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Everything posted by davie

  1. IHE's right on this one. I thought the RAFC support was magnificent, but then John Paul pointed out to me that our support was the same in Fleetwood (minus letting off red flares!) It's always going to be the same; committed individuals hell bent on having a good day out (not just a footie match) will always make more noise. Let's hope we can do it all overthe SPL this year. Fancy some blue and red flares though...)
  2. Hey Antwerp 1 , welcome! You got your songs, we have ours. See you Saturday, where you might find most of the locals slightly less obtuse than IHE.
  3. It just needed a conversation. "Dani" "Que?" How do you pronounce this lot - slowly, mind so I get it" "Va-la-tho-leed" "crackin. Ta" "Ladies & gentlemen, tonight's teams are..........
  4. It was indeed a lone vuvuzela. I enjoyed that tonight, an interesting clash of styles. Our passing was good in parts, but there was a serious lack of chance making/ taking. Their passing was really good, but no finish either, so I suppose a draw was on the cards all along. Theirs was a stonewall penalty shout, and a couple of ours could have got booked as well as their lone guy for pulling back Eric. He must have felt quite victimised. Highlight for me was Tuffey giving Blumenstein pelters for giving a ball away. Brilliant. Realy good first showing from Gillet and McCann again looked a player. I could believe again this season.
  5. Being a skinny wee thing doesn't seem to do Messi much harm so Ross can have some hope.....I suppose opinions are always going to be divided, but picking on people? nah, we'll not do that, well not unless your names Barrowman.
  6. Always welcome another Dave! Drag yer missus to the Innes before the game for refreshments/ banter/ putting names to faces.
  7. Thought that wasn't too bad today, did enough against a team that was never going to cause too much trouble. Some of our 1st half moves were excellent (especially the one that resulted in an offside goal) and the passing was OK for a team that's still learning where each other are on the park. Cox looks more and more like 1 Mr. Black with every passing game, I would give McCann pass marks (his first touch was excellent at times) and Blumenstein has obvious quality. Stand out for me was Eric. He's improved no end now that he's fully fit and confident. Valladolid & Antwerp should be interesting, especially if Foran, Hayes and Gillet are available.
  8. He'll be someone we can build a defence on.
  9. I cycle everywhere. Indicators (along with mirrors and eyesight) seem to be an optional extra for most drivers, regardless of location. I did, however, nearly fall off in Dingwall once after hitting a pile of horse sh*t on the road out to strathpeffer. No kidding.
  10. Its McGhee for me. If he girns any more, his face will turn inside out and then be as attractive and useful as his team. Take one look at him, pitoddrie and his team and its thanks, but no thanks.Champions league? relegation fodder more like.
  11. Perhaps I wasn't clear before - I'm talking about Airdrie Utd, Ayr United, Morton etc. These teams were mince. The teams you mention certainly aren't in the same bracket. To have them in the same bracket is foolish and ill-informed. Foolish and ill informed! I'll take that as a compliment. Let's go through this: Kilmarnock have got rid of the only real striker they had, replaced him with nothing at all. Hamilton have flogged the very last instalment of their crown jewels leaving their most creative influence as one D. Imrie. St. Mirren have got rid of half their team (ta for Chris Innes BTW) and replaced it with.....cowdenbeath en masse. OK including St. J with this lot was perhaps a trifle harsh. Standard Tesco mince, but not Best by any means. Rangers will have real problems this year and they know it. So by and large, I stick to my judgement, the only quid pro quo being that ICT perform to something approaching potential from the off. Confidence is still high.
  12. Give the boy McCann a chance. I watched him at Forres and there were glimpses of potential there. His first touch and distribution was excellent, even if it didn't always come off. There are a lot of changes afoot in this team, and what was on the pitch in Engerlund isn't what I would anticipate against Tic.
