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Everything posted by davie

  1. I haven't lol'd on this forum for a while - that is feckin' priceless! :lol: Absolutely. Feckin. Priceless.
  2. Laura will kill you lot for taking the mickey. You know that don't you. They don't even sell ointment in the ICT shop.
  3. Mestalla in Valencia, without a doubt. Enjoyed Skagerak area in Skien in Norway as well, but Valencia has cheaper, better beer and it's warmer.
  4. I wouldn't accept that at all. I am prepared to accept there could very well be a link between drinking to excess and domestic violence, but I certainly wouldn't accept that Glaswegians are any more inclined to beat up their wives or partners than football fans from any other part of the country, or even the world You're surely not seriously suggesting that this is a problem peculiar to Glasgow? Johnboy, Unfortunately, there have been studies done in Hospitals in Glasgow that show a clear correlation between OF games and admissions through A&E for injuries arising from assault (especially stabbings) I can dig out the academic references later if required. It has certainly been strongly suggested that each OF game is the catalyst for at least one fatal or designed to be fatal stabbing in Glasgow within 24 hours. There is also clear evidence from Scottish Government (in the form of offences committed, admissions to refuges etc) that there is a particular problem with domestic violence in Scotland and that it is concentrated in the West and especially in the poorer areas of Glasgow. There is a high statistical chance that the two interact. If you add in the freakshow atmosphere of the games, the inbred bigotry, manufactured hatred and social deprivation and the utter inability (and unwillingness) of the clubs to deal with it, you have an absolute recipe for OF (not Glaswegian) football fans to behave in exactly the way that you doubt.
  5. You are, as usual substantially right aged immortal. There was a false dawn, there was a period where results were better than our ability merited, especially when the depth of our squad was shown to be shallow as when the injuries kicked in. But the men in charge have to share some culpability in that we have been shown to be tactically naive at times. Tuesday was a case in point. United brought on Bauben, which meant that Cox had to face up to him and Gomis in midfield. He had played Gomis well to that point, but with the two of them it took Utd. 4 mins to score. Cox was overrun, and TB's response - bring on Alex MacDonald. He's a fine player in the making but he ain't no holding midfielder which we needed at that time. There was one sitting on the bench, who I hope was (justifiably) frustrated. There have been other instances this year of substitutions that were too late, playing people out of position etc. But you know what? It's OK. we are 7th right now, we're in the QF of the cup. we won't go down barring a bigger collapse than a chilean mineshaft. They have got far more right than wrong but they ain't perfect. I'm still a fan.
  6. Lennon is a horrible, horrible little man. When he is banned to the stand at TCS can one of you mainstanders do us a favour and throw him off the back of it? Ta. I was soooooooo looking forward to welcoming El Haj as well.
  7. Good for you Dougal. as a fisherman you display consistent skills but some of your logic is a bit lax. Only TB and MM can say if they have gone as far as they can, and I expect the answer would be no. That there are flaws at the moment is undeniable and I think that we are seeing the last drops being squeezed out of this squad. Changes are required next year, or we will be in big trouble. Some of the options are pooer at the moment, but what are the alternatives? At least some above are recognising that some people are past it, some were never SPL standard in the first place and some have undoubtaed potential to get much better. That's football!
  8. If I was disasppointed by Saturday, I'm near suicidal about that. We were woeful. What was TB thinking about, fielding a slow back 4 entirely composed of centre backs against Conway and Swanson. It was a car crash waiting to happen and duly did. Rosscoe had his worst game in years and should have been sent off in the first half. Innes is past it, couldn't cope with what was a pretty average arab front line and midfield was overrun. When Prince Bawbag came on we were well and truly stuffed. Russel Duncan needed to be on the park tonight and to be honest it looks as if his face doesn't fit if he can't get a game in there. Still, if we were rank, we pale into insignificance beside that ref.
  9. Nice one Dougal. Gives a shout, I'm prone to embarrasing myself by singing in the North Stand. Loudly.
  10. Pretty much one of the worst games of football I've paid money to watch. We were rotten and Hibs were not far behind us. Fine day out though.Dare we hope for anything from Tuesday?
  11. Let them have their "green day". I want to be a minority.
  12. Yer doing fine, son. I'd love to see a front four of Doran, Foran, Rooney & Hayes. Sublime, so get Hayes fit.
  13. Chris Hogg shone out for me, especially in the first half. Great, great effort in an encounter of utter scrappiness. Roscoe was immense and the attacking options that we hint at should be awesome when we get a whole side fit. Saints were abysmal, cloggers of the highest order beaten only by Mr. Gollum, who was truly dire. I did think tht Butcher was in danger of spontaneously combusting over some of his "decisions" in the 2nd half. Great win, great three points. Ta lads.
  14. Not yet. The General Manager was going to review what happened (it was all on CCTV) with the Police and Head Steward. I'll fill you in when they get back to me.
  15. Wise, very wise TM4TJ, after all it must be quite distressing sitting next to an unwashed unreconstructed dundonian. At least the loon knows no better.
  16. Folks, thanks for all of the information and support on this one. The information has been forwarded to Brian Caldwell at St. Mirren, who has been courteous, open and helpful thus far. There are better things for us all to write about than stewards and teenagers I'm sure. I heartily agree with those who are counselling moderation from our supporters in this thread, but the real issue for me was that someone was kicked and manhandled and that steps beyond acceptability in any role. If a supporter had physically assaulted a steward, I would expect there to be consequences, and the same should apply to them. As for goading the stewards, I have tried to impress that it's a sure fire way to trouble, and I hope that behaviour from my boy at any rate will be better in future. However, these people are employed to ensure public safety in their role, and should not do anything to undermine that. So fair play to St. Mirren. They have promised to inform me of any outcome of their investigation and I will post details when this occurs. Until then, could I ask that we don't personalise what happened on this forum. Thanks, I'll see you all at Easter Road.
