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Everything posted by davie

  1. Welcome back mannie, you've only been away a week! plus les choses changent plus elles restent les m?mes, allegedly.
  2. Today was quite worrying really, after a start that was poor results wise but hopeful in others. Today though we look like a team that can neither defend nor score goals, despite playing some good football. I really hope that Golabert was injured at half time - the second was not his fault - he was given an absolute hospital pass from Tade. Others were at fault for the other goals, and bringing on David Proctor was mystifying. Also playing sutherland out wide when he came on was odd. Whatever, it didnae work. we were not poorer man for man than Utd and more than matched them in some areas, so the injuries card is wearing a bit thin. What was at fault was touch, confidence, choice of personnel, shape and tactics. Fans have a right to voice their dissatisfaction, and the manager shouting and swearing at them when they do so is unhelpful. Likewise, fans have a responsibility to voice dissatisfaction reasonably and getting to the stage of having the polis involved is unseemly. This needs sorted before the wheels come off our season.
  3. Alex, You might want to rephrase that...............
  4. I am utterly unreformed and sit in the main stand. PM me to let me know where you are meeting up.
  5. Since when did Stevie Tosh or Robbie Williamson become ICT legends????? seems a bit of false advertising went on I attended Grant Street and thoroughly enjoyed the football despite Clach getting turned over 1-4 by a very good Turriff Utd side I wish Clach all the best for the remainder of the season, some very good young players in their team and I will definitely make the effort to see them more this season dougal Dougal, I'm glad you enjoyed your night out. I think your suggestion of going to see them is an admirable one, in fact why don't you just make it an exclusive arrangement. After all, if you go to see Clach we might have the blessed relief of seeing your constant sniping drivel going with you. Davie
  6. Take a bow Gringo Jnr. Yer hat trick was a thing of beauty, especially your second. Not many people score at TCS whilst they flat on their ar*e! A report will follow, tomorrow.
  7. That's exactly what happened. and here is proof 0013.mpg I think it was Colonel Lennon, in the dining room stand and the weapon was a bottle of water. after a gay wee dance and delivered with a right foot volley?
  8. Aye, yer right Manfer, he just got in what my mammy would term as a "fankle". By the way, has anyone noticed that the BBC website still has a claim that a Killie player was hit by something from the crowd after Sheil's goal? Their own highlights clearly show two of their players bumping heads at 01:25 on the video. It's a pretty serious thing to infer about ICT fans though - especially those well known rowdies in the centre stand. If he was going to be hit by anything, it might be a flying werther's original, but there's no video evidence of that. I reckon the BBC should aplogise.
  9. Honestly mate, I was right in line with it and he awsn't touched. It was a cracker though! I thought he got such a reaction because he is a really tricky player but he got caught up in things yeasterday - he wasn't half as effective after the "penalty" incident.
  10. Agreed about the Doran situation - I thought it was a straight red. it was actually the third swipe that Kelly had at him and he should have walked. And who was Dayton trying to impress at the end? He aimed a boot at the side of the tunnel and damned near caught one of the ball boys. Good to see that we had riled him that much though. Got to disagree about Golobart. He's not that slow for a centre half, and his possession of the ball was pretty good. Far from nearly selling a goal (Hogg nearly made up for that) some of his footwork to take the ball past the attacker and pass his way out of trouble was good. Hayes hasnae been at his best, but to say that he cost us the games at Dunfermline AND against Hibs is ridiculous really. I thought that we did play a passing game yesterday, and Killie came into it when they bossed our midfield (Ross and Morrison) out of their passing game. When it came back, so did we. We miss Cox more than I thought we would. Anyway, onwards and upwards.
  11. A great game of football. Both sides contributed, but I am soooo delighted we got that in the last minute after what we have put up withthis year. Mind you, couldn't believe some of the stuff that Mr. Madden let Killie away with - the two footed lunge from behind that stopped Doran (before he was injured) on the half way line, breaking from our half was scandalous, solid red. When Doran was injured, that was the third attempt that the guy had at him. James Dayton is a great wee player, but an absolute trumpet of a man. Still, if you get away with, you'll keep doing it I suppose. Tade was immense, and Nicky ross had a great game. No failures at all, but Roman Golobart was superb at the back. Feckin well done boys.
  12. Ywingie, I think that Celtic, Rangers, Dundee United and hearts would disagree with you. The early start was designed to help them, and them only and they seem to have royally fecked it up. It's amazing how many people think that Grantie and Russell Duncan would have made all the difference to the start we've had. mince - with this run of injuries they would not have made a jot of difference. The only one that we really miss is Adam Rooney, but could we afford to pay him his reputed £10K a week? Think not. As for injuries, how can you blame the training. It's a contact sport and generally, if you get hurt it's bad luck or malice. You might occasionally get someone prone (Proctor/ hamstring comes to mind) but the rest? pure ill fortune. It'll get better.
  13. Crap highlights. According to the BBC, Rangers "could have had four penalties" and not a word about either award being wrong. Central Belt bias, who'd have thought it?
