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07: Moderators
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Everything posted by Yngwie

  1. Sounds like we were OK today, after a terrible start.
  2. They are very lucky that the draw first announced did not have Celtic v Rangers. Can you imagine the conspiracy theories if they tried to change that one!?
  3. Wouldn't that just lead to twice as many howlers?
  4. Good luck! This sounds like a good bit of fun, so credit to whoever came up with it.
  5. It's purpose is to encourage the development of youth and home grown talent, and IMO there is no doubt it is working. The rule is the same for all teams, and is good for Scottish football. I've got no time for managers moaning about it.
  6. That's pre-meditated murder, and cannot be condoned. I've always preferred to just keep driving in a straight line when one runs out into the road, and allow an accident to happen. It is after all considered dangerous to swerve to avoid an animal. There was one occasion though when I had to go over the cat 3 times before it stopped thrashing around. There were all these wee kids at the roadside, staring with looks of horror on their faces, but it was the humane thing to do. [Note to self : don't ever walk out in front of Mee's car]
  7. He's no tactical genius, but seems competent enough in that area. Giving motivation and belief seem to be his greatest strength so far.
  8. At least 3 non-league sides in the next round then. And a very interesting north-east derby.
  9. The only good cat is a dead one. Do a favour for yourself and mankind, plus all the small mammals and birds out there. You will go to heaven if you let it have an accident.
  10. Nobody ever really complains when the penalty taker scores, but did Wyness not take a pretty poor penalty? If the keeper had gone left it looked a guaranteed save : nice height for him, and placed half way between the middle of the goal and the post. Or did Denzil just decide it was Tony Caig and it didn't matter where he put it?
  11. Is the site default time still set at BST, or is it my settings that need to change?
  12. Granty then McGuire I think. Can a double 1-2 be called a 2-4?
  13. One of the most pleasing aspects yesterday was that we finally kept a clean sheet in the SPL.
  14. I really hope Fraser does well today.
  15. Which means it muct have something to do with : a) Very obscure music from decades ago b) Photography c) Apple Macs :024:
  16. :shrug01: Are you suggesting that I chuck out my copy of Hysteria?
  17. That's bad news, he's still our best striker IMO. However, we need to learn to live without him sooner or later. He was never going to be a long term option on the pitch.
  18. :015: Come on, 2 ops at least!
  19. We were not hapless, we played well enough to take at least a point. The howlers at the back would not have been prevented by having Rankin, Morgan or Bayne in the team.
  20. Instead of? I don't see the need for any of them to start, or even come on as a sub.
  21. No, he's getting a piggy back from Duncan Shearer.
  22. At what point did football team photos change from just 11 players to the full squad?
  23. Fraser's recent performances have been poor, he deserved to be dropped and the new guy given a chance. That's what competition for places is all about.
  24. Spot on with that summary CMiB. Plus point from today : Wyness was superb, really showed his class I thought.
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