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Everything posted by Donview

  1. The eloquent Derek Ferguson.............now there's a treat, will definately be tuning in :finger03:
  2. I just don't bet on us any more, kiss of death.
  3. I thought you were sympathising with IHE over his piles :D :(
  4. Just seems like yesterday........ :D ;)
  5. I'm wi you O' learned One.............can't stand the St. Midden w*nk support, don't even get me started on Mcpherson :P :D
  6. Don't see the point in trawling up threads like this on a day when we have effectively become champions. FFS enjoy the moment and move on.
  7. Have we no already "WAN" it.................barring an 18 goal turnaround in 3 games..........it's our day at Ayr, enjoy
  8. Well said that man................in fact would go as far as to say "what a p*sh topic !!!
  9. How's about wee willie winkers outfits..............or was that wee willie WA*KERS outfits...........A or E all the same to me
  10. I've waited patiently since the Mickey Mouse cup final.............but tonight i've been winding my Dees buddy up........Cooper, you peh crunching erse.........."12 clear and you fu*ked it up"............"12 clear and you fu*ked it up".............."12 clear and you fu*ked it up"..............
  11. Would that have been underneath the kitchen sink :P
  12. Totally agree with this statement, let's give Dunfermline the respect they deserve and hope we get the win which will take all the pressure off. Would be great if Morton could do the "double" this week to help the cause along :)
  13. Oh Aye!! Caley Club for me pre-match but see you down the dump Johndo..............we need to discuss tactics for Ayr ;)
  14. You'd better get her to bring her mates along to gie us a hand as well ! !
  15. Feck me, have you been hiding in Naelifts wallet !?!?! Thought all the "old heids" had given up possession to the youth team. Yes, will be at Ayr for our penultimate fixture.................however my "gut" tells me it will be a big celebration day
  16. 73' was a better vintage......................is there no some unfinished business "down by the harbour" ?? Are you referring to the fight or the prostitute ? Were'nt they one and the same, heard you fought like tarts with only redcard getting a scratch in !!
  17. Think it's about time Roy was given a chance to contribute. Vastly more experienced than Stratford and probably chomping at the bit.
  18. 73' was a better vintage......................is there no some unfinished business "down by the harbour" ??
  19. Spotted in the National, with John Doc, pre the last County clash. His hair was perfect. It's the Doc who always teased the life out of him about the dye Gordy. Good to see he's still following the team.......and apparently looking younger with it !!
  20. Anyone seen JC lately?? Does he still dye his hair?? ;)
  21. The bar underneath the main stand is where we normally go Mike. You working down south? Juggling a few for the week-end so I can take in the game, tricky stuff. Can't even book a hotel yet as too many balls in the air!!
  22. Charles, would be interested to know his penalty statistics ?? From memory he has a high percentage of saves.
  23. What's the watering hole for Saturday??
  24. Thanks for that mate. Gave it a try though and there doesn't seem to be a way to narrow it down to location. I'll give it another try, but if anyone wants to reply to this thread just to say hi that would be excellent! The "Donview" is getting the go by these days, found a couple of "shandeeker gudgie coffs" to wind up in the Black Dog when I manage the odd shandy :( Funny though, RIG must have been in Sheepsville for about 6 years now?? and we still havn't met up, maybe we should arrange a few pints some week-end at a neutral venue............
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