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Everything posted by Wanderer

  1. It's been said 100 times before but perhaps not so graphically. Good post!
  2. He had one peach of a chance to volley from the 18 yard line and become an instant ICT legend but took a touch and it was gone. That touch, confidence, composure, lack of class, call it what you want, has been an ingredient we have sorely missed this season. The forwards, time after time, have been the weak link. Wonder what these youngsters would've been like if they'd worked under a manager that was a ... er ... emmm ... top class ... er... striker in his day.
  3. Well done to the team and management. This is hugely encouraging! Whether it was an overdose of adrenaline or a specific game plan Celtic never had a moment to settle and play. We battered them from all angles then hoofed it upfield, got in their face and they hoofed it back. The beautiful game this was not but who needs pretty football when it's points at any cost. I thought Black was lucky not to get marching orders if I'm honest...he could've done something serious to McDonald, who must feel he's been in a fight today. Ach I was going to say something negative about Proctor but I think they all battled really hard, clumsy at times sure, but no doubting the commitment. Makes you realise the extent to which Brew had ripped the heart out of our club. Well done guys!
  4. A genius. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=pYLVM560Fok
  5. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=ajq8eag4Mvc&...E8&index=34
  6. With the greatest respect to all the candidates...can we just cut the crap, give Robertson his 2.5 year deal subject to remaining in the SPL 09/10 (bonus for doing so) and get it in place by 10am tomorrow. We cannot waste a single day with the current league position. I'm damn sure we could get something from Saturday with Robbo in charge.
  7. "Lynch mobs for managers are a regular sight in the Scottish game. ... But in fairness, Brewster has been a dead man walking for weeks. ... I'm not quite sure of the root cause of this unusual glow of well being about our game. Maybe it is the first shoots of snowdrops and daffodils that I spotted in my garden, or the generous measures of Islay Malt dispensed in my direction over the festive season." a. Baying fans are an unsightly if common feature of our game. b. On this occasion they have a point. c. Ach to hell, I'm too bevvied to know anything about anything. The wisdom according to Chick the chuckling crown prince of scottish sports broadcasting .
  8. You may find trying the same tactic elsewhere will have the same result. Never mind, you should believe that the results you are getting are just down to bad luck...suggest you try to reconfigure the setup repeatedly and, if all else fails, start pointing the finger at those who are slightly less in awe of your IT peripherals genius than you yourself are!
  9. "When you look at our budget, the lowest in the SPL along with Hamilton, and look at our league position, you could argue we are where we should be." "20fansgate" aside I think the above unnerves me most. So every time we lose to a club with a bigger budget than ours that's to be accepted as just the natural order of things? Get ready for Division One folks, our manager is looking for opposition with smaller budgets than ours. Good f****** grief!
  10. Wanderer

    Brewster Poll

    Sums it up for me. Terrible day...good post. Division One still has some grounds with standing terracing doesn't it?
  11. I got one of these 6 months ago and it's been a revelation. Huge capacity and the internet connection in Starbucks et al is outstanding! Saturday afternoon reading CTO on it while watching Sky games in the pub is pretty good for me in Cyprus. I'm now going to ask a couple of questions that might sound daft but might help. 1. Have you ever had it connected to a wireless hub, in Dalneigh Costa Coffee for example. 2. I don't have wireless in the house but I'm looking now and can see it's reading a BT wireless hub nearby. My neighbour's probably. Could this be the problem with yours. (You'll now tell me you're in a cottage 10 miles from the nearest neighbour.) Are you sure you've selected your own wireless hub? Good luck.
  12. Happy New Year HD...and all the fab folks who populate CTO. Have a guid un !
  13. They do things with more integrity down there: From BBC: "Derby County's chairman of football Adam Pearson has admitted he made mistakes in handling the appointment of Paul Jewell as manager." A statement said Jewell "feels he is no longer in a position to take the club forward" and assistant boss Chris Hutchings will take temporary charge. "It was probably one result too far for Paul," said Pearson. "He came to see me after the game and said that he felt it just wasn't working out and didn't want to club to suffer as a result. "He just feels that the club needs a fresh impetus and a new direction. "So we agreed a deal to go our separate ways, which is something entirely private between the club and Paul."
