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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/15/2016 in Posts

  1. ...also a word for young boys - superb throughout and 10/10 for "sheep on fire" chant when that chimney puffed smoke all over the pitch!
    8 points
  2. ...also a word for young boys - superb throughout and 10/10 for "sheep on fire" chant when that chimney puffed smoke all over the pitch! All of section E created a great atmosphere from start to finish, especially welcome when Aberdire got the first goal. The number of chants in the songbook is fairly growing. Good to see so many wee people at tonight's game - the mid-term school break came at just the right time. So many of them were looking longingly over to Section E like they can't wait till they are big enough to escape from the parents. Great game. Great result.
    3 points
  3. Evening folks, and HOWDEN ENDER :) First of all, totally deserved win, absolutely zero complaints about where the points deserved to go. Said before the game I wasn't looking forward to it and proved right. Big Yogi certainly has McInnes under his thumb, he seems to know how to set up against us. After we scored ICT literally bossed the game, literally. Was really impressed with the mix of short, sharp passing and the execution of the inch perfect long balls. Add to that the constant pressing and we simply did not have an answer. Can talk about the ref all we want, but the bottom line is, we were as bad as him. There is no way whatsoever that the penalty was actually a penalty, but that isn't why we lost the game, even if he correctly didn't give it, only one team was going to win tonight. If only ICT played with that conviction every other week, I have no doubt you would be up there with us. I hope it clicks consistently because I genuinely enjoy watching you play, a very tidy team. HOWDEN ENDER, you're either fishing and winding me up or you're actually an immature wee boy, cause I'd love for you to show me, of all my posts, in where I have been bitter? I have never been on here to offend anyone, and I don't think I have, I think I've been fairly honest and consistent with my posts. If you're fishing then kudos, if not, then I worry for you :) Anyway, good win and hopefully gives you the confidence to push on and up the table now. Take that level of performance in to the next game and do us a favour, please ;)
    2 points
  4. Very entertaining game, build up play to penalty, Harlem globe trotters v pedestrians. We had something a little bit special last season with Marley, one of those players who never gives up and always has something to prove, I felt that's how the whole team played tonight. A very enjoyable 3 points.
    2 points
  5. Good win. First glimpse of the team live this season and they bossed that game. Good shifts all around and a good turnout by both home and away fans for a Monday night game live on TV.
    2 points
  6. Wasn't expecting to win so easily, particularly when I heard Williams and Raven were out. Pleasantly surprised! Tremarco is really starting to look the part at left back, he won his battle with Logan pretty decisively tonight and showed great composure to see out most of the game on a yellow card. That's also now a goal and an assist in consecutive games. The midfield completely bossed the game and made Aberdeen look ordinary. Vigurs took his goal well, but also put in a great shift tracking back and closing down. Polworth had Shinnie in his back pocket. When it was all said and done Aberdeen simply gave up trying to play football against a technically superior team and resorted to playing for soft free kicks to hoof into our box. That was all they had in their locker. It's hard to fathom how they're so far up the table. Without Rooney's goals they'd be struggling to make the top 6. They're starting to remind of of Stuart McCall's Motherwell.
    2 points
  7. Tremendous! Unfortunately I missed it as on last flight to Manchester, but delighted with the texts from my wife after I landed as 0-1 became 1-1, 2-1 and 3-1. I was on. Train and startled the other passengers when she text me that Tansey had scored: poetic justice! hopefully a top six finish can be achieved!
    2 points
  8. What a pr***k Sutton is!! Worst commentator by a mile! Very annoying!
    2 points
  9. It's a shame we can't play this lot every week cos they really are pish.
    2 points
  10. Points attained at the 33 game split, since its incorporation in 2000/01: There are many ways of interpreting the data! But, after 15 years of results, the averages are probably the 'safest' bet.... 40 points is the average of the team just-missing-out...which also 'tallies' with 41 being the fewest points total of any team 'getting in'. So 41 has to be the absolute minimum target. But, the average Top 6 place requires 44 points - and, although this was attained once before with the team still missing out, this season's total requirement will almost certainly be less than that. with there being so many clubs in the bunch, taking points of each other every week - It should be considerably lower than 44. That said, It's simply got to be the 44 point target - and we'll be safely in the elite. So, as IHE hypothesised, we should be targeting 15 points! We're on 29 now and 15 more would see us on 44 and retaining our place as a Top 6 club.
