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Everything posted by snorbens_caleyman

  1. NATO called, and would like their logo back
  2. So how long have you had these shares? Unless you bought them in December or January you are currently sitting on a loss - possibly quite a substantial loss.
  3. Name it after the company that owns Tomatin - the Takara Shuza Stadium
  4. He's been a roquefort 25 years. But it's not yet a feta compli..
  5. We discovered today that the guy who runs the cheese stall in our local market is thinking of jacking it all in after Brexit. He has been a stallholder for 25 years. He is Dutch, and was telling us that twice a year he would have to go to the Dutch embassy in London and fill in a dozen forms about his business. Not to mention all the extra checks that he would have to go through whenever he makes a trip to France and the Netherlands to collect cheese, as he does every week or two. So going home to NL and selling his cheese there is currently very attractive to him. The stallholder next to him is Belgian, and is thinking of going home too. After 30 years in England. His wife is English, but would take out a Belgian passport if she can. In addition to the headline-grabbing losses, it will be a myriad "little things" like this that will make the UK a poorer place after Brexit.
  6. Yup. How dare I look at the league table Snorbens out.
  7. Then you have completely missed the point I was trying to make.
  8. I think you need to look at the table. There are only 12 points between us and the bottom team, which isn't a lot after 23 games. I usually reckon that averaging one point per game means that you are safe from relegation. At the moment Alloa are just "safe" with 23 from 23 - but Partick and Falkirk have 22 and 21 respectively. I think that any of the bottom 7 are capable of taking points off each other at any time. There is no club dropping way behind the others.
  9. Compounded, it must be said, by the complete inertia and otherwordliness of Her Majesty's Most Loyal Opposition, who have maintained that the way forward is for them to get into power, after which they will be able to negotiate a new and different deal. I doubt if today's talks will make much difference. A plague on both their houses!
  10. Damned if they do, damned if they don't.... Sensible to have an early inspection before the team and fans set out. If conditions deteriorate, can always have another one. And I remember Robbo was quoted as saying that postponing the previous match because of the wind was "the correct decision".
  11. Have just seen the Auchinleck-Ayr result. Surely that's all that's need to motivate ICT today!
  12. What's your definition of "big"? I'll grant you that Thistle's last few seasons in the HL weren't good. But in their last four seasons, County finished in positions 1, 1, 5, and 3. In that last season they were equal on points with Caley but lost out on goal difference. That's a loss to the HL by any normal standards. (League tables at http://www.rsssf.com/tabless/scot-highhist.html)
  13. Really important to win this. QoS 3 up on County, Morton and Dundee Utd currently only on one point each.
  14. Are you able to tell us what his answer to that was?
  15. I thought it was very bad that the police didn't step in, despite standing close by whilst Soubry was being abused, and, it appears from some of the footage, accompanying the group to the door into Westminster. I saw a high-ranking officer from the Met on the news yesterday saying that they were now taking advice on whether any criminal actions had taken place. Memo to the Met Police - you don't have to wait until criminal activity takes place. (Ask any subject of stop-and-search.) What you should have done was step in and tell the louts to back off. If you want to make it formal, tell them they are in danger of committing public-order offences. I appreciate that it's a balancing act - that there's a fine line between tolerance and over-zealous policing. But next time, one of the idiots may be carrying a weapon, and be stupid enough to use it, while you stand by.
  16. If the BBC online text is correct, we have hit the bar twice and the post once. Need to adjust those goals next week...
  17. And here's one I did earlier! Last year, in fact. Honest. The same company also does jigsaws of town centre maps. I was recently given one of St Albans, where I live - but they also do one of Inverness. So if you were becoming stressed over your Xmas shopping, now you know what to buy everyone!
  18. Good grief! Can we not even afford any new ones for 2019?
  19. Although I have no involvement, that raised an obvious question. On checking, however, you are indeed empowered to do that. Provided that you wait until 7:30pm if a quorum is not present before that time. So maybe you should have entertainment on hand again for the first 30 minutes, just in case
  20. That is indeed logical, Captain. Except that the status quo is that we are currently both in the EU and leaving it on March 29th!
  21. I would argue that it's not undemocratic to have another vote two-and-a-half years after the first, because we all now have so much more information about what Brexit could mean, and also because the electorate has changed. I would also extend the vote to 16 and 17 year olds, since it's their immediate future at stake. But maybe I'm just a sore loser ? However - setting aside the democracy question - what do we do if Parliament cannot come to agreement on any course of action?
  22. That is indeed possible, but down here in England there is also a strong wish to just get it over and done with. It could well be that some who voted Remain, but not ardently so, would vote to Leave in the hope of avoiding more years of argument. Those who wanted a hard Brexit - a substantial number down here - will have had their attitudes hardened over the last couple of years. And will be joined by many who think that May's deal is a non-starter. I think that "no-deal Brexit" would also be on the ballot paper. To answer SP's question, the other EU leaders have always said - and are still saying - that it is a tragedy that the UK is leaving. If we were to decide to stay, they should therefore welcome us with open arms. If nothing else, it might dissuade other countries from thinking about leaving. Though I am sure that they would also make us pay, somehow, for all the trouble that we have caused.
  23. The deal has only been signed off by the other EU heads. There is a vanishingly small chance of it being approved by Parliament. Consequently, there remains everything to play for - for all sides of the debate.
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