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Everything posted by gordyfromsneck

  1. 2 quid isn't a lot, but I know of several regulars who just saw £27 as being a bit of a liberty. I hate the OFs visits too, but think of the coffers. It really is just grin and bear it time.
  2. Yes, Shawn, I agree, Hart was well off the pace. I hope he improves, as we know he is/was capable of much more. Less time at the slots and more on the turf. I would bring back Keogh and Sheerin too.
  3. "Would ICT run out of puff if Brew was in charge?" Question of the season - and the answer in No. I make it six points lost in the last 5 mins of various games, and yesterdays semi-final place. We worked a lot harder than Celtic, and deservedly should have been more tired, but that is a reason rather than an excuse.
  4. I was very surprised to see the booking going to Black as, to my eyes, Nakamura's challenge was brutal. Black did nothing save make an angry gesture. Still Dougie McDonald, eh? Speaking of which did anyone see Sno clouting Hastings later on. A bit handbags, but still an offence in the letter of the law. Also Black may still have been knackered whethe or not he was "rested". He put a lot into it. In conclusion, both Black and Christie have a great deal to learn.
  5. The games are only 80 minutes long. :009:
  6. :015: If only... Charlie will want to make changes this game, however, he will also be wary of making too many wholescale changes, at the risk of destabilising the side. McAllister should be put to one side meantime. McSwegan to start. I would also like Hart to appear at some point. Wilson usually starts, but I could equally see him coming on as a supersub, for the last 20 or 25 - a good run. Black will start, but I am reluctant to see Russell go in a game when we will need all the defence we can get. Rankin should stay as wide left as possible, and has shown his defensive capabilities in recent games. So that just leaves Woy to drop to the bench,for this game at least. Thus Starting middy of Wilson Duncan Black Rankin Subs: Hart Sutherland McBain McAllister Caff btw. If,as we are told, Dargos injury was "not as bad as first suspected" - three weeks - shouldn't he be back soon? ie this weekend?
  7. Whaaat? You and Gordy again? It'll be a cabinet job for your next!
  8. My favourite Edinburgh bus is the 1/6 which will take you from Gorgie Rd. to Easter Rd., via Dalry, Tollcross and all the Royal Mile. Always on time, always room, always keeps moving. Now that is what you call a bus!
  9. Hearts, as everyone knows, are a team of "diverse non- native national origins". But it doesn't scan.
  10. Yes. It's great to look at, in a brown trouser kind of way. But the question is "Why?" Why put himself under pressure, is there a tactical advantage? I very much doubt it. Statistically, he will **** it up once and concede a goal. Then we will all be screaming. I think we shoud be asking whether he can save a penalty.
  11. I always recall the way he could take down a Bobby Mann long ball on the point of his toe without breaking stride. Bestr trapper of the ball evah to grace this turf. And yes, he is a diving, whinging cheat, but he used to be OUR diving, whinging cheat.
  12. I know it was the same ground, but not sure it was the same team as last week. V.Poor display. Defenders not tackling, strikers not moving and midfield second to every ball. McAllister might as well nothave turned up in the 2nd half. Pass makers for Hastings, Tokers, Duncan, Rankin and yes even McSwegan, such as he was, but not really a team display. It just didint click today and a better side would have made us pay. Duncans goal was a smasher, he had loads of time and sized it up very well, got the dip just right. Doesnt happen often, but very welcome. *dons steel helmet* Not impressed with Fraser's work - punch-outs, dropped saves, footballing with the Arab strikers. It's more than my old ticker can bear, I tell ya. Still we got a number in da bag, bring it on, as the young people say.
  13. All seems very strange as CC likes to stress how ethically he deals. G
  14. 3-3 Three own goals from Dods in the first half, followed by 3 own goals from Proctor in the 2nd. Both are dropped, in adavnce from their new teams.
  15. :017: Without a doubt the OF fans think of us as the simple country cousins - they feel they "take over the toon" and take the pash out of our stewards. Try thinking of it as a tax that we must pay - we get their money, we have to put up with their numbskull fans for a few days a year. NB - Political Redress Dept. Not all OF fans are numbskulls, of course.
  16. No Blackie either, mind you he has been suspended for most of the run up. Let that be a lesson to you etc ect
  17. ...and if you need a shoulder to cry on...
  18. Seven years at County! Joined at 17! You get less than that for murder, as they say. Charlie is always keen to stress how ethically the deal has been done. Are you hearing Brewster? Must be a good thing, though, this means one of our middies can move up a bit temporarily, at least.
  19. To be fair actually sounds like a fair reflection considering he's a complete and total erse link Very good comments from the diving cheat. It shows that he, at least, is willing to take us seriously. Celtic come to Inverness and feel pleased to get a 92nd minute winner. Some mistake surely!
  20. Anyone remember the Neild Brothers - Bobby and Freddy? A big hand for the McAllister Brothers - Rory and Rory. or did I have too many prematch Voddies in the Town???
  21. 12 men and still couldn't beat them... From the BBC site... " Inverness CT: Fraser, Tokely, Dods, Munro, Hastings, Wilson, McBain, Duncan (Black 74), Rankin, Bayne, Wyness (McAllister 2), McAllister (Paatelainen 84). Subs Not Used: Ridgers, McCaffrey, Morgan, Soane. "
  22. Bottle half empty Three points to Celtic, none to ICT. Bottle half full Great team performance against the league leaders in the face of team depletions, incompetent/biased refereeing and the luck of the Irish. Play like that and it will be a cricket score next week.
  23. Very big of him to acknowledge Brewsters role in maintaining his career. Great news. You feel that when Wilson is on the ball anything can happen. An inspiration today and every day, mostly.
  24. Yep, straight red. But was Black involved in speechplay. Nonetheless, good on Blackie. Easy to see the transfer window is open.
  25. Nicky Walker - ole' butter shortbread fingers, Nicky Naehands. Whatever happened to... He would make an admirable No 2, and would probably fancy it.
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