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Everything posted by tokelyisvictorious

  1. Just got an Xbox a week ago, and bought a couple of games initially to tide me over til christmas. Halo 3 (everyone seemed to tell me its better than the new Odst version) is superb, even though i am incredibly amateurish and take ages to complete any levels. Fifa 09 (didn't want to pay a ridiculous price for Fifa 10) was initially good, but then started a manager mode and started out with Chester to work my way up the leagues, and realised that its ultimately poor and frustrating. Have got my eye on Arkham Asylum and Modern Warfare 2. Any got any recommendations? Can anyone tell me if Fifa 10 is worth it or is it as poor as 09?
  2. Both will be ICT first teamers within a few years. Sutherland is a cracking player, reminds me strangely of Tore Andre Flo. Think Clach would be a better option for the two boys. Bit of rough and tough Highland league action, and Polworth seems to be building a youthful side there. A bit easier in terms of travel as well.
  3. Esson Gk Proctor RB Bully CB (improving now) Munro CB Lionel LB (get his confidence up and we have a good attacking full back) Hayes RM (feel he can exploit the LB a bit more, like he did at the cup final) Cox CM (finally showing more of the form that won him so many compliments at the start of the season and a-hmmm Rangers scouts.....) Duff CM (bit more physical in midfield than Duncan, willing to give him time) Foran LM (much better out wide and winning headers) Rooney FC (getting better and better, but personally Shane Sutherland should be pushing for a starting place) Sanchez (works well with Rooney, and just the reason for us not to play the long ball tactics) Subs - Duncan, Eagles, Sutherland, Shinnie, Allison. Result - ICT 2-1 Dundee As long as Butcher tells the players to keep it on the ground, and we don't defend too deeply, we can rule in CM and work it out wide for Hayes and Foran.
  4. My mistake, looks like i've been ousted by a pie aficionado. The other ones were good though, they had decent meat in em.
  5. I'm selling an original PSP, complete with 3 games and all accessories. The PSP itself is in decent condition, it has been used while I've had it, and has a few scratches on screen. The scratches aren't too noticeable when playing games. The console is in perfect working order, and has been updated with the latest firmware so it can play the latest games. The 3 games are Resistance : Retribution, Pro Evo soccer 2008 and 2009. R:R is a great first person shooter, and Pro Evo is the best football game on the PSP. The accessories are the original box, charger, headphones and manuals, two games cases, a hardcase for the PSP, wrist strap, battery extender and a 32mb memory card. With the condition in mind, i've put a price of ?35 on the whole lot, a good price for a gift or for resale, and less than what I paid for the two games a month ago. If you're interested give me a PM or reply below, i'd ideally like to sell before this Thursday.
  6. @ Caleyd, I thought we had the same pies as Clach, and they were recently voted as the best in Scottish football, taking over from Kilmarnock. They were good.
  7. The pie I had was pretty minging, dunno why we switched from 'The Best Pie In Scottish Football' to the same as everyone else. In a stupid fecking tin which means it boiling hot and the bottom of its rips off, and all the fatty meat falls out. Guff. Don't think the club did it to improve the matchday experience, I am sure that they will be cutting cosys and probably making a bit of money out of the Lindley Group.
  8. easy easy easy. It was a bit worrying that we didn't build on the one goal lead though. Butcher maintains that we score freely, but from my point of view we don't score the goals when they matter. But, a good performance today with plenty of positives. Duff was very solid, added a bit of bite to our midfield. Not the Russell 'hardman' Duncan bite though, more of the Ian Black type bite. Rooney was immense again, he was away to QOS as well, much improved. Learning to actually use his physicality again, turning players and putting himself where it hurts. He also seems to be setting up a few more chances now. Sanchez was good today, perhaps more in the first half than the second, but he offers something different, and forces us to play it on the ground. Hayes is just too good at times. In the first half, he was everywhere. He could have scored two or three himself (including that fantastic free-kick). In the second half he probably faded a little, didn't get the breaks and had about three men on him. The only worry is that Kilmarnock, St Mirren, Falkirk and Hamilton are also noticing how good he is. What was with the Dougie abuse as well? I didn't notice any Nacho Novo moment from rooney either, what happened there? All in all, 7/10 for the performance and MOTM probably Hayes again. But Rooney gets my vote for effort.
  9. Afraid he's going to Clach, with a view to perhaps going onto a management role at the club in the future. Unless Butcher rates him, although he doesn't seem to rate any of our legends.
  10. To be honest I didn't see him getting any of our players sent off, I saw Foran get himself sent off. The two yellow cards shouldn't have been issued for Richie, but he put the *inept* ref in that position. Barry remains a legend.
  11. Quite possibly the worst display of refereeing I have ever seen in a professional football match. Just ridiculous. Absolute joke. That should be the man sacked now, first he ruins the Motherwell Utd game, and then he steps into this match, sends off 3 players and a manager. This man must have the smallest genitals in the world, to be that officious and pedantic. In terms of ICTs performance, it was one of the better ones so far this season. We should have had this game wrapped up (again) and Muir did not help by denying a stonewall penalty, but even at 1-1 we had the better of the game and had a couple of chances, one which we should have scored. Disappointing not to take all 3 points, and unless we remain unbeaten for the next couple of months it will be hard to make up 10 points.
