103
  8. Maybe the gagging order has spread to Fife?
  9. Hi John I work in Fort augustus and the most frequent place for the mobile unit is at the fire station. It is there quite regularly I understand. Another regular place is on the straight at Aultsigh between Invermoriston and Drumnarochit. They are both on long straight places of the road. the fort on as you come onto the 30mph bit and the other one is on a 60mph bit. The police in Fort also have a gun device which according to local rumour can catch you from 1 mile away. It has a display on it which lists the registration numbers of several cars so I suppose they can catch several at once. Best to stick to 20mph in Fort as most of the locals now do as seems to be too easy to get caught BTW have never seen mobile signs at either location but as already stated lots of signs along the A82. Watch the straight at Bridge of Orchy too if going down the A82 to the matches - another fav place for the mobile unit on a long 60mph straight.
  10. Hopefully me plus 3. Anyone know of a family friendly pub within walking distance of the ground?
  11. Really funny guys. Sorry I missed seeing this but had flu. Especially loved the conga led by the birthday boy!
  12. H-T 0-0 F-T 1-0 ICT na 1st opp Kyle Crowd 3,978
  13. Dont think its anything to do with lack of content. i think youll find this is the way the prog is going to be from now on guys.
  14. Someone behind me used the exact same description a 'little Hitler'. He was very poor throughout the game, whistling at every opportunity and usually giving the wrong decision. Whilst pleased we won I left the game with a sour taste in my mouth. My seat in the main stand didn't give the best view for our second penalty but it looked like a highly dubious award. I thought the Partick defender got the ball and then Rooney either dived or went down very, very easily. Perhaps someone with a better view can give an unbiased opinion so I can savour the win guilt free. I watched Butcher speak to McCall at the final whistle and he seemed to indicate he didn't think it was a penalty either. Savior the win Kencar. Over the season these things will even out decision wise. Great result today. Come on the Caley Jags!
  15. H-T 1-0 F-T 2-1 1st ICT rooney 1st Opp Lovell Crowd 3125
  16. sorry Scotty I did mean those at the match and I in no way think it is the majority of folk on here. I enjoyed the match and a good win and did'nt really expect negativity from anyone at the match last night. Maybe I did'nt express myself properly.
  17. Nobody is saying that all our players are perfect and some of these things are perfectly ok to say especially on here but at the games we are "supporters" and hopefully can give a lift to our players on the park.I actually agree with some of your comments but would never boo our players on the park. With regard to Allison well just because the of do it doesnt make it acceptable.
  18. Does it matter? There was food and drink and thats all that really matters after all and no queue when I went either.
  19. Here Here. Ive come to the conclusion that some people on this site are never happy. We beat a SPL side with a bit of flair for heaven sake. Ive been going to football matches for over 30 years now and have never heard players abused in the way they are being lately.Like Harry I also was not happy about the heavy handed stewarding sometimes but some folk seem to be getting out of hand. I understand it wasnt everyone in the section but agree with telling folk to sort it out.
  20. TB doesnt seem bothered calling him "Lazarus" on the club site.
  21. Kingsmills club was in darkness after the game so I suspect uptake was not enough to open.
  22. Came into the ground just after kickoff ( after selling programmes) and there was still a huge queue at the shop waiting for kids tickets. Bit of a shambles all round. Also it was not clear in the earlier publicity that it was 1 free kid per adult and this caused a lot of confusion as well.There also seemed to be a particular problem if you had more than one child as you had to pay for one and get a free ticket for the other and the turnstiles couldnt cope with this. For all the kids that were there compared to a normal gate could they not have just let all kids in free via a turnstile. Totally agree with the voucher idea as well. totally agree that this showed our club in a poor light to Motherwell fams but it was clear on their website that tickets had to be purchased in advance but not that it was only 1 free child.
  23. Great result and I must admit a bit of a surprise on a night I was just glad to see a game at last. Poor Mwell side but good performance from us and really classy goal celebration from D Imrie esq. Killie pies next round a definite bonus. Hope this good feeling continues.
  24. According to the Motherwell website thepitch passed an inspection today by a local official.The inspection tomorrow morning will include the surrounding areas but it looks likely to be on. So see you tomorrow guys hopefully!
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