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Everything posted by gordyfromsneck

  1. The set-up...Tommy Burns whinges that Celtic and Rangers dont get the competition at home. "The Old Firm operate on a different level entirely here because they are the clubs who can pay big salaries and spend big money compared to the other teams. "It's very uneven for teams like Gretna to play Celtic and Rangers and expect to win, and equally it's the same for us against teams like AC Milan and Barcelona. " The punch line... Two days later, Celtic get beaten by Hibs, with "best goalie in the world" cocking up two of the goals. You couldn't write this stuff. :015:
  2. It would be very very foolish to treat Gretna Green as a soft touch. They will want to win this one big style. Full strength team, please Brew.
  3. His cousin lived next door to me for a few years and was also keen on a wee wind up, now the family are regular fixtures at TCS. The more defectors the merrier I say. Yes, of course. An added bonus of signing County players! More locals to support us! So to up the gate by say 1,000 we should sign 100 County players. (Big families over there.)
  4. I was walking on air last night! Wat a cracking goal and a well-deserved win. As someone else said, Roy of the Rovers stuff. Hearts had some great moves, but ultimately did very little in front of goal. The stats show that their keeper was by far the busier, tough hardly tested. Until Brew came on most of the shots were either limp or off-target. How are we gonna replace him? He had the side well-organised, though I think we may see more changes, and even continual ones, fo the rest of the season. We at last have some depth of pool and competition for places. First time I have seen McGuire and though that he did pretty well. Munro looked out of position several times, but no disasters occurred, fortunately. Much has been said about the Toke, I thought he was great going forward, but at a loss in defence on a few ocassions. And I dont mean running back. Black was my MOM, closely followed by Cowie, tireless worker. It would have been good to have Deano on, but his turn will come. My only reservation, is to how hard we had to work to get this win , that level of committment is unsustainable, unless we get the Greek salads going again. Bu that is for another day. A big hurrah for Brew and the team. A win against Gretna Green will be a good barometer of how well we will do this season. Then lets get the points in.
  5. The ref had a not bad game, and gave us the benfit of the doubt, at least early on. A bit card shy for the treatment that Blackie was getting though. And yes, Russell does need to shut it, this is quite a new phenomenon. There is a difference between a wee bit of whinging and a continual nagging. If the ref feels cornered he is going to react, unfavourably.
  6. I enjoyed watching the other side play, they were grate. If they go out there will be less football on the TV, but really it doesn't put me up or down.
  7. No. I mean we cant boo every cheating diving boostard in the league, can we? Also it's not like he acheived anything, loser.
  8. At last a post getting to the truth of our problems. The recent games have been typified by being good performances but lacking luck. "Unlucky" is the word of the season. Mascots bring luck. Therefor I suggest that we emply more than one mascot, our luck will be manifold. I suggest for the heart tea we emply this mascotting formation... Stag, Nessie, Fox, Stupid Looking Eagle thing, Bear (Rumanian ref), Seagull (Stephen Watt ref), Big Lucky Bucket Dusty Bin(Rankin, Cowie etc etc) Lucky Stuffed Greek Salad (Brew) I suggest starting with the Eagle till half time then bringing on Icat as a surprise substitution. With Johnny Fox playing a sweepers roll outside the visitors stand, luck will flow accordingly, mark my words. *stops typing, goes to bed*
  9. Jeez. That Sheffield Wednesday board sound like a right bunch of paranoid, arrogant, supercillious cnuts. Allegedly.
  10. Weird. Is this some kind of mock-up/joke? Or is it genuine stoopidity? How can they get so much, so wrong?
  11. Yep. He had a collision with Jones the Ceiling - the big daft threepence. It is always difficult to tell about diving, but the radio men thought it very poor that MN was carded for going down...untheatrically, they said. Maybe the ref thought Romanian=simulation. I hope he doesn't go that way, but it is endemic in their game, I read. Break the habit, Marius! Sounded to me that CB and MN played well together, but Craig may want to ring the changes. I will be very very happy when Dennis gets and SPL goal, as they have been in short supply since he came back.
  12. Dunno about that, but I think we will see him here for a while. I am very glad Proctor is coming back - I was gutted that he left in the first place. CB will have to do a bit of work on him, I suspect as his confidence must be rock bottom. We have not seen his best yet. CB is to be congratulated for the amount and quality of strings he pulled in such a short time. No-one else could have done what he did.
  13. As I recall it was the great Grassa hissel. There are many many many worse football songs than that one. Good melody, the lyrics date it a wee bit though, dealing as they do with the "merger", whatever that is.
  14. The manager talking about his star striker! Problem? Seriously though, many folk have mentioned about CB and his lack of media nous. I remember being quite shocked hearing him after Robbos quickfire patter. You can get classes on this, I am sure. Charles Bannerman will know, if not him then MFR. This is important, and very much part of the job, NOT an add-on. It instills confidence in players and fans = bums on seats= cash.
  15. Exactly. If, however, we got the top Scottish scorer on a free, then the whole thing is an excellent piece of business, regardless. G
  16. Excellent, except I would put Zander up front too. Brewster should play the inform striker, which just happens to be Craig Brewster. Once we have a few points then he can start exploring the possibilities.
  17. Ruseeldinho should be made captain. He has a gob on him, he is in the middle of things, he is a regular, he has experience of both this club and others, and can play a bit. The ego boost he gets might just help is passing too.
  18. hahaha Oh the irony! Things, as they say can only get better. I am sure he will do an adequate job for us. btw who is that naughty looking woman in your posts.
  19. Not so much of the old! also re a) Brew and Tokers are good buds.
  20. Brewster learns to walk before he can run.
  21. a) Granty's captancy has not long to run. b) Caff's presence is scheduled for removal. c) There is a new CD coming. d) Harty has shamed the club and will be punished. e) Blackie is a bad apple in the dressing room, and his perch too is shaky. that is all
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