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Everything posted by davie

  1. Party at Parkhead? Hammies have brought on their Jedward twins.
  2. Roooooooooooooooooooooooooooney!!!!
  3. Good report Davie and as per usual, well done to AM for his preview, always a good read as was yours by the way Davie, i am not forgetting you. Cheers pal!
  4. As the OP said, IF we get into the UEFA, I'd like somewhere reasonably warm/ civilised/ easy to get to. That means Spain, Italy or Southern France. Pick yer team, I'll drink the wine from any of these places.
  5. Dundee have been dysfunctional for just about as long as I can remember, so it's no great surprise that even D4life have lost the plot along with everyone else. Dundee's last flirtation with administration was caused solely by a Board headed by the Marr brothers buying in people who they couldn't afford and couldn't keep (Ravanelli, Cannigia etc.) They were (allegedly) funded in a highly suspect manner including being invested in by a chappie called Arcan from Serbia. As well as football, he enjoyed a spot of genocide. Not a great business model for football, but marvellous for a certain type of laundering.... Roll up Melville, now sacked from his company and they are looking at where a lot of money went to in a mysterious kinda fashion. Melville has disappeared like snow off a dyke and the rest of the Board have gone belly up. The parralels between episode 1 and 2 are frightening, and yet all Dundee and it's fans can do is propogate that myth that they are the "biggest club outside the SPL" "too important to die" and that the SFL have been "disgraceful" to them. Let's get this clear, the only people to blame are the Board, which includes D4life. The SFL are entitled to safeguard their product and should do so. It was good to us. The SFL are not attempting to "murder" Dundee, they are seeking to humanely destroy it. SPL? You're having a laugh.
  6. Spot on Scotty. On first viewing, Rosco's tackle looks really bad and my first though was straight red, but he did get the ball right in front of the ref's nose. He also cleaned Megginson out, so a yellow is probably what you get for the result of the tackle. Any intent and/ or foot off the ground and it's a red. TBH, I don't know if Ross had to take that chance at that point in the game, but that's the way it goes when you're that kind of full on player. If Aberdeen had one defender who played anywhere near as well as Rossco on Saturday, they might not be in the state that they are.McGhee's attitude will hopefully get the odious, whining little oxygen thief the sack before long so that the rest up us don't have to put up with him. There certainly seem to be enough sheepfans of that point of view. On yer way Mark, obscurity will suit you just fine.
  7. baaaaaaaaaaaaa! Better watch the question dude, you might get done for soliciting!
  8. Mahonio/ Butcher/ justified. Great, great result.
  9. Crackeen. I quite like the thought of a banter forum, although what happens when we run out of ideas? Like at 20.00 hrs on wednesday? Dundee Barry is still the king of this stuff, because he's a genuinely good writer. IHE is similar. I'll just stick to reading "that twa". Great efort though.
  10. Hello there Calum. Sorry about this, but we need another thread like this like we need herpes. This has been thrashed to death. Mods can we kill this thread?
  11. davie