  14. I'll take that one for the TCS tannoy next Sunday. Followed by: "Should I Stay, or Should I Go?" "It's all over now baby Brew"
  15. Indeed. We scrambled for ours (Tokely bossing a high deflection, Rooney making amends from his ***** penalty) while gifting enough room to re-make A Space Odyssey for Porter's hat-trick. I was going to do a match report but... ach Brewster, why the **** should I?
  16. Almost from the kick off I had the feeling this was two ****-poor football teams flailing around like 10 year olds on a surface that was, appropriately enough, like a municipal park. It was dire, really dire. We can't mark, Proctor looked like he had no clue which side of his man he should be on and can take the blame for the opener. From then on it was keystone cops. No shape, no tactics, no-one capable of putting a decent ball into the box. The midfield desperately need a playmaker that could pick out the holes for the forward players to run into. Someone like, er, Black. Instead the ball either went sky-high and nowhere or into Wood who spent most of the game facing his own team. Someone, a coach say, should tell Tokely that the mysterious right inside centre he keeps playing the ball to is a hallucination. Munro is no leader. We need one of those as there is nothing inspirational coming from the management. McGuire just about passed today. I though Roy had a reasonably terrier-like day, good and bad, a bit like Duncan who managed to engineer us out of trouble only to pass us back into it. Ach I can hardly be bothered any more. Motherwell are as bad as us but in Porter they have a penalty box striker that must have thought several Christmases had come at once. Wood and the ineffectual Rooney should study the video and see how to get away from their marker. We are short of 3 things, sorry, 4. 1. Confidence 2. Tactics 3. Ability (the basics that should be the focus in training. Do we train?) 4. A new management team 22 Quid Brew. 22 pounds to watch that ***** in the freezing cold. **** it, I make the effort to attend, yet I see no effort from you. Go. Go now.
  17. Quite unbelievable...what has happened to MY club? I was at a game in Cyprus this year where every seat had a flare for every fan to set off at the start of the game. The atmosphere was electric and fiery, very fiery and very hot n smokey! (The kids that were playing with several dozen nicked from seats were a worry I will admit but...we all got out alive.) Still, it inspired the home team to a good win. Now, my first venture to TCS for 5 years or so and the loyal support want to send a message to the club. For the first time in my life I see an "Evidence Gathering Team" filming genuine ICT supporters with legitimate flags/banners. What f*cking control freak thought that was good PR? Meantime upstairs at Police Control we are being scrutinised by Plod...yes guys I saw you with your binoculars. I've been reading some weird accounts on here in the last year but I see what has been said is complete truth...we are a club in freefall. The board is bankrupt, the stewarding is bankrupt, the security is bankrupt, the team are plain sh!te, the club shop...oh dear me, and our manager is an embarrassment... ...I used to be proud to say I'm a shareholder... Ha!
