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Everything posted by Donview

  1. Donview


    What a load of shyte!!
  2. Agreed their fans were superb, our goal was well executed as you describe however the initial pass from Russell Duncan through to Ritchie was worthy of a goal. As for Eric, he has been immense in his substitute outings these last two saturdays and in my opinion could be a real surprise package for us in the SPL this year. Bring it on, I'm really looking forward to the new season and think there is nothing to fear in the Premier division.
  3. Peterhead away at 2.37 for me Gringo.
  4. He'll be paying with some old white fivers :gangster:
  5. Can you list a set of categories for us to allocate sessions................any we can remember that is :drink:
  6. Rossco's problem last season was fitness, linked to injury and frustration. Don't agree with the "too old " and slow brigade, when fit he's an example to all and a major asset to ICT. Bring on the Cellic and looking forward to a contract extension !!
  7. Hopefully they won't get past our "nanny state" health and safety regulations...............127 decibels, fecking enough to deafen any ****!!!
  8. Aye, I did'nt believe Naelifts at first..................then he tried to sell me his match ticket stub :)
  9. A true gentleman who will be greatly missed. The Caley Club won't be the same without that wide grin on a matchday, nor will the full time debate be as lively.
  10. Harry wins it hands down. Will be great for our Killie games next season, just a wee bit further for the shuttle bus!!
  11. Bloody weddings. Unless it's your own, don't go. In fact especially if it's your own don't go Ah. The sagacity of age! :022: ........still love the "Dragon" to bits after all these years!!
  12. Agree, crucial signing and I was delighted to absorb the news report on Original Radio this morning that "despite being courted by Aberdeen, Richie Foran signed a new two year deal at Inverness"..............get in there!!
  13. thaks for all the compliments guys glad i ended up workin in the bar which is very rare pre match usualy have a few pint wi dougie at the other side of the bar lol cheers ps .. cant get that fekin : who put the o and the u county : song oot ma heid walked down the river this morning to the pub and whistled it all the way there !!! :D :P :clapping03: :025: :022: :021: :D ;) If ya stay up ya can sing it to the gypsys next season - but get yer neighbours to move the feckin caravans. And don't forget the "Ford Transistor" as well ! !
  14. Bloody weddings. Unless it's your own, don't go. In fact especially if it's your own don't go :D :P
  15. My best day away ever Harry - and that goes back to the feckin sixties - but there was a hair in the soup. Think it was one of mine Johndo
  16. So see ya in the Caley Club - ya owd git. Oh Aye...................nae feckin stiffies though!!!
  17. Speak's for me that's for sure.
  18. Ditto to the fact I was not on the pitch.....................mainly due to all three factors stated above.
  19. Don't know if I can handle another hangover like the one I'm nursing right now!! Then again there's three months to recover............
  20. Think we're 11/10 with Corals tomorrow, doubt if you'll get any better from the big two.
  21. Naelifts still betting after backing the Gudgies for the title ! :) !
  22. Just of the night shift, 6 double vodies and a couple o'Jaffas............he'll be sound asleep by half time!!
  23. BTW, for anyone who was thinking of staying over and had not booked accommodation, I've just re-booked my hotel after checking/cancelling my weekly reservations (long story-work related). The Holiday Inn Express Ayr has ROOMS available at ?35.00 per night, half of what I had booked at under their flexi-rates a couple of weeks ago. Happens occassionally, but hey make the best of it, that includes breakfast for as many of the room occupancy...............if you can face it after THE party!!!
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