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Everything posted by gordyfromsneck

  1. Yes, quite. I think enough has been written on this thread. Anyone else agree/disagree?
  2. Yes, quite. I think enough has been written on this thread. Anyone else agree/disagree?
  3. Yes, quite. I think enough has been written on this thread. Anyone else agree/disagree?
  4. :015: This post has been passed as carbon neutral.
  5. There can be only one...
  6. It is off the field that CC loses matches, as Grassa points out.
  7. "If the general is weak and not disciplined, his instructions not clear, the officers and troops lack discipline and their formation in disarray, this is called chaos... If the general is kind to the troops, but cannot use them, or if the general loves the troops, but cannot command them, or if the general does not discipline the troops, but cannot establish order, the troops are like spoiled children and are useless." Sun Tzu - The Art of War, Ch 10, Ground Formations Quote - Intelligent approach to conflict and competition.
  8. Cracking stuff! Great to see that goal at Hearts by ??, and what's with the van pushing? Well worth a watch, just to see how happy we were then!!
  9. Will he walk? Mebbe's aye, mebbe's naw. But, Charlie has addressed the one problem that has cost us this season and that is depth of pool. The honeymoon is over and now w must pay to play. We need more quality players, and should expect to pay for them, but dresing room hair dryers aside the shocker for me was the lack of a scouting network! Whaaat! I though we had one, did this recede when Robbo left? and vanish with Brewster? This is unforgiveable! What we know of the scouting network this season is Xmas meal with Ross County manager, drinks at the Clak Club with DD and a phone call to Cowdenbeath! I am also slightly curious about this phone call to Pele. Shall we start a rumour!
  10. Won't somebody think of the children? A whole generation - their football support stultified by that one match. Picture the scene - a nursing home, Culloden in the year 2076. "Yes, I remember going to see them when they were in the old SPL! They got gubbed by Dunfermline, I didn't go again. Are they still running?"
  11. I confidently predict a draw at worst.
  12. Well deserved. He has been well worth it this year, much improved. Let's hope it doesn't get in the way of his day job.
  13. Tug A long time ago, I suggested a creche at the stadium for wee ones and those strange kids not interested at ICT. Who would grudge a fiver to have their kids entertained while they were entertained. I am sure the costs would add up.
  14. No more than if he had to prove that a coloured player was "black", I should imagine, but hey, that's the law.
  15. will the new legislation cover imputations of bestiality and other various sexual predilictions? Thus overnight we are no longer "sheep shagging bastids"! If only the real problem was as easy to solve, eh Granville?
  16. Those who live by the late goal shall die by the late goal...
  17. I wold have the Arabs game as Fraser's best performance yet. He had a good few saves to make (Hi Robson!), much more than against Celtic. His kicking out was of good length, and he was unafraid to throw to vary things. (No stupid football heroics either!) After initial trepidations, I am now feeling much more confident in his ability to take over from Shotstopper Brown. Bring on the penalty saves! I can't see us affording another experienced keeper on the books, but I am sure that Charlie has Buttershortbread fingers and Jimbos phone numbers!
  18. I am continually surprised by the fearful way teachers view the internet, as some kind of scurrilous forum of unmediated insurrection. Burn those books!! There may indeed be many reasons why anyone would hold any opinion, Charles has named two, and similarly there may be many reasons why anyone would not want their name attached to that opinion. The lesson is clear - do not shoot the messenger, read the message. That is in many ways the joy of it. However, you dont become a footballer to lead a life of anonymity. I stand by any opinion I voice, I also claim the right to change it at a moments notice. And if anyone wants to take it up with me, I am S. Paterson The Royal Hotel Peterhead Aberdeen-shire.
  19. :015: Advice for Charlie...go all out to win this game. The rest I'll leave to you.
  20. One of the regulars on here used to have a sig that said something like, "I am a season ticket holder, and I have the right, no, the duty to express my opinion" I have NEVER booed ICT during a match, but a Raymond Biro said they were 30 seconds away from getting that yesterday. I spend prorata £20 a week for 90 mins entertainment, and whilst, unlike theatre or a film there are no gaurantees, I expect at least effort. The scoreline didnt matter :004:, the footie was shocking. Having said that I will be there next time. I have paid my money, and Charlie's wages, and I will support my team any way I flipping choose.
  21. There is a difference between saying a decision was "harsh" and calling the ref a lying cheat, a la Gorkski Rd.
  22. Utter sharn of the most lacklustre kind. Fraser had the best game I'vr seen from him yet, and was called into action several times, frequently in earnest. Sorry too that McAllister just isn't up to a start yet. We need the shoulder boys back, but other than him, anyone else. Munro's sending off looked reasonable, but with Robson's simulations skills, it is hard to tell. Top incident was watching Black run 20 yards to stamp on Wilkie's toes, three seconds after the ball had left. Not guts, not competitiveness, just lunacy. Do we have a sports psychologist? Very luck to get the three, but as Charlie said, who in Scottish Football would say we werent worth a wee bit of luck. I would say bring on the Killie, but we will need a lot more to be in with a top 6 chance. ALSO PLEASE DO NOT FORGET TO VOTE IN THE PLAYER POLL> THIS HAS BEEN A PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT (VOTE FOR WILSON, OK?)
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