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03: Full Members
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Everything posted by STFU

  1. Our goals conceded record in the league isn't terrible, and I think we're focusing too much on the wrong end of the park. Just a quick napkin calculation, but if we'd scored about 1 in 5 of the chances created, we'd be doing pretty well.
  2. You're probably right. 5 years of refusal to communicate isn't really giving them a fair chance.
  3. So what is the meeting about? From the poster I'd assume it's in relation to the Matchday Survey?
  4. You forgot the "when the board manage to muster a set of balls between them and get rid of the chairman, ceo and Robbo" option, as I can't see just one of the ménage à trois leaving/being paid off on their own.
  5. Many have tried already, which is why we find ourselves where we are. Communication is two way, and unfortunately the club are standing with their fingers in their ears shouting lalalala at anyone who has tried to communicate with them. What's the next step?
  6. I was going to take the time to respond to your post in full, then you pull this at the end. The most sanctimonious thing I've seen on here from a fellow fan in a long time. Very disappointing!
  7. There has definitely been posts on here by board member/s, now ex board member/s peddling the line that they need more members to be representative, and accepting the clubs position on that. This is part of the point I'm making about ex trust board members and volunteers being the ones making excuses on their behalf. This is the kind of information that they should be presenting officially themselves and not just to friends/those close to board members. Unfortunately that just screams "clique". Two years and still no call to action from the Supporters Trust? Hopefully that changes soon. Better late (hopefully not too late) than never. An outcome which should surprise nobody, and was why I raised concerns about the amount of resource being put into it when there was other, more immediate, concerns to be focusing on I wonder how many of those who played a part in hounding him out of the club now regret their actions? No argument from me on any of these points, sadly.
  8. He's been Gardiner's biggest fanboy since he arrived at the club!
  9. Those highlights made for painful viewing, but not as painful as listening to Dodds post match interview. He's either very deluded, or thinks fans are stupid, probably a bit of both.
  10. Did you read the link I provided about the Supporters Trust objectives? Their core remit is to represent the interests of the ENTIRE fan community, regardless of whether they are members or not. That is the expectation they have created themselves. As I have said before, they have to give fans something to get behind as an organisation, otherwise they are no better than the club in asking fans to blindly throw money at them in hope that they'll do something, sometime, maybe. I'll welcome the open meeting when it happens, and hope it doesn't just become another "watch this space" in the same way as the minutes of meetings between them and the club did, or the feedback on the meeting with the club following the matchday survey that we're still waiting on. The Trust Board exists to lead the organisation. Sitting back waiting for fans/members to tell them what to do and/or bleating about the lack of members is a cop out and dereliction of their own stated objectives. Take a stance or, at the very least, poll the community on whether or not they would like to see some action. Whilst I do not believe for a moment they are in cahoots with the club, the silence gives the impression that they have no objection to the way things are going.
  11. What I'm seeing in this conversation is that there are fans who would like to see some action being taken, even though there's no real consensus on what that should look like. There's even a growing number of fans who were against the idea or sitting on the fence who are moving towards the idea that something needs to be done. The biggest hurdle to any action being taken by fans seems to be the lack of leadership/organisation. No group is better placed to do this than the Supporters Trust, and it is part of their objectives to represent fans/community in these matters - https://www.ictsupporterstrust.org/the-trust In my opinion, they are complicit in their total silence and lack of acknowledgement of the the fans' concerns outlined in this thread and on the wider forum. This only serves to strengthen the club's position that fans don't/should not have a voice, and can be ignored. We've had all the excuses from ex trust board members and volunteers. Time for the chair/board themselves to show face, tell us what they are going to do, or give reason for why they are doing nothing.
  12. STFU

    v Pars (home)

    Ridgers caught in two minds. Once he starts out he has to commit to going for the ball or, as happened, it's an easy goal for them. Nevermind, that's us now on an unbeaten run
  13. No excuse. Wilson has scored from further away than that!
  14. STFU

    v Pars (home)

    Directors seating area just above the tunnel
  15. One of the reasons given for retaining Robbo was access his amazing scouting network. Only now realising that they may have meant radio network and "Off the Ball"!
  16. "I reject everyone else's conspiracy theories and replace it with one of my own."
  17. Looking forward to the excuse for the next few loses being that it takes new players time to settle in, and Dodds still proclaiming we've a good team that are just unlucky and needing a win to get confidence going.
  18. Enjoyable evening and I may take in a few more Clach games for my football fix this season.
  19. STFU

    New Director

    If he's allowed to be
  20. Give a person a fire and they're warm for a few hours. Set a person on fire and they're warm for the rest of her life.
  21. Who do you think owns the club?
  22. With the amount of news we put out it could be printed on a sheet of A5, but would be nothing other than irritating club statements.
  23. STFU

    New Director

    "With the, yet again, growing injury situation, then a vet may be what ICTFC need. After all, it's cheaper to put players down than pay for their treatment." said Shane Sutherland* *May be a made up quote
  24. Even by CTO standards, this is a bizarre thread For the avoidance of all doubt, I support the removal of the club CEO known as Scot Gardiner, Scot, Gardiner, and a few other choice words, but never, until now, referred to as Scotty
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