  14. According to TB on MFR, it might be a cartilage, so he could be out for a good while. But plodding and pedestrian? Think not. He's got a good pass, good movement for a big guy and he can tackle. And yes, he's three games into a new league in a new team in a new country so I'd hazard a guess he's still settling in. Hope it's nothing too serious, and he returns to disappoint some of the naysayers on here.
  15. Despite all the criticism here of slow reactions after the second penalty, it has to be noted that Rangers had encroached into the area before the kick was taken. Hogg and co. were probably still wondering wtf was going on at that point, and there seems little point in having extra officials such as linesmen or 4th officials if they contribute nothing to the game by pointing things like that out to the trumpet in the middle. At one point, Malpas was looking for reasons for yet another dodgy decision and the 4th official was clearly replying "don't blame me, it's not my decision" If that's the extent of his input, get shot of him. Or, give him a monitor from the TV feed so that he can take another 15 seconds to decide that the referees display of unbridled twattery should'nt result in another penalty. Mind you, such is the institutional favour shown to the OF in this league, I doubt it would ever be allowed to happen. And before anyone starts, it's not a conspiracy, it's just incompetence. It's so bad that I know of people who are seriously thinking of not bothering anymore, there is little point in watching teams playing on what seems to be far from a level playing field.
  16. Dougal He's had one good game and one not so good. He didn't lose the game "single handedly" as you put it. This was a much better site without you, please go troll somewhere else.
  17. Agree with the above, a tad harsh on Doran around here; he simply played like someone without a pre-season behind him, Nicky Ross shone after coming on but he brings something completely different to the game. Proctor actually did ok when he came on, with at least one excellent block tackle that had to be made. For the last 10 minutes he was on, he could'nt run so injury had to be the cause of his substitution. IHE - I agree with almost all of what you say, but the continual dissing of Proctor is getting a bit tedious. Anyway, the second half seemed to improve greatly with Aldred, Ross and TB reverting to a 4-3-2-1 with Tade out wide. He's a "unique" player with pace to burn, no little skill but little or no football brain. Everything's intuative - he will screw up ( yesterday's tap in) but he will score wonder goals if Foran doesn't kill him first. The saddest thing from yesterday seems to be watching Rosscoe reach the end of the line - he's getting exposed this year and it looks like a matter of time before others get fit and replace him. I hope I'm wrong. Again, the lack of understanding in the side was apparent from early on, and the more mistakes were made, the more jittery we became. Allied to the fact that Dunfermline were streets better than against St. Mirren and it wasn't a bad result, but it could have been 6-6. It's never dull, and I have no idea what will transpire next week; it could be anything. Special thanks BTW to Judd, who chased the bus from the Caley Club to the stadium after it had left (empty) at quarter to nine! And I hope Greg Tansey's mates Paul and Jay who were on the bus after it was rounded up and pointed in the right direction enjoyed their day out - a bit different from their usual Liverpool/ Everton fare. Good craic boys.
  18. Can't think what that might be....
  19. TM4TJ. Couldn't agree more. The people on here that are on Proctors case forget the displays that he has put in for us in the past. He may not be playing well right now, but I don't recall Rooney etc getting this type of treatment. Buckie level? please. edited for red wine spelling
  20. Nobody biting? OK, I will. Say what you like Dougal in pursuit of your agenda but please draw the line at comparing our fans to "cretins" Cretinism is a severe learning disability, and the term is archaic and pejorative. It is nowadays called congenital hypothyroidism and is shamefully ill used in this case.
  21. Welcome back Dougal! Davie
  22. Legs are a bit stiff this morning........Never mind. Left TCS at 3.20pm, under very grey skies (the same ones that have followed me round all holiday) that promptly emptied. Managed to confuse everyone by leaving the "wrong" way, but I was not going on the A9 on a bike. Not again. Went out through culloden and then down past Castle Stewart to Ardersier and on to Nairn. Then took the road through Kingsteps to Brodie and across the quagmire that passes for the cycle track to Forres. Down through Kinloss and acroos to Elgin via Lossie brae. Quick intake of breath and on to Fochabers on the A96 and thence to Buckie. Asked the chappie at the gate for the exact time - 7.03pm. Downed possibly the sweetest pint of cider of my 53 years in Buckie's very pleasant social club and went to the game. Met Caroline Strong and her wee boy, answered all the usual questions about the bike and watched the first half. Didn't expect that first goal at all, had to double take on it. There's ?165 pledged on this thread, and a few more quid that I know of that should take us to a total of ?250 or so. No bad really, the charities will be grateful for every penny they get in these tough times. Thanks to Scotty & Don for allowing this thread, to all of you who have donated and to Peter Paul for transporting my carcass back to Inverness. The nearest guess on the time was TM4TJ at 4.15 (oh ye's of little faith!) and my pressie for him is a choice - a signed ICT shirt with signatures of the present team OR a signed fitba with signatures of the vintage ICT team that included Mann, Wilson, Robson etc. You could put it behind the bar in the Innes! PM me with your choice sir.
  23. Left Caley Stadium at 3.20pm, arrived Victoria Park 7.03pm. Total transit time 3hrs 43 minutes. Too knackered to post a full account but will do tomorrow. Thanks to everyone, yon wee Daniel's a lovely wee boy.
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