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Everything posted by davie

  1. What, only the two of you so far? mean lot - get pledging NOW!
  2. We all know that CTO users are generous, kind and unfailingly supportive of anything good, especially when there's a football twist to it. Here's your chance to prove it. ICT take on Buckie in a charity match on Tuesday 19th July to raise money for charities connected with Daniel Strong, their keeper's wee boy who has been as ill as it gets and coped amazingly. So your roving reporter has decided that I'll cycle to the game and you can sponsor me by the bucket load. You probably realise, with Livestrong etc, that cycling & charity go pretty well together. So leave your pledge on here so we know what we have donated in this thread and make good your pledge by donating your dosh at your bank, on line or by phone into the Daniel Strong Charity Bank Account that has been set up - Sort Code 800666 Account Number 06019486 It's 109 kilometers from stadium to stadium by the route I have planned and when you put in your pledge, have a guess how long it'll take me. To make it worthwhile i'll give the closest guess or two a lovely wee ICT related present for their efforts. So come on, get this thread filled up and let's show how generous CTO users and ICT fans can be. Oh aye, and if you see me on the road there, give me a toot.
  3. Fantastic news! Well done Oscar, even the buddie in the office was chuffed for ya. Take care y'all.
  4. davie


    many happy returns auld yin.
  5. Won't be crawley, they just signed another "quality" striker, Tyrone somebodyorother.
  6. I'm going on my bike. Demands for money will follow shortly.................
  7. Vlads been on the voddie again! That's a quality rant.I'm editing this because I re-read it again and decied to read what the inmates at P&B were saying. There are issues here - is it acceptable that an employer keeps their employee in the public gaze after this? What in the name of God must Jim jeffries be thinking of it? Do Hearts really think that this was a "lapse of judgement"? That it brings the game into disrepute is beyond question but by how much? In all my days I've probably not seen a speech like this, and I hope to never see it again. In almost unbelievably irony, I looked at the statement on the Hearts site. The advert half way down was for Google, Saying "internet's what you want it to be" They must be chuffed beyond words.
  8. Its nice that. I think I'll buy a shirt and desecrate it at thursday night footie, with my utter ineptitude and boundless enthusiasm
  9. No comparison, certainly no lack of respect. The lad has made it clear for some time that he was going to move on at some point and this would appear to be that point. He has no current contract with ICT, and therefore no obligation to us.
  10. Just another saturday. Personally, I hope we ruin their christmas with a thumping win. Yo ho ho.
  11. davie

    Tom Aldred

    His name's Walfred aparrently. At least according to the loons at the BBC. Walfred? where have I heard that name before...........I hope he has no bad habits. Inverness have agreed to take young Watford defender Tom Walfred on loan for six months. (Daily Star)
  12. Who? Ha! I remember that. Horrible little so and so.
  13. Tremendous. I hope that all other SPL clubs follow Pars lead of signing truly dreadful, utterly skill bereft, lazy donkeys to lead their attacks (Motherwell already have - step on up Michael Higdon) Happy days!
  14. Give me a date, I'll cycle there for the game, you lot sponsor me, we donate the lot. Deal?
  15. According to Maurice in the Courier, at this moment in time there is no Plymouth game and the trip depends on finding a 3rd opponent. If Plymouth can't be sorted, who else is down there? Exeter? Bournemouth? Anyone bought plane tickets yet?.........
  16. Regardless of what happened, he remains one of the best players we ever had in terms of ability (if not workrate) Sad it had to come to all this.
  17. davie


