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Caley Stan

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Everything posted by Caley Stan

  1. Winters has done well in Norway. He's about to turn 34 but we do need an experienced goalscorer. We probably couldn't afford him though.
  2. That's pretty harsh. There's plenty of scope to slag Brewster with regards to tactics, arrogance, dodgy tan etc. but his signings haven't been too bad. Watt was Charlie's and Barrowman, Esson and Rooney haven't had much of a chance to show what they can do yet. McGuire was signed on deadline day when we were deperate for a centre-half. As you say, Proctor and Imrie are decent signings.
  3. iamthecaptain1 offers a strong defence of Brewster. I don't think this is the time for pushing panic buttons - that time may come if the bad run continues into the next two home games. None of us expect much from Ibrox or Easter Road but if we take any less than 3 points from the two home games against Falkirk and Hearts then our home form starts to become intolerable. We went on a horrible run before the split last season and i was screaming for his head. Things are a bit different this time. We've got a really young team - that can't be entirely Brewster's fault as he obviously doesn't have much money to bring anyone in - and we managed to chalk up a few unlikely points earlier in the season leaving us in thick of of a really tight league.
  4. That's exactly what happened at Tannadice. If Blackie leaves in January, will we be relegation fodder then?
  5. The people don't seem to want it. It's all very well for us to complain about the way the country is being run on internet forums or in pubs but when it comes to actually getting the finger out and doing something to change things, very few people are actually interested. The vast majority of people in this country are very comfortable. We can afford to own our own homes, our own cars, most of us consume more food and drink and buy more clothes than is imaginable in most parts of the world, we go on foreign holidays and redecorate our houses every year. The political system in this country depends on this grotesque wealth for its continuing existence. It is is therefore primarily accountable to the multinational companies that create such wealth rather than the man on the street. As we continue to chase econonmic growth and encourage material consumption, the public services that Tug talks about are likely to shrink because they don't create wealth. If you guys are unhappy about this then you should take to streets and demand that the country is run in the wider interests of its citizens - but before you do so you might want to consider that such action could result in the loss of your widescreen T.V.'s and 4x4's.
  6. Inteview with Brew It seems that Charles Bannerman has decided that 100 games was a long enough honeymoon period, and has finally started asking some challenging questions. I don?t know which enlightened ICT supporter Charles was talking to on Saturday night but thanks to him for allowing us to hear Brew respond to the following charges: 1. We don?t have a goalscorer in our squad. 2. We look right up for games against bigger teams but appear flat against the smaller ones. These two points could form the basis for an attack on Brewster?s stewardship if they are expanded slightly: 1. Brew has made some very strange decisions regarding personnel and tactics during both spells in charge. 2. Team spirit and motivation sometimes appear lacking in Brewster?s teams. Such criticism should be balanced with recognition of his achievements: 1. The squad is extremely fit. 2. We?ve always been comfortably clear of the relegation zone during Brewster?s tenure. And here?s one that could go either way: Brew seems to believe in giving youth a chance. This is without doubt the best policy for a club of our size IF it?s done properly (i.e. easing youngsters alongside more experienced players rather than depending on them). My personal opinion is that ICT have done well under the stewardship of Craig Brewster, but that a lot of that is down to the solid foundations that were in place before he arrived (a settled playing squad with a great spirit and stable finances off the park). I still have concerns about how Brew would cope with the pressure of a relegation dogfight.
  7. Do they broadcast these games online?
  8. ----------------FRASER---------------- TOKELY------DUFF-----MUNRO------HASTINGS --------DUNCAN------------MCBAIN------------ -------------------BLACK------------------------- COWIE-------------------------------------IMRIE ------------------ROONEY----------------------- Motherwell will have a go and the game should be open. This should allow Cowie and Imrie to get close to Rooney.
  9. Barrowman?s experience is of failing at seven different clubs before finding his level with County in the Second Division. He?s had more starts this season than the other two and has given us very little. He played as a lone striker at Pittodrie and Tannadice and with Rooney just off him at Tynie. Only at Pittodrie did Barrowman make a contribution and that?s because Imrie and Cowie got close to him and Aberdeen?s defence was a shambles. Against Hearts and United he gave us nothing at all, failing to win anything in the air and having no shots on goal. He doesn?t work hard enough and his head goes down when he gets frustrated with the service. I?d like to see Rooney given a run of games ? he looks more hungry, does more running and links better with the wide players. Obviously, he?s not proven as a goalscorer, but neither is Barrowman.
  10. Wood should never have been on the park. He played his heart out and he has potential but it's a disgrace that we're playing a kid with no experience on his own up front. If we had a half decent striker in our team we would've won that game.
  11. We definitely need an experienced striker. How can the likes of Rooney and Wood develop without an older head to take the pressure of them and guide them through games? Of our 4 strikers, McAllister is the one with the most SPL experience and Barrowman is the eldest at 23. None of them are proven goalscorers at this level. Did Brewster choose to start the with such an inexperienced front line or was his hand forced? Either way, it's bad management and needs to be sorted in January.
  12. That's impressive. I really should start paying my licence fee.
  13. Same for me. County @ 2.00 mon the Staggies
  14. Look at slide 26 on caleyjags.com Proves beyond doubt that it was penalty.
  15. Having seen the highlights Barrowman deserves credit for winning the knock down for McGuires's wundergoal and for taking down Blackie's pass and going for a wee run to win the penalty. The move that created the penalty was excellent - Vigurs, Imrie, Black and Barrowman combined really well. I was sad enough to freeze-frame the Kilmarnock goal and while it was a complete a mindfuck of a thing for Mikey to do, the defence shouldn't get away with their atrocious marking at the set piece. McGuire in particular loses his man ball-watching. Caleyjags.com has a couple of great photos that prove it was a penalty and that Blackie could jump up in the air and stamp on his own head if he wanted to.
  16. Caley Stan