  13. Like the stripes, but why that curvey line across the front bit. Looks great on Foran & Bloominbrilliant, but will look less ace draped across the average (i.e. my, beer belly) Also why is there a gold arrow thing on the back, pointing at your erse crack? Typical italian; think they're skinnier than they are, reckon if you cover it curvey bits it's "bella" Nae build quality and if it lasts into adulthood, it'll balloon in size. Mama mia, get us a decent kit supplier.
  14. More like Tesco value mince. If you look at the ins/ outs and factor in managerial changes etc, IMHO we're up on Kilmarnock, Hamilton, St Midden and St. Johnstone. That'll do for starters. Rangers have been denuded of what little talent they possessed, Cellic will take time to gel (and they hate coming up here anyway) That's a good basis for competing in this diddy league. Confidence is indeed running high.
  15. Pic 39 of the Forres set - Their number 11. Hair Fail Actually, the hair was really bad fail. Creased myself at the poor guy, you've either got to be a genius or not give a monkeys with a barnet like that. he was neither.
  16. Thought the boy played well yesterday, looked a bit like Richard Hastings back in the day. Good touch and vision, linked well with others that he must barely know as yet. Good signing.
  17. IHE - What's up with you? I don't think that words like "<my racist comment>" are acceptable anymore, never mind portraying friendly opposition as vegetables in another thread. You're usually funny mate, but not this time.
  18. Oh...dry your eyes EWS! Smee, this is not the topic to indulge yourself in petty stuff. Do that somewhere else, I'm sure that plenty targets will present themselves.
  19. 2693 people have climbed Everest to date. Mr. Kinloch appears to be one of 3 people of those connected with Inverness. The other two were a local mountain guide and a GP, neither of whom had any stated affinity with ICT that I know of. Therefore, this guy's achievement would seem to be pretty unique and therefore worthy of some note in a one off gesture. In terms of pictures etc., Caley 100 is right, these tend to be (and should be IMHO) reserved to those intimately connected with the club over a period of time and contributing to its advancement. HM and others fall into this category. The ICT support is a broad church, I'm sure that there is an ability to recognise all of these people and their achievements.
  20. that's one tough mother of a first month, I look forward to seeing the other 27 of you at tannadice for the 1st away game.
  21. I'm in a quandary about this post Caley D, and I don't like disagreeing with you, but...... With regard to a picture etc., that's a permanent memorial and is a different matter from a recognition that one of our own did something remarkable by doing a walk etc. I don't know if we should be discussing that at this time or in this place. So I reckon you are half right. But I reckon yer a wee bit OTT equating "everything else" as, well OTT. I also cannae see anyone forcing anything on anyone else here, they're just kicking ideas around. Like you, a measured response would be my ideal but maybe a bit more inclusive than yours.
  22. Echo the above, this is about recognising that one of our fellow supporters did something quite remarkable in a global sense outwith his ICT supporting role, but carried the club with him everywhere. Up until 2008, only around 4100 people had been to the top of Everest. That is remarkable. I'm sure that Hamish Munro scaled his own personal everests, and his friends will remember that. I like Gringo Jnr's idea of a mass participation hat & bunnet walk of short distance to the stadium in order to maximise the amount of people there (and maximise any fundraising) I also like the idea of a smaller participation Munro bash, which would tie together the footie/ hills bit. This might simply add to awareness of OCD etc. or raise more money. If the mass walk was before a game, people would be going that way anyway, so the organisational aspect diminishes.It also gives the club an opportunity to participate upon arrival if they so wish. A munro can be done by a group of like minded individuals. My suggestion would be Ben Wyvis because it's comparatively easy, not far from Sneck, flat(ish) enough on top for a game of footie and you can see TCS from there. Even Paul Chalk could do that one!
  23. It's everybody's ma, for everybody's bairn. I get it, but then again I'm auld.
  24. If anybody knows his favourite hill, we can arrange some kind of walk up the thing. gringo, Mantis etc. - up for it?
  25. Need a fifty one year old smallish but practised keeper. I'm yer man, still playing......
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