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Everything posted by CaleyD

  1. I believe Laurel Ave is Dual Carriageway as it was intended at one point that it was was going to be the bypass running from the now Friars Bridge through to Glenurquhart Road and out over the Canal. Plans for that were shelved (I believe) due to the need to replace the Bridge which crosses from Young Street to Bridge Street (what is the official name of that bridge?). St Valery and Hawthorn Drive have so much space behind them due to issues of seepage from the canal (enter Johndo and his aquifiers) - and test holes are still dug regularly in the field behind me to test water table levels. Whether these checks are being done to ensure no risk to existing houses or whether they have ideas of building on the land at some point I do not know. Interestingly enough if you dig down about 3 meters you get water, but as the soil is quite clay-like it doesn't seem to have posed any subsidence issues with the houses. As kids we would often dig in to the bank looking for clay to build models (and shot for catapults) from. Games of war/football/rounders/rugby or whatever else could be dreamed up were not uncommon when I was a kid either, and it was not unusual for half the street (parents and kids) to be out enjoying themselves where football involved teams of 20 on each side and a game of rounders involved so many people it was more a case of hitting the ball towards someone who couldn't catch as opposed to hitting it in to a space - something you never witness these days.
  2. I'm not entirely sure about the build date of the Swedish houses and would have to go check which numbers are missing on the Even side of the street. My brother owns one of the Swedish houses in St Fergus (cul-de-sac). The house we are in is one of the Concrete poured T-Beam's which originally had flat roofs topped of with a fake corrugated iron style structure. That was until the storms a few years back when they were blown off and subsequently replaced with proper roofing. Those storms were something else - I remember seeing beams flying across the street like matchsticks and one sheets of corrugated iron bumping and sparking down the street. A double decker bus had just passed moments before our roof came off, if it had been any later I would hate to think what would have happened to the poor occupants. How nobody was seriously injured that night I have no idea.
  3. I believe you are correct Scotty as it is the same with St Valery Ave - we even have a couple of numbers missing from our side (even numbers nearest canal) of the street for some strange reason. I think it was 1954 my grandparents moved in here and they were the first tenants.
  4. Swan Vesta - the yellow box was like a magnet for young fingers!!!
  5. It's nothing startling, but I have seen a lot worse. Boring as opposed to Bogging would probably be a better description.
  6. The first music I recall buying was a large collection of second hand 7" vinyl singles. I kinda went from having very little interest in music to becoming a DJ in the space of 2 weeks when I was about 12 and this was bought in order to kick off my collection. That collection has since grown to thousands upon thousands of vinyl records and as many Cd's again. The first piece of music I bought on CD was Culture Beat : Mr Vain - I still have it and the receipt is tucked inside the sleeve. I don't care what anyone says - their is nothing to beat listening to music on vinyl through a decent record player/system.
  7. New Season has been created and games kick off on Tuesday 20th June Their is a link on the left hand menu under Features for those who want to take a quick look at league position/recent results/next game without logging in to game. You will see we have 2 leagues - an 8 Team Premier League and a 7 Team 1st Division. I chose this setup to allow the season to go faster as during the season the league is closed to new applications - which means applications for next season will open around the end of July just in time for the start of the real season when we should hopefully have a few more people buzzing around the site and interested in playing.
  8. There's not many who can stay in on a Saturday night and still have their own personal DJ :016:
  9. And they say men don't read the instructions :006:
  10. Let him win then went on to kick my butt afterwards :015:
  11. Q. Why do women rub their eyes when they wake up in the morning? A. They don't have balls to scratch!!!
  12. It's all tictacs - they know I am getting Rusty whilst they slow things down.
  13. CaleyD


    How long does Hoolahan have left on his Livingston Contract? Could this be another situation as Wyness where they just wanted someone off the wage bill but a deal could not be agreed for a permanent move so they put them out on loan so they are at least recouping something? Does Hoolahan have any desire to play for ICT or is he just looking for a shop window? What happened to CC's apparent stance against the concept of Loan deals (either leaving or coming in)? If we are doing a loan swap - Fraser for Hoolahan - where does Fox come in to the equation? Are we to expect a fee for him? A lot more questions than their are answers at the moment.
  14. She'll probably get deported :015:
  15. My oldman says Highland Industrial Supplies sell the spray line stuff - not sure if it is the same stuff you are after but may be worth giving them a call/visit.
  16. You don't know how funny that really is.......ar maybe you do? :001:
  17. I can't believe that people still bite the minute IHE dangles the bait :015:
  18. I am going to start the new league this week so this is the final call.
  19. On paper it would be easy enough to place us among the bottom four in all honesty. However, our strengths do not lie on what is shown on paper. We have an "X Factor" which doesn't exist in many teams IMO and that is what sets us apart as the best of the rest.
  20. Guys and Gals - just a wee reminder that kids read these forums.
  21. I'll sell you some if you like RiG ;D
  22. That has to be one of the best articles about ICT I have read in a long time. At last the realisation that we are not just here to make up the numbers and our performance on the pitch is not down to some kind of blind luck or good fortune.
  23. It's not MY event, it was an event being organised by people from the site who I offered assistance. The originals thoughts were the 29th - but with that being the first game of the season we faced the same issues as the Supporters Club in not knowing whether we would be home or away in terms of organising for then. It was too be an open event for anyone who wished to come along, not just a "wee get together" of friends. Despite the perceived "status" of any group of fans, be they paid up members of a group or otherwise, we are all fans and if we can't work together for our own benefit, then god help us should we ever be in the situation where we have to work together for anything which threatens the club. Alex.......I take umbrage with being called selfish, especially by someone who does not know me. If expecting a little common courtesy is selfish, then I am guilty as charged. Yet again, I am the one who has gone out of my way to do the right thing and to consider others when doing stuff and yet again I am the one made to look like the bad b@stard. Mountains out of Molehills? Maybe. But when you have been dumped on so many times by so many people you tend to lose your perspective somewhat. Que Sera - It will not stop me from doing what I believe is right and from treating others as I expect to be treated. I would rather work with people instead of butting heads all the time, but that doesn't seem to be how the current regime works. I do have one apology to make, and it is not for anything I have said or done, it is a personal apology to Maimie for directing my initial comments at her as an individual.
  24. CaleyD


    You fall off yer seat when your sober and the text stays still so no change there....lol
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