    Ian Black

    We`managed all right without Cowie on Saturday. He's had a very poor start to the season after being nearly everyone's player of the year last year. Blackie would leave a much bigger hole in the midfield, he's on fire at the moment and is going to be pretty expensive to keep.
  17. That was better. We got the customary defensive calamity out of the way early in the game, showed character to come back from it and the team seemed to grow as the game progressed. We played Barrowman on his own up front, with Imrie supporting from behind. Vigurs played on the right, Roy on the left. Imrie did well today, roaming all over the pitch to collect the ball and providing a bit of zip to our attacks. We still didn't create much from open play though - same story, passing the ball well to a point but failing to put in decent crosses or balls to Barrowman's feet. Andy was feeding on scraps again today. Some folk said after the game that they thought he had a good game, that he won more in the air and generally made a nuisance of himself. I didn't see it like that. I thought he was poor again today and that he is definitely ill-suited to playing on his own up front. He doesn't move enough and while he might have won more in the air today, he never once found a blue shirt or looked like scoring. The game stretched for the last half ?hour and we played a bit of football with Vigurs getting a bit of time on the ball, Barry did well when he came on and Cowie looked more lively than he has done all season. Our set-pieces were much better today. Vigurs' corners in the second half were really dangerous and it was from one of those that Blackie found himself in enough space to head home from the penalty spot. We nearly iced the cake in injury time when a 20 pass move ended with Cowie shooting tamely at Combe when he was clean through. There were other positives today as well. Duncan played well and should always play in the centre of the park with Blackie who was outstanding again.
  18. Does anyone live near a 24 hour garage?
  19. Disagree completely. I think we are passing the ball much better this season. We definitely had more possession than St. Mirren last week and i wouldn't be surprised if the stats show that we had more of the ball than Hearts yesterday. Unfortunately, possession counts for **** all if you have no creativity in the midfield, no decent crosses coming in from the wings, and no experienced strikers to get on the end of scraps. Then of course, we throw away games that we appear to be controlling because of individual mistakes at the back.
  20. Imrie does a lot of tracking back, tackling and has upper-body strength - all attributes that Zander lacks at the moment. This is a shame, because Zander can definitely beat a man and put a decent cross into the box, areas where Dougie is inconsistent at best. I suppose it comes down to Brewster's preference for graft over craft. Sometimes i can see his point, but now it's gone too far. With Don Cowie out of sorts, we don't seem to have a single creative midfielder or wide man. Has it really reached the stage where we don't have a player who can provide better set-piece deliveries than Dougie Imrie?
  21. Definitely saw Brew pat Blackie on the back as he came off. Spoke to Hearts fans after the game who were sitting above the tunnel and they say that Blackie changed his shirt without any sign of tantrums. No doubt, Blackie should never have been hooked (he was our best player again) and he looked p1ssed off about it but he just about kept a lid on it.
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