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Everything posted by gordyfromsneck

  1. Brew has been in touch with Grassa ever since CC started getting jittery. Hence the quick tunraround, hence the lack of tapping up accusations from the seagulls, hence the "management escape" clause in Brew's Dons contract, hence Brew not selling his house in Town, hence the confidence in putting up a token "consultation" exercise - if Brew was the people's choice you have a mandate, if not, so what? It is easy to put these things to gether after the event. All good business practice though. All hail the returning legend! Top 6 here we come!!
  2. Well in that case, I am very surprised he didn't come to us for ?80k and a Tulloch home. The man is a ****. We must do everything to distance ourselves from all OF partisanship. Just like someone astutely mentioned in another thread re Warncok this is spin. There was never a dog's chance in ****.
  3. I think so and righjtly too. Donald has shown himself to be a true pro, working amongst some amateurs at times. I am sure he an CB will perform brilliantly thegither. How many people left with Brew? 4, was it? It will be him and his kit bag coming back. It is no small thing for him to return. It also shows a fair amount of guts. As we have sen from this site, there are many people wanting him to fail, for some reason. I am sure he is aware of this.
  4. Meet the New Boss! Same as the old Boss! All hail to Craig! Prove everyone wrong! eh...slightly disappointed he coudn't make the game tomorrow though. Bottle job? Imagine if we were scheduled to play Aberdeen, then!
  5. Yep. The first former, or indeed current, ICT player to win a full Scoatish cap. Well done, the whinger. I bet Pele will be having a drink on that.
  6. Well let's boycott that as well, and petition against it.
  7. Brewster is an intelligent chap. Intelligent people learn as they go. Brewster is bound to have a hard learning curve at Dundee Utd. He will also know that he is not going to last much longer as a playing force and will have to start using what else is around him. I think we may be in for a surprise if he comes back. One win on Saturday and the world will be turned upside-down...again.
  8. Yes! I heard that too! He wants to get Juanjo back over as his number 2!
  9. That woud be about right. Hasn't he heard of "Paid in scenery"? C8nt. (Unless he gets the job, however)
  10. :rotflmao: :rotflmao: I like your style Nothing would have greater poetry than for Pele to return and take us to Europe. I would love it, but it aint gonna happen. He had/has his problems, which, like CC, have a pressure sensitive cut-off point. He may have changed, but I doubt it. Like CC, I think he has the ability, but not the temperament. However, I am very surprised that the club haven't approached him in a scouting capacity.
  11. Not as expensive as you might think. For the first time that I can remember a ?40,000+ Directors Emolument appeared on the accounts. I don't grudge anyone payment for services, but since day 1 we have been led to believe that the ICT Directors all worked for free and we should be grateful for their service. It would seem this is another change that has occurred at the club recently. Grasser costs ICT ?0. His salary is paid for by Cairngorm Windows who let him work, almost exclusively for ICT, as far as I understand it. Bear that in mind next time you need uPVC windows and doors, built in the HIghlands for the Highlands. To my mind the Nicolae deal is an excellent piece of work for all concerned, especially the players, and if they cant take it they should seek other employment, elsewhere. Once this machine clicks into place, and I have zero doubt it will, this will all be forgotten.
  12. Good luck to Charlie. It was a brave thing to have a go and a brave thing to resign. No matter what they say, the boy done good!
  13. I think not. Levein got all sorts of support unavailable to Brew. Just like when Calderwood came to Pittodrie. They try and do it on the cheap and then realise that managerial quality costs. Unlike players there are far fewer bargains. I would have the old Pele back in a flash, but I fear he may not be up for it any more.
  14. Not only mentioned but quoted as saying he would be very interested.... :014: Yep. Quite encouraging. I fear that we are going to have to shell out for a new manager. We are going to have to show belief, and that will cost. Having said that Butcher would be a top-notch catch.
  15. I have said it before and I will say it again... If Shearer comes here, my Season ticket goes into Bin 1. Brewster was not given the best help at Arabs and I feel he can do better. We don't need another striker, but I think he is Caley-minded. Getting the team back to his levels of fitness is worth and extra man. But other than that, no other appointment fills me with anticipation. What about a foreigner, or an unknown or an unknown foreigner. We have a great squad now, we just need a leader.
  16. CALEY THISTLE APPOINT NEW LOTTERY MANAGER. "My number's up" says Sham pain Charlie.
  17. Quite. Ridiculous and unwarranted tackle from Granty, though Caff must shoulder blame too. Hohum better days ahead.
  18. Not sure who was who tonight, apart from the well kent faces. Zander was knockout, two great runs, twice the speed of evryone else. Of the others, the number 4 was good, and the two strikers who came on looked up for it. If they want to get the best from Deano, they are going to have to keep the ball on the ground. Like an old Highland league game, the speed it was played at. Clach did very very well. There were more ICT players on the terrace than the pitch.
  19. Great choices and great pen pics, Charles. All great of course, but the forgotten man in that list is Iain MacArthur. He never gets mentioned in these pages much, but I remember things moved on a quantum leap in defence when he joined. A rock in the pre-Mann days.
  20. Cute, Charles, but this is neither the time of place to talk about the ethics, and implimentation, of Chinese population and gender control moves. But otherwise, anything that cuts down gardening is OK by me. As for energy efficiency, I think the master of the was David Xausa, who saved energy by not chasing balls.
  21. That first Jap goal is worthy of a youtube, "Sporting ****-up" clip. Not one, but two mistakes in one ball! Switched off and went so sleep, as the 2nd half started.
  22. Top notch on the youtube shots. I am going to renew my season ticket on the strength of that alone! Also at the risk of seeming PC - I am glad that we are getting a person of colour in the team, hopefully. 21st century here we come!
  23. Is that Paatinainen beside him?
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