  18. Maybe next time he should go in a professional capacity and try to bring ICT back to life. That was dismal and frankly, at times, deperate. We had no shape in the midfield, no composure, we lacked any coherent ideas to get the ball from back to front (if Tokely tried once he tried 20 times to play the same ball to Wood; I think the Don's defence twigged after the 2nd attempt), there was nothing resembling a tactical plan, they tried everything at 1000mph...getting in each other's way. It was a miserable mid table first division performance against a well-organised Aberdeen side. There was no guile, no awareness and with no Plan A in place, Plan B never materialised. Black managed to give some semblance of vision and Wood turned his marker well. Other than that top marks to the producers of the banners. 'Brewster Out'
  19. MANTIS Q: Who was your best mate at primary school? A: Hi Mantis My best mate was David Bowman ex Dundee Utd i went to Parsons Green Primary Portobello High School have 4 sisters 2 brothers one(CHRIS) exRangers player. Will that do ?as said just been reading a lot of speculation and hear say on the site and just felt it was time to put things straight i have nothing to hide and will answer all relevant questions asked no heard from a friend or a contact Ask away John ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ MANTIS Q: Fancy coming in the away end tomorrow? A: Hi Mantis Would love to but my duties take me to Dingwall and the County V Livingston game so i wont be able to participate on this occasion but thank you for that and will maybe take the official bus to an away game one day but hope you will sing your heart out tomorrow as usual i do know it is well appreciated. regards John or is it ok if Robbo John far to formal ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Pele Is God Q: <laughing> A: Hi Pele is god You seemed concerned over my 'fitness routines' is there anything you would like to know? As i said i am happy to answer any of your questions regarding any football matter as it would be interesting for me to hear your take on the training we gave Hearts as you seem to be quite certain that there was a problem with the fitness they had? I am happy to answer anything kind regards Robbo +++++++++++++++++++++++ Pele Is God Q: It's all rumours I guess, I think it was being compared to the management team before you. I have no insight myself. You are still responsible for the best day of my life and your emotion on the day showed how much you care for our club, so I'm grateful for that memory. A: Hi Peleis god Yes i was a tad emotional that day myself(and the sunday) Thats why i have at long last decided to come online and answer any questions or concerns you may have this way you can be sure it is the truth as i have nothing to hide at all i see myself as a very honest football person, Hearts had a fitness coach who had a specific way of training there players Donald and joined in the Nov and decide we would continue with this programme and assess it ahead of the following season as we also assesed the players and would decice then what fitness programme would be used Hearts had Uefa cup matches reached the semi final of both CIS and Scottish Cups so there was only basic fitness required had we remained we would have worked with the fitness coach to implement the best of his and our ideas to make sure the squad were as fit as possible. Kind regards John +++++++++++++++++++++ ALIMCI Q: Robbo, great to see you on the board, and I just wish I could see you in the dugout again. Thanks for making the time to visit. A: Hi alimac No problem as said happy to answer all and any questions within reason just wanted to let people know the truth from myself as i see my self a fully fledged Inverniessian through residential rights (6years) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ REDNBLACKCOMEBACK Q: Robbo, what was it you did/said that upset D Sutherland so much? A: rednblackcomeback I really wish i could answer that one as ihave no idea as to what it could be.i only met Mr Sutherland twice once at his offices over a dispute with the club and courier and second at Tony (rip) the bus drivers funeral on both occassions not a bad word said.So i honestly dont have answer ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ STEVICO1 Q: Robbo When are we going to get that pint A: stevico Any time mate just let me know as we still have to wet your lovely young daughter's head xx kind regards Robbo +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ AJSICT92 Q: Robbo are you looking to get back into managment? A: Yes i am certainly looking to get back into management That is my long term aim unfortunatly it is a business that is cut throat and you have to wait for someone else to lose their job it is nice to see that boards this season have not sacked anyone to quickly and have given their managers some time although it is frustrating waiting . however i have put my time to good use and have made some great contacts in Europe and Usa for future use as well as taking a sports psychology course online and watching lots of games.Also been doing some forward coaching and been helping two premier league players with advice on the above aspects as well as radio scotland so been keeping busy awaiting the possible return to management.also main job is ambasssador/business development manager at Orion . kind regrds robbo ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SCOTTY Q: Welcome to the boards Robbo. It is nice to see you here and I am sure you won't get too much of a hard time. We have talked about this in the chatroom on a matchday for a few weeks now, but I would just like to congratulate you on your "open-all-mics" performance. We dont always get to listen to