    Knee Jerkers

    My knees are not capable of jerking at this moment. It was a bad result, end of. I'm hopeful of being a happier man at 5pm on saturday, and at least I support neither Liverpool or Everton.
  12. A bit peculiar this one. I completely agree with the first bit, summing the match up. There are bigger teams than ICT who have gone to 'tic park and come away 6-0 worse off. They looked capable of gelling into a very good side after spending goodness how much dosh in the summer. Us? weakened, and it showed up our lack of strength in depth. No complaints from me on tactics or personnel - Saturday is much more important. Perversely, it remained not too bad a night out, despite getting home at 2am. I find the second part very odd indeed. Some of these "youngsters" were the same ones that were hugging stewards, bouncing around topless and generally having a good time. The "sit down like you always do" was aimed at the small group of Celtic fans who were, well, sitting down just past the polis cordon. I know, because I asked them what they were singing about. There was enough room in that section for anyone who wanted to lie down and watch the game (or just to lie down) to do exactly that. You could stand or sit without obscuring anyone's view. I heard no sectarian songs whatsoever from our fans, either on the way to the ground, in the London Road Tavern or in the ground. I heard no one attacking any other fan. That's my individual interpretation of last night.
  13. It was a bit like the Hibs game really - I went in filled with apprehension, exhileration and anticipation - "buzzing" - indulged in the usual foreplay but it was all over quite quickly - and then a couple of yellow coloured peeple through me out on the street, took ma ticket and I adjourned to the nearest pub. Johndo, I've now got this mental image stuck in my head that is so bad I'm tempted to perform a hammer/ fork self lobotomy to get rid of it. I reckon you can survive 90 mins at the Methadome no bother at all. It's Paisley for God's sake, unacceptable behaviour starts at shooting people, and then gets serious after that.
  14. "Lothian and Borders police said that they issued one fixed penalty notice during the match, and that there was no arrest. A spokeswoman for the force said: ?We believe that our police response was proportionate to the circumstances.? From the P&J. Proportionate to what exactly? Peter Paul's photo (I'd love to import it here, but can't) 11 in his easter road slideshow shows 5 visible Police/ Stewards, at least 4 of whom are standing and obstructing people's view. They appear to be surrounding around 80 fans. I don't know what they are at in photo 19, but it appears as if they are looking for some kind of trouble. Why else do you have your hand on your baton? What's that proportionate to? Still, I suppose because it's the Polis that say it we just have to be quiet and obedient and not ctiticise because they protect us from their defined threats. Sound like your point of view? No, it's not mine either and I still ain't heard as to whether or not it was someone from the club that targetted IHE. The whole thing is nearly as unattractive as der Hu*s last night.........
  15. From what I understand, they also have equipment belonging to John Paul that they took from him. In all, this sounds like an absolutely hideous experience at the hands of plod and the stewards. I recognise what people might think of "goading" them, but if you wear a high vis jacket, take the money from your employer and use it as an excuse to abuse people, expect a bit of stick in return. I really, really hope that this doesnae put off what is developing into a great away support. One thing, however, really disturbs me and that is any suggesting that a club official from ICT should point out known "trouble makers". To label Jondo such is risible.
  16. Should that be andy/ birdog etc? Time to kill this thread.
  17. I think if you went on to P&B, you might figure it out. Andy M, massive respect for one of the best fishing trips I've seen. Now please F*** off.
  18. For God's sake, Scotty can we put an end to this? We've been through all of this tosh time and time again merely supplying a vehicle for others to go trolling (Andy M here, specifically) References to "section gumbo" etc. just reinforce it. My lad is in Section G. He's as gallus and loud as any of them, and even he was aware of the OTT nature of stuff on saturday, and for a need to tone it down. So they can and do learn from mistakes made. I've told him that if there's any nonsense, he gets hauled back to the family section PDQ where he can listen to his father rant. That's how behaviour is modified, not by Im offended/ I'm not offended/ I don't object to swearing/ I do object to swearing circular arguments that are singularly directed at alienating one group. There is no criticism here of your right to put your opinion forward, but there is of masquerading that opinion as fact and therefore not to be argued with. That is what forums like this are all about.
  19. I won't rejoice in his misfortune. Good luck in finding a new club.
  20. Absolutely.Magnificent OP. Another green dot on its way.
  21. I'm offended.. Ach well you will fit in nicely with the majority of ICT's online fans then, I have not been a member of this forum long but I can already see that most of the ICT faithful who use the internet feel the need to find offence in anything. I really do not care what the singers do but there is obviously a problem and if everyone is to stop moaning about it then those are the only solutions apparent to me. Just because these boys, I assume you are one, create atmosphere does not mean they can demand anything they want. From what I gather IHE does not go to home matches but he is on here demanding that people who have spent hundreds of pounds per year to sit in seats they have held for years to make way for people who could very well just turn up on the day every now and again just because it suits his agenda is f**king stupid. You guys knew you were moving to the section adjacent to the family section are you all so f**king thick that you thought you could sing what you want without people becoming offended, especially parents of young children? If you don't like the complaints then do something about it and move. OR self steward yourselves and elect a leader who can lead the chants and rein in any rogue chants which start up. WTF? Is this a wind up? Did you start out by wanting a bit of restraint for the family section, then launch into IHE, question people's (who you don't know) intelligence and use an f* word twice? I'm more confused than offended.
  22. Any idea how many times he actually did what he needed to do with the ball? Given that 100% success on crosses is "difficult" maybe the trade off in getting corners is not too bad. Ross was no worse than most on Saturday, and better than some. We win as a team, we lose as a team. If there has been one stand out this season for me, it's Odiambo's improved touch in getting the ball with his back to the defender and turning him. Most un-elephant like. Again, no worse than most on Saturday. The Hamilton guy's name was Hasselbaink, on his debut, in a team going forward and applying all the pressure. Eric might, I suggest, have looked just as good in a similar position.
  23. I know it's a bit late for this thread, but I only just noticed the reason that we won at less than a canter. Look at the back page of this weeks highland news if you will, and the large photo's caption states that Adam Rooney (it is he) is in the act of scoring. Past Gary Kenneth. That's not Garry Kenneth, that's PHIL MITCHELL! We all know he can't play football at all. But then neither can Gary Kenneth, now which one's the crack head? We should be told.
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