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Everything posted by Donview

  1. Hope we match their Elginesque "away day" numbers, don't see a roll call thread this week.
  2. You'd be more than welcome SP. I'm really surprised you got in before Naelifts when there's a whiff of free drink
  3. Donview

    Red Card

    I thought this was a thread about "Young" Riley
  4. What a load of tosh. I've lived in Aberdeen for almost 40 years and in my experience there is nothing other than admiration and respect for what Caley Thisle have achieved and how we have established ourselves in the Scottish game. I'm in Inverness this evening and left the "Caley Club" about an hour ago. What pisses me of is the amount of "Huns" who still frequent the club and think they have a divine right to loudly bad mouth Caley Thistle fans (in our own domain)and confirm their loyalty to the Boyne or whatever else these bigots pretend to understand aboud 400 years of Irish history which has absolutely feck all to do with the Highlands of Scotland. Seventeen years down the line I get seriously annoyed with these morons who should be supporting their local club and buying thier brats Caley Thistle strips instead of old filth merchandise.
  5. I got 35/1 on the day of the last round before we played Elgin Shi**y. On the Monday we were down to 16/1, tasty odds and the drinks are on me if we win the cup!!
  6. Well I've gone for winners in the poll.............probably because I've a nice wee voucher with Billy Hill
  7. Hope the dude wakes up today and realises the amount of sweet talking it took to save him from being chucked out. Hope also he got many good pics for all his staggering efforts Was that the ground or the social club Alex! :biggrin: !
  8. A couple of fannies if you ask me.............
  9. Normally I would not single out any individual player, however cannot beleive that Duncan is carrying the can for the inept midfield performances of our last two home games. With Russell you at least get 110% effort every game and he never hides. The same can't be said for Cox who could'nt tackle a fish supper and disappears for long spells in games or is found lacking when the going gets tough. Did not think the boy could cut it in the first division and he's done nothing to change my mind on his SPL showing.
  10. Your usual imaginative and witty seasonal offering Johndo, great stuff. Would particularly like to echo your sentiments for our armed forces especially at this time of year. These guys need our support and know the country is behind them.
  11. And season's greetings to you and yours Insider!! I'll be at the game on Sunday, Caley Club for a few before and after Have you revealed your identity to all and sundry yet or is Scotty keeping you in "Stig" mode
  12. You got me a new tie for Christmas??
  13. I remember this time last year it was the same but we were far from happy, rightly, with either the performances or our prospects in the league. Can't believe it's been a year already, from the high of leading Dungdee 2-0 (going on 5-0) in the cup final and then losing the lead at foggy Firhill the week after. Totally depressed after that but what a maturity virtually the same squad are showing week after week. I said at the start of the season we have nothing to fear in this league and now that the self belief is firmly instilled in the players it can only be positives in the months ahead.
  14. You're snapshot doesn't show his caravan in the background
  15. He seemed to be suffering from a rib/stomach injury for most of the game last night but kept pushing himself on. If you watch his reaction after the cross for the winning goal he is doubled up in pain.
  16. Yer right!!................... Taxi for "Dingus" ??
  17. Donview

    Gordon Munro

    Tragic news indeed, a true gent, thoughts with his family. Always had a bit of banter with Gordy when up for home games and regularly spotted at away venues. I can remember him keeping us "youngsters" in check on the Caley buses way back in the late sixties and will never forget that permenant grin on on his face.
  18. Nothing wrong with positive thinking, and to be perfectly honest we have nothing to fear in the SPL with our current squad and team spirit. I seem to recall we were only just pipped for a top six spot by The Dons three years ago?? Scotty's probably best guy to confirm the stats. Aberdeen got in on 44 points that year, the runners up were Hearts on 42,Falkirk 41,and us on 36, 05 was our best, Well got in with 43 points and we were so close with 42 That was the one we were unbeaten with no goals conceded after the break. What a heartbreaker. Cheers guys, that fairly clarifies it for me.
  19. Dots.....a system whereby someone can give a positive or negative response to a particular post. Personally I've ignored them. Think I'll stick with the Guinness intake equation, colour and number relevant to pint ratio
  20. Nothing wrong with positive thinking, and to be perfectly honest we have nothing to fear in the SPL with our current squad and team spirit. I seem to recall we were only just pipped for a top six spot by The Dons three years ago?? Scotty's probably best guy to confirm the stats.
  21. And there's me thinking it's my Guinness intake !! What about the dots thing?? I'm not the only one questioning it, there were quite a few comments in the Alamo last week about the lack of clarity and general understanding.
  22. I'm at Prestwick tomorrow night for a cargo job, staying at the Holiday Inn in Ayr. Should I go and have a chat with Harry about the Killie game sesh and "shuttle" arrangements or did you remember to call him??
  23. Why is this post on 3 red dots? Have a red yin to even it up a little bit, didn't hear much from the Main Stand either but presuming they made some noise to warrant these comments so well done all involved. Sorry Alex don't go with all this section G p*sh. We hear you, but the volume levels are pretty poor and stuttering. I sit in the main stand periodically and observe the likes of Drew and "neighbours" attempts to motivate the paper rustlers. Yesterday they suceeded and I think the majority actually enjoyed the atmosphere and banter. Wish it could only be a regular occurence. If there was a uniform "team" backing instead of "stand" sniping perhaps Terry's comments would not be an exception but the rule. PS. Could somebody please explain this "dot" system which seems to be an irritating clique feel good factor for moderators and geeks. I like to visit the forum for a bit of fun, but it's getting a labour with all these veiled sub-sections. Rant over, bring back the old school when you could just come online and enjoy a bit of Craic !!
  24. Devastated by this news, many happy memories particularly from the early days.
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