the actual commentary stream from ICT games over here due to media rights, so when that happens, its open all mics for myself and a sizeable number of ex-pats dotted around the globe. I and the others have enjoyed your obvious passion for ICT when doing our games, and also how you stick up for both Inverness and ICT when some of the others try to spout the usual stereotypical bull**** about the Highlands (like the A9 woes the other week, or the frozen pitch crap). A: Hi Scotty I love the open all mics concept it keeps you up to date on everything that happens instantly and is very good fun but informative.As said earlier having been here 6 years i to despair at the comments on the A9 etc and try to put the point across as well as i can.On ICT yes i am a fan and want whats best for the club we have ahd problem in past about accepting that big city clubs are better than us but sorry i dont buy in to that you hav to BELEIVE your netter or you will not improve you cannot accept second best or you will be.Its just the way i am passionate want to be the best want to be a winner. Next club that employs me going to get an improved more mature but still passonate john robertson kind regards robbo +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SCOTTY Q: Please don't say Mo !!!! A: No Scotty Its not Mo i have been working away with a contact on the posssibilty of setting up a feeder club in the usa that would allow all the best young players to be brought over to the club for trials and assessment in my mind the usa is a huge potential area and one i would encourage my next club to get involved in. As regards team selection i dont think it is very fair to ask that as i am not the manager of the team kind regards robbo ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ AJSICT92 Q: I think the reason people say that Robbo neglected fitness is when Brewster was appointed first time he told Barry Wilson to lose weight and as i recall he didn't play for about a month and when he came back i remember noticing he had shed alot and scored that curler against Dunfermline. I also remember reading in the papers saying Brewster banned the players from having Beer or Chips. I still agree with those saying we need a NEW manager. Has fresh ideas and someone that will demand the players respect. A: Hi ajsict92 Can i just confirm that Donald and i did not neglect fitness in anyway shape or form when we first came in we fitness tested the players (jan03)at the end of that season we gave them more fitness tests(bleep test+interval running) and a programme for pre season break. 14 players came back with improved results with only 4 achieving top levels the following season(spl) all squad players improved with 9 achieving top levels.There was nothing wrong with their fitness and we installed a siege mentality because we had to play at that time all home games in aberdeen we employed the 4-5-1 formation with Juanjo in behind but told roy AND barry they had to attack 1st at all times. The board the fans the players backed our vision and it resulted in sucess the board deserve tremendous credit as it was huge gamble and financial layout kind regrds robbo +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ CALEY100 Q: Hi John, Great to have you here! Would you in your opinion put a lot of the defensive problems with ICT on the lack of a replacement for Dods? Seems to me we have struggled defensively for a while and the current encumbant of the hot seat is playing players there who cnst do the job well. A: Hi Caley100 I would not put it down to any one player but there is no doubt that we are certainly missing his type of prescense and its only when they have gone you realise how good they were, it was also frustrating to se him sit in the stands one row in front of me.I think the loss of Dods Dargo Wyness Bayne all experienced players has more relevance and you have to rebuild at some time with the demise of Gretne last year would have been the ideal time to do this.A manager s job is laced with difficult decisions of when or not to release players and when to blood youngsters and i can assure no one at the club is not trying to get the best players keep the best players. kind regrdsrobbo ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ CALEYD Q: Think it's unfair to be asking Robbo question about the current team and which players should or should not be at the club/playing or whatever. He's kindly come on to post to clear up a few "myths" regarding what he did as a manager, both at ICT and afterwards at other clubs, so I think we should keep questions and discussion to that instead of trying to put him on the spot about the current issues/problems/difficulties at ICT. A: Thank you CaleyD I WANT TO BE AS OPEN AND HONEST AS POSSIBLE My plan was quite simple win promotion as i beleived and still do that the potential Inverness has as a club as a city as business element and future growth suppourt is huge. Donald and i had a 5 year plan to achieve the following 1.Promotion 2.Win a cup 3.Reach top 6 4.play in europe 5.get a youth set up in place to nurture the cream of the highlnds from Perth to the islands we recruited Danny MacDonald for this and he has done a brilliant job in this department and we are already seing the benefit of this with the youngsters breaking through this will continue and Danny and his staff should be applauded for this work which is vital to the long term success of the club. It will stand the club in good stead kind regrds robbo ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ REDNBLACKCOMEBACK Q: All the best with finding a management position Robbo. Hope you get back into it very soon. PS When you do get back into management, who would you choose as your assistant? ....For instance do you