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Everything posted by gordyfromsneck

  1. In that case we need cover in goals. Ridgers is still young. So to have the former PM of the UK on the bench would do wonders for our gates, whether he plays or not. I believe he will be free shortly. Break the wages barrier for that one.
  2. hahahaha That's a move up? Div 1 beckons, a la Bobby Mann. Tell me that is a joke!
  3. Very good. I have read Irvine Welsh too. Was RH there?
  4. All true above, but I would have bet a fiver to a kilo of skunk, that that was who it would be. Form slips when the big money kicked in. It is more about attitude, than any legal issues. Now watch how many St. Mirren fans turn up here next season, for the apres match social life. :004:
  5. Nail on head, mate. To lose one striker is unfortunate, to lose another a week later is effing ridiculous. If they were on form, or even present, would have allowed us to challenge for sixth. Depth of pool problems will, I suspect, be with us next season too.
  6. No that seems fine and sensible. We can start well on that. The only trouble, as always, will be depth of cover, and, unlike a few of the other SPL teams, we just cant afford to buy stars to get splintery arsse.
  7. Is that at evens, Alex? I'll give that an unconditional "yes!". Who is holding the money? Rory, will still be 4th or 5th choice striker next season.
  8. Sorry mate, haven't seen them. Here you go though. [img width=600 height=188]http://www.materials.com/CROWBAR.JPG
  9. Good thread idea. Hero - Hard to call, as over the season, most players did well. However, I will give special mention to Richard Hastings, whose game has come on enormously. It shows that even older players can improve their skills. Villian. - Again, perhaps a bit unjust to name names, but CC has persisted with some players for longer than we, the all-knowing fans, would have done. Step forward, Rory. Blackie must also get a special mention here for his appalling disciplinary record, but I think, and hope the tide has turned. Could do better - As above, but all the players here have at least one shortcoming in their game. Hart - shooting, Dargo - trapping, Duncan - passing, McBain - using two feet, Wyness - avoiding injury, etc etc. Sort these out and it will be Europe for us next season. Now where is that season ticket renewal form...
  10. mmm hard call Barry for age and guile Rossco for passion Grantie for youth and potential Answer - Circulate it!
  11. With TM4TJ about Dunfermline getting relegated, but hey, their good run wa sstarted by beating us 3-1 a few weeks ago, so it was up to us to end it. I hope we do Smirrne, as I would dearly like to top the Arabs, even if the 7th place is a dream now.
  12. Because we were shooting the "wrong" way today, I finally got a look at Zander. He is going to be one **** of a player. Every time he got the ball, instead of finding space, he took 3 or 4 players with him, and quite frequently got the ball into the middle. The game shifted gear when he came on. With him, Markus, Rankin and Cowie, again we are going to have some great young players next season. Top result!
  13. No doubt Hastings has earned hs place - he has surpassed Golly, but he got his chane when Golly got crocked. Much like McCaff and Dodds. Golly had a few goes, but never seemed to be quite the same as he was before his longterm injury.
  14. I see on another thread that someone is referring to "Ross County's Football Academy". I just couldn't be arsed commenting, but thought why not have an FAQ about common and recurring misapprehensions about this wonderful club of ours. A kind of "Newbies Start Here!" I have had a few ideas just to get started... Why does everyone hate Neil Lennon? Why don't they change the name to Inverness City? Why is Richard Hasting known as "Judas"? You get the idea...
  15. No, but Strachan praised the role his tea-making played in their title triumph.
  16. That is arftastic! Youtube sent me this link, which is another cracker, and well-presented. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XHcg20HyJXk&NR=1
  17. having listened to the celtic game and remembering back to his antics at aberdeen, could kingston perhaps be a candidate There is no subsitute. There is, and always will be, only one Neil Lennon. Only one two-faced, hypocritical, unprofessional, mediocre, self-pitying cheat. Bye!
  18. I heard it was for health reasons.... ....he was sick of getting beaten.
  19. Slim pickins, I know, but the Smirren win over Falkirk was good for us. I am fully confident that we can emulate last seasons 5 in a row after the split, and hold 7th place at the close season. No, I know it's not a big deal, but there you go...
  20. It gives me no pleasure to see County go down. Am I the only one who thought Dargo below par? Yes, he took his goals well, but his pace and passing were sloppy. He will be hard to replace if he goes, but not impossible. Hastings was for me MOM by a mile...v glad he is staying for his 30 pieces of silver.
  21. *sniff sniff* What's that funny smell?
  22. [img width=600 height=370]http://www.aragob.es/elocales/quinto/historia/1938_fotol_1.jpg
  23. Best player? Aye, for about ten minutes every third game! :003:
  24. Agree about the Saints J's players, but I dont think any of them will be going far unless it is outwith our budget. They are very ambitious for this season, and I think, and hope, they go up. Having said that, Peanut Sheerin seems to be having and Indian Summer and could give us a season or two at Codger level.
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