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Weekend Hacker

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Everything posted by Weekend Hacker

  1. AS, I take my hat off to you for your change of position. I'd offer you LairdMattie's hat but he'll be half way through scoffing it the now after back to back victories...
  2. SS I've seen the accounts this morning and they don't make pretty reading. I indulged in the thread relating to the AGM/ Statement of 2017 but in all honesty I think we could go over old ground until the next millenium and be no further forward. There seems to be a divide between some who seem to think that the club funds have been mismanaged over the years and others who believe that sucessive boards have done their best. Certainly when you look at the sums of money people have invested - or as I'd rather call it donated - I would tend to believe that anyone who has ploughed large chinks of cash in to the club should be applauded and couldn't care less who they were or where they came from. However, everyone must have a limit and nobody is going to keep chucking big dollops of cash at something which loses money on an annual basis. For me, I'd support a crowd funding initiative as far as practicable to attempt to address the cash flow issue the club clearly face on a monthly basis. Going to the game on a Saturday is what I do with the boy and as I did with my old man back in the day. The thought of losing the club does not sit right with me and surely there would be sufficient of us in numbers to do something. 500 fans at £20 a month gives £10K which could be ring fenced for wages for players or youth development and transparency would ensure that any doubters would see where their cash was going. Some couldn't afford that, some could maybe do more and some won't partake. I'm not looking to ignite a debate about previous allegations, I'm just looking forward - we may never return to the dizzy heights of 2015 but I'd rather not see the club go into administration without a fight. To lose the youth set up would drive the club further away from a community interest IMHO and part-time football would be quite a set back I think. I think our neighbours over the bridge will very quickly find themselves in a similar position when Uncle Roy's chequebook closes so let's get in first and keep them weher they should be - forever in our shadow! With the right framework in place and with the fans/ funders being correctly represented - maybe by the supporter's trust or similar (excuse my ignorance of protocol) - and a sacrosanct guarantee that the club will use the money for what it is given for and nothing else I will certainly do whatever I can to support it. Caveat - we stuff the Arab Bar Stewards on Tuesday and Sunday - I'm not asking for much in return min.... WH
  3. Hi Hearach, I’d posted for 5 seats for Sunday on FB - should I use messenger instead or do I take it we are good to go? Cheers.
  4. Echo all of that - filthy pass! Drew Dross Raper across before slotting in the big man. ?
  5. Still, at least he's got his god looks to fall back on. What a foxtrot uniform delta..... ?
  6. For clarity Caleyboy, I'm not attending the ball. Merely commenting that if you did, it would be a long day on the Sunday. I'm afraid I agree with the consensus that it has been priced too high, particularly when you don't actually know what you are getting. So that would be £240 for myself and good lady before buying a drink (between us I think), tickets for Sunday and the bus, scoff in Dundee, a shandy perhaps and then home. Probably do a week s/c somewhere hot on a last minute deal for the amount of cash you'd spend. I love my team but ooft.....Cheers.
  7. A hoora weekend with a trip to Tannadice the next day on our way to the semi-finals.
  8. Re turnstiles, I believe that the person due to man the left hand gate was taken ill. But yeah, we need to be smarter than this on such a big night. Again, I think it is volunteers but we should have some kind of continuity plan to deal with an emergency like this as it can detract from what was, let's face it, one of the best games we have had for quite some time!!!! I'm sure this won't be allowed to happen again, now the club are ware of the potential issue.
  9. He's White, not Shyte, He's fecking dynamite, he's Jordan White (repeat). Mon AS, you know you want to join in... What a great result, atmosphere, loads of new faces, finally a victory against that lot. Life is good. ICTTID. Let's kick on now and do Morton Saturday. Any news on Walsh?
  10. Thule roof box for sale with Thule's quick fastening "doofers" for sale. Can measure if you need capacity but big enough for two suitcases and a set of golf clubs if that helps! £100 would secure. Cheers.
  11. Agree Gregor - two up top for me as long as we have a winger supplying decent balls in. Old fashioned maybe but I'm not bothered. I haven't heard about Polworth, I think he picked up a knock at the last game - probably down to an overly robust challenge by Dross Raper again - hence was out at the weekend. Which, agreed again, was poor but I concur that they were pre-occupied with tonight and I'm not offering that as an excuse. Jaysus, we need a win against these feckers tonight, scoosh Dundee United and then the season is off again...........?
  12. ?. I did spot a member of the Police with a broken seat. They really don’t help themselves do they? A great atmosphere created but this won’t do their chances much good at coming back to the fold. Double ?