  17. Thanks Jondo. This is depressing me no end. As someone who started going to games in the 70's, who remembers the football specials, the fights and the rancid atmosphere at games I appreciate the need to make footie a safer and more pleasant experience. Hell, I even think that all seating (for all its faults) is a good idea. But this is just a joke - all we have done is swop thugs in club colours for thugs in fluorescent yellow. And we pay for them out of our gate money! To give you an idea, here's something from P&B: I was in the family stand as usual today and saw something kicking off from afar towards the end of the game. My son was with the panda club and I went to the north stand to pick him up. With all this I left the ground after most of the other fans had left. There were a couple of middle aged female caley fans who seemed reasonable having a discussion with one of the stewards complaining about the treatment of the fan at the end of the game. After leaving the ground we got as far as Well St when this wheezing overweight guy ran up behind us. He asked what the final score was, I told him 3 all. He said he missed then end because he was a steward and caused the fight at the end of the game. He seemed to be totally buzzing and was proud of what he had done. His story pretty much matched what has already been said but there is no doubt he was a walloper of the highest order and tbh I am ashamed that we have people like that representing our club. Or from Black & White Army: Sorry your boy had such an unpleasant experience at St.Mirren park. if you trawl through this site you will find a similar story from one of our fans at Somerset park last week , the pattern of heavy handed ,lack of common sense stewarding is getting out of hand. football has to wake up & realise that if you continue to treat your customers this way , you may find that one day you have no -one left coming through your turnstiles. It really has to stop. We are not immune here; the Police film people in the North Stand without consent for reasons of "crowd control" and our stewards can be just as overbearing. If it were confined to teenagers, I'm sure that we could just tut away and compare it to "our day" Well this is our day, I lasted until the last Celtic game before being hijacked and booted out and there are lots of examples of decent folk being targetted by these neanderthals in yellow. . I'm in agreement Jondo - there comes apoint when spending ?100 quid or so on a day out to be treated like scum ceases to be worth it, but I'm damned if I'll lose out on my away games without a fight. Thanks to all who have responded so far to my request for information, see you on Saturday.
  18. Thanks for this. It was my son who was ejected from the ground after being assaulted by that steward. What he actually said was that he was "sick of being treated like a f*cking animal" by said steward who then told him "don't f*cking swear at me". This man kicked him in the left shin, kinda sore when he was wearing steel toe caps. Boy was then hauled out by the neck. He spoke to the local Polis and requested that they take his details, which they refused to do. He was told "just get back on the train home". Boy, like his mates is no innocent, no shrinking violet. I've no doubt he was as gobby as usual but this response from persons supposing to keep public order is utterly, utterly unacceptable. I was in two minds as to going to the game or not, but I'm glad I didn't. I would have got out of hand, as seems to have nearly happened with a lot of fellow fans. On a serious note, this has to stop. If any of you who saw this are willing, could you pm me with details and indicated as to whether or not you are happy to be identified. If you are not, I will respect your confidentiality. I'll be on to St. Mirren tomorrow, and this man will be punished. I'll make sure of that. On a wider note, this seems to be getting worse across the board. As some of you know, I was chucked out of Parkhead earlier this season - didn't even get a reply to my complaint. Fans on forums across the country seem to have a weekly thread about being harrassed, bullied, intimidated and occasionally assaulted by these self appointed control freaks. Maybe time to do something collective about this.
  19. He's just been supersceded by Gary Hooper v Dundee United. That miss was worse than Adam's by a mile.
  20. He must be getting absolutely sick of this....
  21. Either, but would prefer the H*ns. I would like to welcome Diouf to the Highlands, and I'm sure that others feel the same. I really don't feel bad about this at all - beat them at our place (and we're more than capable of doing it) in a counterattacking game that suits our style and the competition becomes wide open. No way I'm thinking that "now that our chance of a european place as runners up in the cup is gone" or "that's our day out at Hampden gone" If I felt like that, I wouldn't bother turning up. I do, however, hope that someone else predicts 2-0 and has a bad feeling about it. We are going to Hampden and Miss ICT can brighten the place up by herself!
  22. Im with Tug on this one. 5-1 win, great all round performance and you still find things to moan about - no need.
  23. Have you ever wished you'd never started something.........................CTO, the home of doggerel!
  24. There's bairns playing at charleston, the bught looks playable and there wasnae enough water on the road to soak my arse on the way home on the bike! What's going on?
  25. We were practically neebors Davie,I lived in the flat above the carpet shop at the corner of Ure Street looking on to the Hackie and attended Hawkhill primary, now renamed Blackness by heathens on the cooncil!! First pint in the Sinderins bar and chips oot of Bennadetti's all sadly long gone,anyways, ah the best whoever ya choose to follow ,good to see a bit of real humour and banter Was at the Harris when we lived there it's the second close along from the Blackie on the left hand side looking down, my first pint was in mennies when auld Mrs. Mennie ran it, but my local was Wullie Frews. The one thing I remember about Benedetti's was his daughter Marie, who was a humdinger! Also "inhabited" a student flat in Peddie Street which was educational to say the least, and was one of the people who removed the bar from the Tav in the Hawkhill and put it over to the student's union when they were demolishing the place. Was at Duncan of Jordanstone at the time.Those were the days. Good luck to the Dee.:biggrin:
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