  12. To be honest twas a bit embarrassing harassing a club legend like that. Even Barry seemed to be a bit hurt by it, when he came over and shook his head at the 'cheat cheat cheat' chants. The refereeing was a disgrace anyways. The chants should have been aimed at him.
  13. Would have preferred either a higher profile team, or an away trip down south somewhere. As it stands, we have a good chance of a cup upset.
  14. Ha, that Les Murray video is great, Butcher apparently 'dresses like a hobo on the bench'. :D
  15. Going to the game, and having to take public transport as well. Bit complicated with all the times, as well as having to mix it up between trains and buses. Disappointed to see that away fans aren't housed in the terracing, and in the east stand instead.
  16. I know that Butcher will be here for, at the very least, the next few months. No changing that. The thing that grinds my gears about Butcher is his PR stunts. How many times is Butcher going to need to 'tell the players a few facts'. Why did Hayes play from the bench against Airdrie when the previous week, Butcher had said that he was the only player to come out with pass marks? Apart from that, there are glimpses of a decent team there, perhaps with a bit of consistency we can come good.
  17. Same as above, decent first half, thought we let partick take control of the match a little too easily. Sanchez should have scored to put us two up, missing from about six yards (when we could see the other end of the pitch). Duncan could also have put another one away at the back post, and Hayes hit the bar. In the 2nd half we were poor again. It only seemed to take one chance for Partick and the heads were down. Then we found ourselves 2-1 down, poor defending (why was no-one tracking the man from the throw in?), and suddenly a bit of urgency. Not even close in the 2nd half though. Good away support, probably a few hundred, but some good singing, apart from the eejit who couldn't spell.
  18. I'll be there with the old man, first time at firhill.
  19. The game that epitomised the two halves of the ICT team. 1st half, fantastic flowing football, and playing it into feet. 2nd half we sit back, and punt the ball up the park to players with no pace and very little prowess in the air. Seems crazy, I have no idea whether this is Butcher's idea of whether the players just lose the heart and their heads. Our experienced players today were not good enough in the 2nd half. Golly is a liability against the better teams, I've been saying for while that we need Lionel back. Golly was a cracking defender in his day, but now he is too slow to catch up with the likes of Harkins (who, if I remember rightly, set up all three goals and was up against Golly the entire game). Roscoe was really poor, especially with his deliveries into the box. Strange decision by Butcher to leave the two subs until the last minute, when it was clear that we weren't even going to get a shot on target, let alone a goal, from the moment that Dundee scored. Overall, 1 great half and an indication of what we could do in the 1st division, then a complete capitulation and poor tactics and an indication of how poor we can be. Disappointing, probably our day in the sun this season, and hopefully it convinced a few who were dismissing the cup to treat it more seriously next year.
  20. Agree with L_G that people should think before they post. I'm not one of the oldest members of the site but even i remember when this forum used to be about the humour. It all seemed to take a turn for worst during the Brewster era and the hatred on the forum was poor.
  21. And also that Lionel came into defence just when ICT started to put some form together, and was MoM in the first game that he played in against Celtic. Plus the man is pure entertainment. Back on topic, looking at the table those three points were very useful. There's still hope.
  22. :dancing03: Let's hope it's not up to you to scout ICT's players! Trust me Lionel will come good again. I don't think Butcher has exactly helped his confidence by dropping him from the squad after 1 bad game (aside from a couple of cameo appearances).
  23. @ Jay7, Lionel is a better player than Gollie. We won't win this league through defending. We have the best strikeforce in the league and they need proper service. The amount of times I have seen Gollie take the ball on the left, pass it to a player directly in front of him and give him no option but to pass it straight back. By all means Gollie, prove me wrong, but Lionel is a better option.
  24. Yep can't really say anything that hasn't already been said. Decent game, a good 3 points, and would have gone just to see Odi getting back on the scoresheet with a cracker. Big disappointment being that Butcher didn't decide to wield the axe as he had threatened to do. This just proves that everything he comes out and says in the papers is just to appease the fans and get him by. Sanchez and Duncan should have been dropped as a result of their cowardly performances against County, even though both were pretty good today. One thing though : BRING LIONEL BACK. I've seen Golly many times in an ICT shirt, a good player back in the day, but now he looks unfit, short of any pace or imagination and lacking in height (always been this way, and maybe not a real disadvantage). When Lionel played he had pace and energy, enough to get back and cover, even for his own mistakes. He also had the imagination to take the ball forward and put a good ball into the box. With Roscoe not quite at the peak of his powers we need some attacking full-backs, especially if Butcher persists with Imrie and Sanchez/Foran out wide. And how about we bring the dugout to the North Stand. The main stand is a joke.
  25. tiv, the 31st December publication date will be the 'official' release date the publisher has allocated to the book, but in practice there should be no problem picking it up today. I worked for Waterstone's for six years and found that the majority of books became available several weeks before the slkated publication date. The only titles that stuck to the official date were the massive sellers, such as Harry Potter, which were strictly embargoed so that all retailers began selling them at exactly the same time. As for having reserved a signed copy, Pele will probably have been asked to sign a certain amount of stock that can be set aside for people who can't make the signing. If you can and want to meet Pele and get the book signed personally, you should just go down at the time, pick a book off the pile and get it signed, then tell the guys in the shop to cancel your reservation. It won't be any problem for them as you'll still be buying a copy of the book from the shop. aye cheers for clearing that up, I'll either head down tomorrow or just pick it up next week. happy days. looking forward to the book, good to see pele back as well.
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