think Barry Wilson would make a good coach? A: Hi RednBlack Would depend on what job that became available etc but i would say that Barry Wilson has the credentials and the charachter to be a very promising coach moving into management one day.I was lucky to cut my teth at Livingston in the reserves and like a lot of people would love to have seen Barry given a similar opportunity at ICT.i think Barry will play out this season as a player.I have huge respect for him and was delighted to get Liverpool xi for him. As said earlier this is not an easy decision for Craig and it is always sad to see this happen to such a loyal and respected player i am sure Barry will be back sooner rather than later and i certainly would have no problem working alongside him. kind regards john ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ KRISHIMA Q: Hi Robbo. As a striker (and a damned good one at that) do you agree with Alan Shearer that shooting across the goal is the way to go. How do you train strikers day to day. Is it mostly one on ones, crosses for headers or dead ball shots. ? What exactly is, as they say in the business, a natural born striker. Great to have you here, fond fond memories. A: Hi Kirishma Strikers can be very strange creatures trust me on that i beleive you have to work on all parts of their game you have to find the button that makes them work find what makes them play and then impliment it players perform with confidence especially strikers depending on position when shooting depends on where to aim but we worked extremely hard on encouraging all players to score kind regards robbo +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ WANDERER Q: How do you feel about managers 'going back' to clubs they've previously managed? Would you like a crack at Hearts again? A: Hi Wanderer Tean spirit is paramount once you have lost respect of the players you have no chance of getting that back you must give them some sort of feedback and allow them the same they have to beleive in you.I am a great beleiver in making each player special and to let them know how much i rated them find out how to get them going individuals were talked to and it worked i also beleive that the appointment of Donald McNaughton as sports psychologist was huge and was disappointed to se him go last season.Team spirit is crucial without it self confidence and team confidence drops. kind regards robbo +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ CALEYONUP Q: hi robbo, do you think donald park would be keen to return to the club if the oportunity arose or does he want to be nearer the family down south. do you think were going to be able to attract a couple of decent experienced players in jan? cheers A: Hi caleyonup I cant answer for Donald though i do speak reguraly with him and lets just say never say never most managers want their own people in to work alongside them and i think this may well have been the same in this case he still holds a dep affection for the club. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SIR C THE 3RD & YNGWIE Q: Hi robbo What is the hardest part about attracting players to Inverness and were you ever offered anyone by agents that we would think wow? Q: Did you find that ICT's geography was a real problem in attracting players, or was it all about the wages? A: SIR C THE 3RD and ymgwie yes i think i could have wowed you with a few more signings there were more players of the stature and level of Bingham and Juanjo to come and who knows what i have up my sleeve for the future it was sleightly difficult to persuade one or two as we were paying similar wages to the central belt but that where i had to sell the style of play sell the style of football get them to want to play and express themselves and more importantly want them to play for Inverness i knew when they came they were commited. its not all about wages for players honestly some want to enhance careers some want opportunity to play but i knew i had connections and scouts in place to get the right players.David Bingham desperately wanted to stay but was offered 4 times more than we could pay but we managed to sign Ian Black on 3 year deal at UNDER ?300 PW he just wanted to come and play for me a said he would get his chance as said i dont buy this we are not good enough routine we are and can be more BELEIVE kind regards robbo ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ CALEYRULE Q: If this is the actual John Robertson (Robbo) which i think it is this is actually what we have been looking for although sadly not involved at ICT currently he seems very happy to ask sensible questions and i once approved him at an ICT an seemed a geniune character and was very happy to have a little chat before he started his Radio Scotland commentry Robbo If you were offered the ICT would you take it? (in the next few weeks with a bit of luck) Michael A: Hi caleyrule Inverness have a manager therefor it is an un realistic and unfair question to ask me i would never put myself forward for a job that has a manager in place as i would not want the same to happen to myself. kind regards robbo
  20. How do you feel about managers 'going back' to clubs they've previously managed? Would you like a crack at Hearts again?
  21. Brewster is an able fitness coach...the rest is just dice-rolling! Somebody please do something...!
  22. 9th in the league is about the extent of our board's ambition...all is rosy in their heads!
  23. Fact is, we are relying on others being worse than we are. This is life under Brew.
  24. Irish bar in Limassol, Cyprus. Everybody else was watching the England v All Blacks game! It looked like an Arabic station. Think I'll head down there again for the Dundee Utd game.
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