    2 points
  11. Top six would obviously good but I regard that, as always as a bonus rather than being imperative. What is imperative is to stay out of the bottom two places. We did well to bounce straight back up last time but even then the financial toll was considerable. We are now an established top tier club with all the financial commitments of one. The imperative thing is to keep it that way. Anything more than that, as I said, is a bonus.
    2 points
  12. I rather think that was the point that DD was being much more subtle in making.....
    1 point
  13. Big result. It was nice to get a bit of luck with the referee's decisions for a change, but regardless of how much Aberdeen bleat (and they will bleat a lot) we were the better side. It was a good team effort and we showed more desire to win throughout the park. We do so much better when we adopt a more "up and at em" approach and look to get forward. Too often in the past when we get in the lead we tend to sit back and defend the lead. Tonight we kept pressing forward and got a 3rd, after which Aberdeen wilted. A great night's entertainment!
    1 point
  14. A tough ask but if we played with that drive and intensity every game between now and the season we would challenge Hearts for third place and have every chance of retaining our cup.
    1 point
  15. Great game & great atmosphere , good to see us back in the top 6 . 3 points on Saturday v Septic would be grand ... MON THE CALEY !!
    1 point
  16. Are you Sneckboy in disguise?!
    1 point
  17. A well deserved and very useful three points against the league's form team. Follow that up with at least a point from Parkhead on Saturday and it will be the best week of the season so far. Sometimes critical of him but credit to the manager tonight forgetting his team selection and tactics spot on.
    1 point
  18. Our league record currently stands as W8, D8, L8, F33, A33!
    1 point
  19. Good stat - since Rooney scored Aberdire have not had a chance on target - they were too busy feckin diving and whinging - sheep dip in Sneckie tonite
    1 point
  20. Tremarcos first ever goal disallowed and then given. Why did the stand side official raise the flag or was it becos it came off the head of our MOM Ash Taylor. And what a pity - Charlotte Church has gone off.
    1 point
  21. History would suggest that, as far as Aberdeen are concerned, we are something of a feeder club. We may not like it but it's the harsh commercial reality. The real story is not that we lose players to the likes of Aberdeen but our history of replacing players departing for the east with those of similar quality.
    1 point
  22. During the last referendum campaign, I do believe that sentiments of sensible caution like this were simply dismissed as Project Fear!
    1 point
  23. Welcome back Donin.....I do think it will be a tricky game for you and we have every chance of interrupting your title challenge. Although I'm not convinced that Yogi's comments on the eve of the match saying that you are unlikely to maintain your title challenge were particularly cleverly timed. That said, I sincerely hope that you then go on to win the title. Someone other than one of the Bigot brothers winning the league would be the (second) best thing to happen to Scottish football for decades.
    1 point
  24. Don't even expect any trouble from the 2000 bleating sheep after we beat them tomorrow night!
    1 point
  25. ^^^^^^ Without doubt took various hidings from Aberdeen and Hibs when a Celtic scarfer. Probably explains why he's soft in the head now Like jagster says it's hard to believe two thirds of Scottish clubs allegedly have these type of groups Other than the usual old firm behaviour I can only remember a skirmish between Hearts and St Johnstone when both clubs were both in the highlands the same day I assume we are one of the clubs that don't have such a group attached mainly due to our relatively low attendances and the keyboard warriors Dougal
    1 point
  26. No not really but this was the wee song the singing section came with on the spur of the moment. When the emergency genie came on by accident. Great timing as it screened the Aberdire support & all that could be heard was there bleating(verb: make a characteristic weak,wavering cry)
    0 points
  27. Can you really imagine the modern day casual. Cant punch with right hand cos its holding phone. Can see target to punch anyway cos eyes glued to said phone. Indeed cant even straighten up body cos years of looking down at said phone have resulted in permanent spinal curvature. Oh and, even if they could fight, would need to get out of bed an hour earlier on match day.