    Forget it Scotty, suspend the rules. We all deserve our close season to be brightened up by a Caley D/ Jnr. flame war. Jnr, you are waaaaaaaay ahead on points for the tummy rubbing one. ROFLMAO!
  18. Good bloke. I hope he does well there.
  19. Oh, all right I'll go then. +2 as usual.
  20. Scotty's right here. It's not as if anythings hidden on the this forum and even us old guys are permitted to hold different pints of view - just because I don't agree with Caley D on this one doesn't mean that I dislike him. I might not get the chance to bring it up with him at a game because that's what I'm there to watch. I can, however discuss it here to my hearts content. As for everyone standing, er, no. What would happen is that we would be ejected en masse because we don't have sufficient numbers to act in the same manner as the OF. And even if we could, would we want to?
  21. Basking in happy, happy glow. How that could have happened after Aberdeen amazes me. I genuinely feared for us last night, but the team were magnificent and proved that the future really is bright. Was only sad to see Rooney's goal being credited as an OG when in fact it was a pretty sublime flick that hit yon donkey on the way in. Great stuff.
  22. I really wasn't going to get involved in this, as I am aware that opinions are polarised and anything that I say will not make a jot of difference (much like anything I said to the Stewards on Saturday) I am a wee bit surprised at Caley D's attitude on this one, it's a bit sactimonious and to be fair, I didn't see him at Aberdeen so his judgements may be based on the observations of others. There is no case for banning anyone, or for Senior Mods to be suggesting so.If the ejected are reported to ICT, and a reason given for their ejection from the ground by the stewards I would have to regard that as unreliable and unenforceable without the intervention of the local Polis. They certainly couldn't be regarded as impartial and empathic in their treatment of paying customers of whatever persuasion. As far as the OP goes, I do sympathise but there is a history of "industrial" language being used at matches and on Saturday it was widespread and frequent - I doubt if that will change at any time soon in response to any group of fans watching what was served up. It's what Roy Keane referred to as the "prawn sandwiches" syndrome. I agree that the F&C combination was wearing, it was used by a friend of ours in the first 10 minutes and he was asked to desist after it was noticed that he was offending people.He did. The lads language was no worse than that of the steward who ejected him later for standing when the row in front of him were also standing, and his behaviour infinitely better. As above, there is no case to be disgusted at the behaviour of our fans; they are just a cross section of a wider society and will neither conform nor probably recognise yours (or my) moral standards. They have their own, and these will be influenced by asking them to change at the time of offence, not sniping anonymously on an internet forum. The problem wasn't actually with the standing, it was with the fact that Stewards (especially the lady one) were engaging people in confrontational conversations about sitting/ standing/ being in the sunshine, being treated differently from Aberdeen fans, speaking back when they had (largely) paid more money to get in etc. It was very, very unneccessary and some of the things being said to "offenders" were so innacurate they really did need countering. The unfortunate corrollory of this is that when this stuff was countered (no matter how temperately) people were ejected. It's right that this is not the first time, and complaints about stewarding misbehaviour have been proven and upheld - a St. Mirren one was dismissed for his behaviour. It's also true that the same people crop up again and agin (IHE where are you? I need you to make me look good here) are they simply the ones who refuse to be herded according to the whims of stewards? I think that there were, by the end, more people in the Caley Golf Club than in the away stand. And for what? And they were'nt foul mouthed yobs of limited intelligence either - or exclusively young or inebriated as has been hinted at. Just a cross section of folk who went to a game and were unlucky enough to be randomly targetted, and whose only fault was to be more visible than those prepared to put up with the nonsense. It is indicative of the insularity of our support that they believe that this "problem" is unique to ICT. Please just take a trip through Pie&Bovril and you will find similar threads from every SPL club excepting the OF for obvious reasons. The suggestion from GMD that "most fans in the world" adhere to his guidance is disproved easily by watching any game on telly, from Old trafford to Munich to Barcelona. Sitting peacefully? I think not and neither was the entire Celtic support last night. I don't remember us having the same problem in Div 1, or having a bad reputation in Div 1. It really does appear to be a problem that has arisen all over Scotland this year in the SPL, and I think that only the Stewarding Companies and their controllers can answer why. I spent nearly ?120 on Saturday to have to take as much time looking over my shoulder as I did watching the match. I was worried about my kid (one of your "bouncy bouncy brigade") Is it worth going anymore to be herded as unquestioning cattle in a hostile environment and then labelled disgracefulby your fellow fans? I really don't know anymore.
  23. Every manager of any team has a right to pick his own players and, on the flipside, get rid of those that need to go. It's the same at every club, and TB oviously rates Cox higher than Duncan and must feel that Gillet & Shinnie are adequate in Granty's position. it's just a harsh reality. You can't say that decisions are "too decisive" or can you attach arbitary timeframes to them. Duncan has been in and out of the team all this year, which indicates a decision making process and Grant has aso missed a few games. That both players have been at the club for as long as they have also indicates loyalty - but you can't simply keep people you don't need on the wagebill because of sentiment. Look at the progress that Sutherland, Ross & Shinnie have made and the whole argument about not progressing through the ranks becomes tosh. I realise that people feel emotionally raw on this issue right now, but some of the arguments put forward for keeping them have been a bit flawed. I personally look forward to an new model ICT next year.
  24. Dont stop man, it's the mark of a real fan ( read: nutcase) that you ignore all of the down and remember all of the good stuff. That being the case, my last match was at Ayr, at about this time last year. It's like having boils - persevere. It'll get better.
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