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  1. CaleyP did you not slate Dougie "1st division" Imrie and now your great white hope has signed for a bottom 3 1st Division side? I thought you had him signed for half the SPL and now he's signed for a possible relegation team, maybe not the star you had him down for? well he turned down a move to a team in the UEFA cup next year as he wants to get a good season behind him....he accepted less than quarter of the wage this team were offering him including flights for him and his family every month to sign for county, so maybe he wants to prove something in scotland first. hows that mike, has imrie had an offer like that??? also mike including the team from over sea's he had SPL clubs interested, he just thought he'd have a greater chance of a game next season with a 1st division club so he can get experience behind him. anything else you would like to know mike?? Yes, if he has had these great offers and he's turned them down and he's signing for a lot less, is he getting more than he was at ICT from County, because I'm sure you said he needed to live on more than minimum wage? If he was as confident in his own ability as you were, surely he would have been better taking an offer from a bigger club than County, or does that where he think's his level is to be sure of a game? Your painting a picture of a young boy with the world at his feet but he joins County , looks to me like that's the attitude that Butcher saw and kicked his ass out the door! Mike Find this a really difficult arguement to sustain. I have no doubt that Vigurs will had offers from elsewhere, maybe not as dramatic as P makes out, but offers nevertheless. The decision to let him go was down to the manager and we have to back him. I do find it very strange though that those across the bridge could match his wage demands and we couldn't. As I understood it they still have the begging bowl out. For the record I think a season in the first division (not with them if i had the choice!) will be the making of Vigurs and Woody. And, sadly, will come back to haunt us unless TB has identified a higher standard of player that fits into a first division pay structure. I have my doubts but live in hope ....
  2. Don't dismiss IHE too quickly on this one. It doesn't take Einstein to work out that a first division club would struggle to pay such a high profile management team and equally, it makes sense that TB/MM have bigger ambitions. When they came in I always thought it possible if they do a good job and keep us up they knew they would get attractive offers. If they weren't that attractive they could stay in the SPL at least. Go down they look for a way out and blame the board for lack of ambition. Also think IHE is correct on the contract issue too. Could all be rumour but very very possible.
  3. Join the Trust and you can get the chance to humiliate a perfectly decent man, help him lose his job, blame him for everything ranging from the invasion of Iraq to building of a main road to Dingwall whilst at the same time, send him nice txts wishing him all the best and your full support!
  4. Think Johnboy has a very fair point. What is it in the past that ensures such certain belief? TB and MM will get my support, fully. But to be honest, but for one great season with Motherwell (which included a fabulous crop of youngsters at the time) there is absolutely nothing in either of their records that should make us supremely confident. Contract discussions will be interesting. Like many, I am very surprised to see Vigurs go and if it was the manager's choice, question the decision.
  5. Think the word you were searching for in your title was INEPTITUDE. Don't mean to be pedantic but thought that you would appreciate the advice. Au Contraire lesser mortal ThesaurusLegend: Synonyms Related Words Antonyms Noun 1. ineptness - unskillfulness There you go ya clown! If your going to try and outsmart someone...at least check your facts.... You just look a clown if you dont! I got the clown bit the when you used it in your first sentence. Repetition in the final line was not necessary. My Oxford dictionary has a differing view but if your right, I apologise. Where's Charles when you need him? Either way, can I just say how glad I am you are now using a greater number of words many of which have more than four letters and don't begin with "f" and end in "k". Your education hasn't been wasted
  6. Think the word you were searching for in your title was INEPTITUDE. Don't mean to be pedantic but thought that you would appreciate the advice.
  7. Cheers LM. Get a wee bit tired of the destroy CB brigade. To SMEE and co, to the best of my knowledge CTO is here for folk to express their opinion. You have a way with words your teachers' would be proud of and use the forum to display. I do likewise just not with the same expertise and knowledge. I will continue to do so.
  8. "Burns in hell" Incredible, just incredible. Get a life, a PS3, a new scooter, an Etch A Sketch or lock yourself in a dark room before someone else does.
  9. Bitter and twisted eh? Love all the grown up posts that appear at times of crisis almost always aimed at Brew, DOF, Board, MS or any other target that's fashionable at the time. Any success that the club ever achieved is never down to any contribution any of theses guy's ever made. Even though many of them have been there for a big part of the most successful period in the club's history. If you happened to be one of the "in crowd's" favourites like SP or JR, one of the player's who have achieved little since been let go but those who let go of them continually castigated, then u can do know wrong. Life is black and white. At the point of boredom with vitriholic (sp) dirge continuing to be targeted at people who do what they think is best and sometimes get it wrong. The way we live nowadays. I've enjoyed the past 5 years of top flight football and wouldn't have missed it for the world. Thanks to all who helped us get there and worked hard to try to keep us there. All of your efforts are appreciated. To the "divine right" brigade get back to the OF where you belong! Just one last point. It's not that long ago we were ninth in the league looking good thanks to the good work of TB, MM and the players. They got, from me included, all the credit they deserved. How does it then follow that the blame for the fall from there lies with a guy who didn't get the credit for the improvement since he left?