    0 points
  28. A very worthy sentiment but unfortunately, as DD rightly says, the SNP have got there first and already hijacked this issue as a possible excuse to create enough grievance for a second separation referendum. So, although Alex' views are commendably only influenced by what's best for the UK, that is not the case with the SNP who, compared with its sole raison d'etre, fundamentally couldn't give a toss about the UK or indeed any of its citizens on either side of the Border. The SNP have just struck lucky. A separate Scotland would be so shaky that they would absolutely have to join in with some larger entity - and hence voluntarily give up the very sovereignty the currently moan about not having - and it so happens that overall we may get a "leave" vote. Conflict created! So although I also wish that it could be possible to discuss the Brexit issue in isolation, the Nats have made this completely impossible. But to turn to Brexit considerations, I think the EU has gone too far and now restricts national sovereignties far too much. It is certainly a very different and more instrusive institution than the one we voted to join in the 70s. I just don't fancy being told how to run our affairs by a bunch of foreigners. I am also rather dismayed at the anonymous nonentities we are electing to the European Parliament and quite honestly I am completely unable to name one MEP (unless Farage is still there - or was he ever?) On the other hand economic cooperation is absolutely vital and there may therefore be severe economic consequences if we leave. It's therefore a case of damned if you do and damned if you don't. The price of the economic cooperation is handing over much of how we run this country to other people. My heart says that I would be glad to get rid of foreign interference while my head says that there may be considerable economic risks. If I could get genuine assurance that there would only be very limited economic consequences, then I would gladly leave but I'm not sure if that's possible, so I am as yet undecided. On the other hand if some diluted down membership could be negotiated, I would feel quite inclined to accept that. I think the British view of Europe has always tended to be fundamentally different from that held on the continental mainland because here we have experienced none of the warmongering and hostile armies tramping back and forth which Europe has suffered right back at least to the 30 Years War in the early 17th century. I've forgotten which 1950s politician said that he had no particular desire to unite with six countries, four of which we helped liberate from the other two. I think it may have beren Harold MacMillian who, when invited to attend negotiations which led to the original 1957 Treaty of Rome, said that he was far too busy sorting out Cyprus. And although the Dominion status of Australia, New Zealand and Canada probably should have been dispensed with long ago, we do also tend to have a degree of friendly affiliation with states which departed from our former Empire on far more amicable terms that did the former colonies of the likes of France and Belgium.
    -1 points
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      CTO PotY with 69  points is Cameron Harper  

      2nd with 68 points Alex Samuel
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    • Kelty Hearts Training Statement
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    • Relegation Statement
      RELEGATION STATEMENT: This could have been said ten minutes after our defeat to Hamilton three days ago. So far, this is not the news that we on Caley Thistle Online wanted to hear. Pleased that we will still function as a club, disappointed that resignations have not been offered yet. Keeping fans waiting in silence for three days is unforgivable and relationships are drifting further apart than ever before. Silence is not the way forward, we deserve better as fans.
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    • Inverness CT 2-3 (3-5) Hamilton - Play off final (relegation)
      RELEGATED: Despite Inverness needing to get off the mark quickly, it was Accies that killed the tie inside the first fifteen minutes with strikes from Kevin O'Hara and Lewis Smith. Cammy Kerr reduced the leeway with a good strike from distance, but O'Hara struck again with a penalty before the break to diffuse the revival. We struggled to create anything of note and this reporter could not stomach any more and left the stadium. I'm told Alex Samuel pulled a goal back in stoppage time, but like the rest of the season it was too little too late.
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    • Hamilton 2-1 Inverness CT - Play off final 1st Leg
      A better showing from Inverness in the second half, especially with Lawal and Pepple on the park but it's Hamilton that take a one goal advantage up the A9 on Saturday. Lawal has been the standout performer in our last few games and surely he must start on Saturday. Pepple also did well, scored the goal, had an effort saved and got in a few balls across the box from tight positions.

      Still, a shocker of a first half and we must be up for it from the start on Saturday.
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