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Everything posted by Donview

  1. How come your still in Chorley ye fecker, thought you would be sampling Harry's soup tonight??
  2. Agree, Wyness13's "Believe" caption shows the players heading for Butcher to celebrate that goal, you can see by their faces how much that meant...................from that point I thought the league was ours.
  3. Thats my favorite so far. Mine too, can feel a song coming on.............
  4. We'll be stronger and tougher for the experience...........bring it on !!!
  5. Well done that man, must admit had serious doubts early season but since the turn of the year always felt as though we could sneak it. Naelifts, take note............how much did you put on Dross C*unty to win the league
  6. See Feb8th has finally mastered the emocions page then.............
  7. One last shot at real terracing on Saturday............
  8. Pint of Stella for me. Sitting in a Dundee pub just now is somehow making it taste a bit too sweet... Hope you're no wearing your Caley top!!!
  9. And they get to do them at Dens on Saturday again!!
  10. 131 members online...............hope you've all got a celebration drink at the ready!!
  11. Dundee sound as though they are really toiling.
  12. Tight ****...............at least a "mock chop" supper on the way back!!
  13. Sombrero, beach shorts and flip flops..........and away top, gets a bit bracing at Ayr beach this time of year.
  14. Sounds like a fair bit of business to me
  15. Have it on good authority that JC will be stepping into the breach.............if he can get the hair dyed in time
  16. Donview


    Must be an offshoot of the Sun!!
  17. Donview


    Just with you :023:
  18. Richard Gordon to introduce. Jim Spence to commentate Robbo to summarise, and translate the long words for Derek, who will be sharpening his crayons. :023: spot on HTG, cue Steve Cowan with the colouring book................
  19. Donview


    Probably, sheer desperation if you ask me.
  20. A year ago I would have paid you to take Rooney away..........now, no chance, what a transformation and 25 goals in the bag this season. If Aberdeen or anybody else came courting Rooney then it's time for our nicey,nicey board and DOF to get tough and quote them a ridiculous figure and scare them off.
  21. I vaguely remember some of the canal locks being drained and dredged in the 60's..........and stories of large amounts of "goodies" turning up in school playgrounds.
  22. What's that? A scantily clad passenger who sweet talks the traffic cops? ;) :( unfortunately not, she's got a voice worse than the missus!! Blackspot.com for the full range. Also if I remember correctly Pepipoo.com/safety cameras had some good advice and links. My last brush with the mobile camera gestapo ended in me getting off scot free (at the time).........three weeks later coming home in the dark following our Sunday game with the Tims, nailed on at Keith by a traffic car with hand held.......sneaky barsteward was hiding up a farm track and the Angel did'nt pick up the radar :D
  23. As someone who drives circa 60K per annum both in the UK and Europe, awareness and knowing the legality requirements are critical. However no matter how good or conscientious a driver you are there are times when you will be trapped by these government cash cows. I have invested in a "Road Angel"..........keeps me alert and on the right side of the law.
  24. Priceless Johndo.........a sneaky wee dig at their banking capabilities in there as well
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