  10. Zinedine Zidane play for RM aginst Mallorca. Absolute legend.
  11. Such hatred from a middle aged man is not becoming!
  12. If Esson and Pavels have not got some sort of problem, this is the strangest selection I have seen in a long time. If this goes wrong however, i'm sure the blame will lie elsewhere.... Here's hoping it works!
  13. Eh why JB? Expect at least a three page essay answer!!!
  14. Can you have a bombscare that goes off so regularly Harry?
  15. I was actually thinking more of our league poition when JR left to go to Hearts. From my memory we were in pretty bad shape but I could be wrong! My frustration comes from the abuse CB is subjected to on CTO. Anything positive that happened during his reign was a legacy from JR or even Pele, anything negative was entirely his fault. Any positive signings he made were down to someone else's contacts, those that have turned out badly, he's entirely to blame! Pavels for example, is citied on this site as having nothing to do with Brew. This is total tosh. Morais only came here because Brew persuaded him as he said after his departure. Both can be said to have made significant impact to date. What do posters want to focus on.....Andy Barrowman? Even at Utd where he bombed, he signed Noel Hunt for ?50k (with Utd making in excess of ?600k in profit when sold), signed Lee Wilkie for buttons when no one else wanted him, Craig Conway another success and Kristian Kalvenes who is now in the Championship. He has significant limitations as a manager/coach in my opinion but has a decent average on spotting players as well as being a top, top class centre forward. You only need to speak to Hibs, Utd of Dumf fans to see what they think of him. But for some reason the view of many a narrow minded Highlander is at best tainted or worst twisted and warped. Posters are rating guys who scored goals in the Second and Third Divisions as better CFs than CB!!!!! Never disagreed with the call to replace him, needed to happen. Always have been and always will be totally and utterly repulsed by the witchhunt that lead to it and has continued on this site from many, orchestrated by people who have the audacity to call themselves professionals. Positively, think that TB can get more out of the many decent players CB signed as there is no doubt he is much more tactically aware. That said, if it goes wrong for TB at some stage, he will still get my respect for giving it his all, as CB, CC and JR did before him.
  16. If you are unable to look back at our league positions when previous managers departed I am not prepared to do the work for you! Thank you Buckett for some sense. Every boss that has been with ICT has given of their best. They have all had and will continue to have my support wether I agree with the decisions they make as long as they give their all. The level of purile, infantile nonsense that some bampots continue to spout about quite possible the best player to have worn an ICT shirt is laughable! For that alone he deserves respect and I will continue to argue this point for as long as bampots continue to spout their rubbish unchallenged.
  17. FFS give the guy a break! He conned no one. Made a judgement call that playing and managing in the SPL was too much. Probably the wrong call in my mind but a call not a con! Totally do not understand the sad mentality of some of the Brewsters haters on this site. The same guys who fawn over others who left us in a much worse state!!!!!
  18. I note your comments but don't take them personally
  19. Easy one at this stage of the season. It has to be Grant. Would have loved Duffers to have had a loan period in the 1st Division earlier this season. Nothing beats playing for real.
  20. Fair play to CD for taking on the job. Best of luck to you, I'm sure you'll soon master the task. Also credit for saying how much more there is to the role than we all think. This could be true of a number of the roles many of us posters think we could so easily fill at TCS! All the best Don!
  21. Despite lots of noise on this site, Wyness has never haunted anyone in the SPL. Dargs is a different problem all together and worries me.
  22. Rumours are suggesting that the whole team enjoyed a beer or two after the game but the Hun brothers decided to wait until folk were coming down for breakfast before ending their session. Shear stupidity and contempt for punters from MacGregor but perhaps a request to be kicked out and have his international career ended (when did it start some may ask?)by Ferguson. Perhaps Paul Le Guen was right about the culture at Ibrox after all.
  23. No doubt he would have taken it in his stride. Getting "some stick from the visiting fans" would make a pleasant change from getting hit from his own side's fans eh?
  24. Reading this post just made me think back to what a superb finisher Iain was. One of the very few strikers who knew that they could beat the best keeper in the World just by chipping it high enough over his head! A genius, and it's a shame that a lot of posters on here maybe never got the chance to see him play. He would be a sensation at TCS now. We all tend to hark back to players of the past like Stewarty and somehow assume that they would be up to the task of playing in the top flight where we now find ourselves. The reality is of course different. If any of these guys could have made the top league they would have been given the chance by someone. Their performances for the club are legendary but we should always remember in which leagues they were achieved. Even Rory is scoring goals in the lowere leagues!
  25. Good news for Heilandee as I understand Brew is out with a heavy cold. Hope u enjoy ur day!
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