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Everything posted by davie

  1. What a godawful game. What a godawful place. The end of season tedium fest that was anticipated on Monday arrived today. I'll post the match report later if I can muster up the enthusiasm.
  2. I'm happy to abuse him on whatever terms on your behalf RiG. He is a walloper of the first degree. Me n'boy, nae bike, just train.
  3. Tour de Perth. I'm gonnae get a tee shirt with that on it.
  4. never saw that one coming, especially after cycling down. I'd forgotten nhow long the old road was. Match report after sleeps.
  5. Im going. I've decided that this is the game I'll cycle to, the weather's no bad and I need a big day oot on the bike. What better way to do it? It's just a bity of fun, but if anyone wants to donate afterwards (that'll be you, Richard) go here: https://www.chssi.org.uk/donate/ as a wee touch of good will for John Allison. I'll update on the match report, but if you see me tomorrow give me a blast on the horn. Cheers!
  6. Should have been 3 up by half time, with better finishing. However, we had about 3 equally important clearances off the line, and Esson had a couple of cracking stops. Rosscoe's red meant that a point was, in the end, a good reward. Crawford Allan really fecked it as a game for me, he was inept to the point of being laughable. How he missed the blatant hand ball from Hertz in the 2nd half is beyond me, and what he was doing at their goal was the same: he alowed the throw to be taken yards upfield from where it should have been, blew his whistle and then allowed the Jambos to score. Our defence had stopped, in the meantime, making the (unjustified) assumption that the idiot had made a decision. Never mind his completely inconsistent application of what constituted a foul, there appeared to be a ten minute spell in the 2nd half where he had lost it completely. It's this kind of display that really does give refs a bad name, because it was actually not a bad game but completely overshadowed by that plank of an official.
  7. Would there be "dancing in the streets of Raith?" I don't know if I can get past the memories of the lovely pies at east End park. Dunfermline it is then.
  8. That'll be der knowledge from now on then.
  9. No, no - take it as it says on the tin. I'd claim to be quite a serious student of the history and culture of our "Suttee" and that includes the "ocksent". In that respect I, for instance, find that there's a lot more than cheap drink to be sampled and enjoyed on a Saturday night at "Tha Collee Klab an' Tha Leejun". Former Inverness District Councillor Dr. Michael Gregson (who was actually a staunch supporter of giving the money to ICT) went as far as writing a book about the way they speak in "Dungwull". It's called "The Cant and the Crack". Oh, and it's been quite warm and sunny here today lol :biggrin: Are you sure it's cant Charles?
  10. I knew John from the days when i'd just moved up here, fine bloke (Wife's cousin) RIP John.
  11. I think it's meteorological symbology, with a philosophical explanation of the symbolism inherent in that great work "the lion king" which explains why 'tic fans don't come from Glasgow in the same way that gorillas don't live in foressts and zebra's don't graze on the savannah. At least I think that's what it is.
  12. In case anyone is halfwitted enough to forget, our colours are blue, white, black & red at least one of which doesn't appear in any union jack I've seen. it may appear in a more juvenile version, don't know but give me saltires any day. Good game, not a "2-0 bad feeling" about this one. Thought that ICT gave as much as they could, but that back 4 is always going to be vulnerable as the makeshift full backs are always out of position (as opposed to just being rank rotten) Duff is a midfielder and has to be judged as such. Duncan was immense, he must have been hoarse after the roasting he gave the ref on innumerable occasions. Nick Ross was impressive and Foran was equal to them. I felt a bit for Hayes, his lack of games showed and saturday might be a better platform for him. Onwards and (hopefully) upwards.
  14. Dear all, I have recieved an answer from St. Mirren after their General manager and I missing each other's calls over a week or so. The upshot is that the Steward concerned was dismissed as soon as the CCTV footage was reviewed. The matter was fully discussed at their safety meetings and the outcomes explained to me. St. Mirren offered an apology and tickets to the next fixture between the two clubs, which was accepted and the matter closed. I would emphasise that St. Mirren were open and helpful throughout and their General Manager (Brian Caldwell) was genuine and professional at all times. If only every Club were as good. Can I thank everyone who PM'd support and information on this and other Boards.
  15. Aye. Taking the opportunity to visit my mammy while I'm there. Can't decide where to wind up the locals - ferarris, Willie Frew's or the snug. Choices.
  16. davie


    Do you love the way Davie does it too ? Try irony.
  17. The game's on, good. I can't really imagine the Oppressed FC relishing these conditions. Also, please pardon my not giving a monkey's about how many of their ill behaved rabble can get up the road. The Polis will certainly be happy at their job being made easier, and maybe the Stewards can actually control them this time if there are fewer of them.
  18. davie


    Dougal, buy a new rod, this one's getting slated. Fascinating. Davie
  19. Alright, LG seeing as you sold me a ticket I'd better go. Bu**er, I'll have to take that boy as well.
  20. The bar's only high if you're 2'6". Honestly it's great to get feedback on these things - I write some stuff just because it tickles me, and you're never quite sure that what I find uproarious, others willl merely think I'm a haddock for scribbling. Scotty does have a point though, it's not the place for a journalistically constrained traditional report/ preview (we'd just get Bannerman to do them all, or Chalkie if you're no too fussy) so you do get stuff that is "adventurous". It has not, for instance, escaped Sir William's notice that we play on the sands of Arabia again on the 19th March, and he may awake from his deathly slumbers again. You never know.
  21. I actually doubt that the standard of refereeing is getting worse, and I've been shouting at them since 1970 or so. What is different is our ability to see what is going on. This ain't grainy black & white BBC anymore, it's multi-angled CGI enhanced Sky and that's where the problem lies. There are so many angles that you can question the ref from - he has two eyes, a brain, a load of ill mannered louts shouting at him from opposing viewpoints, a few thousand other ill mannered louts baying for his blood and the likes of Lennon spontaneously combusting. Now make a 100% correct, impartial decision at all times. You're having a laugh. Accept that mistakes will be made, and they will pan out over a season. The ref is still the "sole arbiter of fact" (what he says, goes) and long may it be so.
  22. Can we do that with Neil lennon?
  23. Ho ho ho! That was a decent game of footie. Thought Motherwell made an open game and we took absolute advantage. only one team ever going to win, the clean sheet was a real bonus. MOTM for me was Hogg. He has class; good vision good distribution and he can tackle. Streets ahead of Tuesday.Bring on the opressed FC
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