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Everything posted by ICTodd

  1. for some reason 'great' seemed to be my word of choice there :029:
  2. I have to say that the most impressive over the course of the Clach game was Evans. He showed great awareness and made some great passes which tore open the defense, and really showed great potential which in my opinion we would be stupid not to hold onto. He is young with great talent which we could really benefit from. Barrowman didn't really sparkle as much as I hoped he would, but then again it was his first game in an ICT shirt. I'll give him he benefit of the doubt for this one and only hope he really finds his touch which made him a proven scorer at C***ty. Over all the team out there did well. The 'younger' players eg. Duff, Kerr, and the subs... did a really good job. I think that most fans should know that though Duff and Kerr are young, their more than enough to cover anything that may come in the future and more so, giving others a run for their starting place. I really thought Imrie did really well today and others like Cowie, Wilson, Proctor, Black, you'll be pleased to hear have not lost their touch and look more confident than ever. Only criticism is the lack of hunger in front of goal. 4-0 may seem like a good score line, but the chances begging to make it a walk over went missing.
  3. I've heard today that Lionel Djebi-Zadi's little brother is also here on trial? I maybe wrong, he might not even have a little brother :024: ... but anyone have any idea's?
  4. TBH when I first saw the new kit... I was disappointed. It really does lack imagination in any way. But I'll most likely buy one in the end as I'm a slave to consumerism :rolleyes02:
  5. Cheers! Won't be able to make it along this week, but should be ok for next week. When and Where? Details?
  6. hey just been told about this today, wouldn't mind joining in if thats cool?
  7. Do we get any ? for the players he knocks out? He put his team mate Ciprian Marica in hospital during training... maybe a starting game for Niculae now!
  8. Cmon guys this is a ridiculous argument! People are apprehensive about Barrowman's future, some just to see if Caley are actually doing something in the transfer window, some wanting to see if we can sign someone who HAS done well last season and can MAYBE do well for US with that record, and some just to see if the board let players take the **** out of them long enough before not even choosing to sign! Its become a joke over trying to sign him but people don't like to be kept waiting on any transfers so I can see why reedee15 is wanting to know what's happening. I'm intrigued!
  9. I have to agree... great goal in a great match!
  10. I would say yes, the guy has been a good signing for Caley! Of course the hype wasn't lived up to but hype usually isn't. I think give the guy another season to see how he does if he stays. Droga in his 1st season at chelsea anyone :023: Obviously not comparing as there wouldn't be this thread if there was a comparison! The whole wage argument and putting it as a catalyst for the behind the scenes bust up does nothing for me. I don't think he personally would have taken well to coming here and then being put in such a spot light while that dispute was going on. Its a lot of pressure. Another season (if we don't do our usual 'decent players out the door' policy) and then we should judge!
  11. Haha I just made along the same lines comment in the "No rush to sign players up on new deals" Your completely right! :clapping03: No ambitions in the transfer windows at all
  12. ICTodd