  13. Sheepslagger is right. She is rather tidy on that bike.... It is difficult at the moment for sure. As sure as if we beat the gadgies tomorrow, the forum will be a utopia of positivity. I'd never advocate sacking this board at present and as I've said before anyone who calls money being injected to the club an investment is bonkers as you usually invest to get at least your capital back. A poison chalice I'd suggest but someone has to be on the board - much like any committee I've ever been on, you can only do your best with what you have at the time and usually have over 1,000 people telling you you are doing it wrong and less than 1/3 of them probably willing to put themselves forward to help. We all know the road ahead will be bumpy - I think what is needed is transparency in terms of what the actual plan is to address these issues - both historic and current/ ongoing - and how that is going to impact the club going forward. And whilst the club does need to be run in a business like fashion in terms of the finances, we need to remember that most of us have an emotional tie to the club which does cloud things from time to time.....
  14. I was very reliably informed at East End Park yesterday that Angus Beith has retired from football. If that proves to be correct, I’d have thought it would merit an announcement. Nobody would wish it on any player that’s for sure.
  15. As a side note to all of this, I have it from a very reliable source that Chalmers was quite ill on the day of the game and had to be given an injection to prevent "all out two exits no waiting" scenario. This would explain why he was out on his feet for the second half. You can look at it two ways - should he have been played? BUT for me, it shows that despite what some think on here, we genuinely do have players who are prepared to play through injury and illness for the cause and maybe if the club made fans aware of this (post match so as not to give the opposition any intel), would the fans show a bit more respect? Thinking of the other week where Poly and a number of others had the flu. As for White, as Gregor's stats so clearly show, had he not scored in some of our games, draws would have been losses and we would be royally friar tucked by now. Onwards....
  16. 100% agree Gregor. I thought Jordan worked hard last night and deserves credit. A mistake cost us, as TJ says if we’d won there would be little negatives. I’m off to Dunfermline this weekend, tickets bought for Tuesday. Great if we could recreate the atmosphere from last night and stop the feckin negative bile which seems to spew forth here from time to time. ??
  17. I've spoken to a few local businesses and they certainly didn't get any early invites. I'm afraid this looks like a classic case of th eclub trying to do something right and ending up scoring a bit of an OG. £120 a skull is brutal - they need to be a bit more specific with what you are getting for your cash but as Fraz stated, if you take your Mrs you are £240 before you have had a beer at £5 a pint. Hefty... I just think it seems quite poorly organised - the 25 year anniversary can't have been a surprise?
  18. https://twitter.com/Ethann_Ramsayy/status/1091858332170833920/video/1 try this. No great at link posting.....
  19. Some rather interesting footage of our previous midfield general playing pile up with door security from The Den last night. Allegedly. Anyone know if it’s true? Slightly bemused and almost saddened...... but this would suggest he may be out for the cup game?
  20. Fair point Satan. I used to like a bit of a song at Telford St, but not so inclined in the family but with the boy. How do we improve it such as what I’m expecting in Dinge Wall next Monday ?
  21. Closer to home, let’s get Tomatin involved. Sure that would please the red n black stalwarts among us and a final tribute to Jock? No idea how much change something like that would run ?
  22. Is it time to lift the petulant wee ban on the young team and accept that a football ground is not Sunday school? I agree, we don’t need the personal abuse of players and families but we need atmosphere and like it or lump it, nobody else is up for it. I agree, the stadium doesn’t lend itself to atmosphere the same as Victoria but if Robbo is looking for the 12th man, the board perhaps need to reconsider..... I’ll get ma tin hat ready ?
  23. Ridgers if fit. Donaldson and Mccart in CB, Rooney & Tremarco. Mid would be Polworth, Chalmers and possibly rotate Welsh with Trafford. Controversial I know.... Up top, I’m old fashioned and would have Walsh (if fit obvs), and either Macauley or Dorian with Jordan or Fash. Ideally I’d have Wilson Robertson, Ray Mackintosh and Billy Urquhart up top but we must not live in the past...... Honestly for me our best football - not necessarily results mind - have been when we have width and I think we always play badly when we are narrow. Interesting to see all the thoughts and obvs a formation must be fluid to match the circumstances on the day.
  24. Tremendous, thanks for posting ??????
  25. Disappointing to read both Robbos comments about the lack of support but also him reacting to a fan. I get it, it’s just not acceptable is it? I thought Trafford made a big difference when he came on, certainly his best performance so far. Actually thought White and Austin were linking ok and Macauley looks a good signing. I’m slightly hesitant to “blame” Cammy for the goal but feel ge was perhaps culpable, but he then made a couple of good stops and I think has done a good job coming in at the last minute. I would hope that the boys are reflecting today and will channel their anger at Dingwall......
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