    Ticket Prices

    Never thought I'd say this, but I'm glad I'll be working :021:
  13. Does anyone think there maybe some of the younger boys starting out against Killie? Brewster apparantly has plans on Sutherland etc... playing a big part next season, so why not play them now in games that essentially don't matter?? Makes some good experience rather than reserves week in week out.
  14. The players we've had coming in recently have not been the best that Caley could do! Maybe the exceptions, Cowie (definately more so than the rest and proving to be 1 of the best we have), Niculae and... well thats about it. My mate (Celtic fan) has always accused Caley of being a club with no ambitions when it comes to the transfer windows. And I completely agree! We constantly find lower league clubs, out of contract players who are out of contract for a reason, raid County season in season out (once again Cowie, Rankin, a few others here now that did well but still...look beyond the kessock bridge!) and generally look out for a bargin that WE THE SUPPORTERS AND NOT SUPPOSED PROFESSIONALS know before they even arrive will not make the impact NEEDED in the SPL. ? ? ?, blah blah blah... yes we don't have the best wages, are located a bit out of the way, and other excuses we wheel out to make it seem ok but it doesn't mean we shouldn't TRY to prove we have a bit of ambition even if we knocked back! I'm extremely annoyed over this whole Chester argument. Not because Chesters accusations or the fact that it may bring some negative attention on the club (but then again it might be needed just to boot the board up the F***ing @rse and to keep an eye on things) but WHY OH WHY do we go to a lower league english club to watch players that even Brewster (king of the bargin bin) doesn't see fit for the SPL. What a waste of time!!!!!! It proves my point! As for the players going out, I could name some better replacements in that list of players to get out the door. Then again, when will we see anything that the fans acknowledge, actually happen?? There's been plenty players that we've let go due to the managements complete ignorance to the stuff that matters the most and thats the performance on the park! Sorry if this is a bit messed up and some bits don't make sense. I'm really stressed out just now and this is a fun way to vent :023:
  15. Fraser McGuire Munro Hastings Proctor Black Cowie Imrie Niculae Wyness Macallister A difficult choice, I think a diamond formation in the middle might strengthen our attack because Brewsters always saying excuses like ' "We just didn't take our chances". If he plays along the lines of this, with a majority attacking team but also some good defensive qualities, lets see him blame them here. I would have Wyness in place of Niculae there but we all know that Wyness tackles like a new born duckling! And I'm not sure how everyones going to react to Proctor sitting there, but I figure he does know how to run it but if Black wants to get up the park then he can sit an move in and out of the middle of defense.
  16. "Cmon United!!" *oooo **** I'm back with Caley* "Sorry Savage"
  17. John Doc lives 3 doors down from me...might go by tomorrow and give him some helpful advice on how to urserpt Brewster :023:
  18. Let's hope that Brewster doesn't read this, he has a tendency to get rid of any player the fans actually like. Do you think he does it because he feels unloved and can't have the fans focusing on anyone else?
  19. I usually sit up that section of the stand, if I'm off work or there's a free seat with my dad and his group, and I can NEVER understand why week in week out 'hospitality' are allowed to act the way they do?! Each time their lead out about 5 mins after the start of the game and again at half time, blocking the ENTIRE row behind who then stand up blocking the row behind etc. etc. etc. Its a joke. Why are they put there?? Surely consideration should be given to HOME fans and not these drunk, what usually seems, neds who have bought a suit for a court date and now found another use!? WE NEED IT SORTED! I'm with every single person on this post who has had to put up with this!
  20. I would love to see some of the 'young' players get a game...the only thing they lack is match experience because no-one is giving them a game! CC did, but now CB's back it seems like they have no chance unless their shipped out somewhere else...and who's to say that these players wont see the grass in greener on the other side and still come back?? Or the clubs their with want to sign them?? I mean they get a regular game somewhere else, why would or should they come back? Sometimes players just want regular games rather than a lot of other things. Its a risk because there's a lot of talent that we could be using but not having faith in. And the reason I said 'young' was because young players are all over the world setting examples, not saying we have the next messi :tic01: but you know what i mean! oh yeah.....do players or Brewster ever read these threads?? I know that Rankin did??
  21. is that Imrie on for the second half?
  22. GET IN THERE!!! 1000...lets c if it can b 1001 or 1002
  23. That was one of the best days of my life... :crazy07: Its the only anniversary i remember as well!!
  24. ok i'm just coming back into this thread after hearing what john collins had to say about the match. Aparantly they were all over us, but did he see the number of times Rankin had shot on goal (not that he missed sitters, he was excellent) and how close Niculae was to adding a third? OR how many times his keeper held it outside the box? Also he said the ball DID cross the line after hitting the bar. HOW THE **** could he have seen that from the dugout? *****...he just knows he aint going to be in that seat for long!
  25. As i saw it, it may have not been so clean cut. Granted McGuire did have his hands on the striker, but as many people around me said and I have to agree, had it not been for McGuires 'intervention' the resulting shot may have not got anywhere near the goal. The player turned into a position that would have seen his shot past but it was McGuire that pulled him into the sight of goal. As rules are, advantage was played...and it didn't go in. At 10 men though I could still see Caley winning the game as Hibs had no presence on the park watsoever and Rankin had a belter of a game that could have seen a 4-1 result if gravity had applied!
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