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Everything posted by davie

  1. Might have kept their clubs and taxi ranks quieter......
  2. Great to hear, you still see loads of kids down here wearing Liverpool/Man U shirts . My mates and I have adopted Caley as our favourite S.P.L club and were thinking or trying to make a home game, believe its a 1300 hundred mile round trip from Cardiff . Easyjet from Bristol. Way to go.
  3. Hey ho! IMHO, Duncan had a storming game in the middle, couple of passes went astray and he did as much as he had to against an opposition that was never going to trouble us and 48 hours after a brilliant display against DUFC. If you watch the highlights, he looked over his shoulder before he planted the ball, so "fluke", maybe not. Dunno where the rest of your critique comes from. Cox, again IMHO wasn't embarrassed, but you are right - not his position. I thought the game was actually not too bad. You could see where we were coming from, in pulling them all over the pitch so that fitness would eventually tell. It did in the 2nd half. After the first goal, Peterhead had to change things to a 4-3-3 and you saw what happened. Further two goals. I'm glad that the foot was taken off the gas after that, because I'm pretty sure that we'll be in better shape for saturday that St. Midden for instance. Watched the game from the main stand (behind the home dugout) in front of what I suspect might have been a family who complained constantly, drawing a couple of extremely dark responses from TB and MM. It was so far off the radar it was laughable, but there you go.
  4. God, I wish I'd just accepted the wrath of she who must be obeyed and gone, instead of spending most of the first half in B&Q. My arab mates (I still have some) couldn't believe the doing that they got. DUFC are pretty abject right now, but none of them expected that. I also heard from a reliable source, the their Chairman was "livid" at these "merciless ba**ards" from up north. He heard every word, by all accounts. With Russeldinho's shot, it looks from highlights like he looked up just before he got the ball, and then planted it there. That's impressive. As for Eric, Rooney scored from the pass therefore right decision. Now, when do we get to rip Doogie Imrie a new one?
  5. It said Keys. But keys for what, and why was he keeping such a tight grip on the box? I reckon it was the keys to the basement where he keeps his daughter and the children they've had together. Controversial. It wasn't Jocky Fritzl was it? Where was the jetpack?
  6. To the OP: away and sh*g yer own sheep.
  7. rep -29! is that all? Nice hat though.

  8. davie

    BBC Celtic

    You're right about the bias Bridgender. For them, nothing exists further north than Perth (at the most) and we really should be grateful for that. But, telling you mate, we should have had a penalty in the first minute when Hayes was brought down by Hooverbelt or whatever he's called with a nice wee heel tap tackle that I would have been proud of in my rugby days. And Rooney's shot in the 1st half almost went underneath yon pole in goal. Nicky Ross could have scored in the 2nd half, had he realised he was on his lonesome at the back post and controlled/ volleyed instead of the header he did produce. I suppose there was an overall difference though - about five million quid or so.
  9. Shame. This guy has had some really bad luck with injuries. Hope it's not too serious and he returns soon.
  10. 1. Golabeck has no longer got the pace from the SPL. Sad, but true. I don't think that the back 4 were "unusually ropey" They were facing most people's stick on for the champions spot who were several degrees of magnitude better than anything faced by ICT in the last 12 months or so. Proctor is a different matter, he's versatile and might profit now that Blumenstein is out for a while. 2. Lone strikers against that type of opposition tend to take a while to get going. Rooney is a proven goalscorer who will hit a good spell. He came closest for us on Saturday witha shot that looked like nothing, but was only saved by Zaluska getting a knee in the way. 3. The "rookie with the hairband" (didn't realise that hairbands were pejorative) is a man with a recorded load of ability who needs a regular spell without injury. I hope he gets it to prove what he is capable of. We know, however what Roy is capable of, and the fact that he wasn't used a lot last year maybe tells you about his long term prospects in the team that TB is putting together. 4. What?? I've tried to see what you are on about in the recording. I can't. If a referee is going to book someone, he does, and intervening does no good at all. I know this to my cost. 5. Eh?? I's one game into the season FFS.
  11. Fine, if you discount the missed tackles by Tokely and Cox as well as McCann that also contributed.
  12. This is provisional, but I might cycle down for this one, if weather/ fitness/ wife allows. If I leave at 06.30, I should get into Dundee around 1.30/ 2pm. I'd still have time for a pint. I know that I've got a lift back up the road, but I'll need to find a place to stow the bike when I'm at the gemme (It's carbon fibre/ it's dundee/ it's no stayin outside) as asked by one other here, whit pub is everyone going to?
  13. Nah, honestly Gringo, Celtic didn't look like a side that would have really hurt us. Esson had a few great saves, but that's what he's there for. They might have got another goal and then closed the game out, but very heavy defeat? Nah. What made most difference was an unfit Foran and a half fit Hayes - with them both functioning, we might not have had a dfeat at all!
  14. I'm scunnered, but only because it was the first day of the season and I've wanted that game for ages now. I've watched the game back on Sky, and we could (should?) have had a penalty in 35 seconds. Oddie, Rooney and hayes were manful today, but I was really impressed with Granty. Brilliant wee blocks and intercepts. Esson was different class. There's a lot to take out of the fact that we damned near held 5 million quids worth of green/ white mince, and would have if Nick Ross had buried his chance. We miss Foran, but then so would anyone. We'll not come across many teams like that in the division, so there's hope. At least Mulgrew isn't ours.
  15. If you think that games against Celtic and Dundee United are suitable for experiments, fair do's. TB might not share your sentiments. I don't know what game you were at today, but Hayes was excellent for the time he was on. He's fit, he just needs games. Shane was good when he came on, but there are others that need game time more than your aforementioned. Your appraisal of Blumenstein is puzzling. He came off injured, information is that it was a calf strain. End of.
  16. I think that's obscenities.
  17. He's only one player. He's a good player, but he's only one player. we'll still win.
  18. Along with Wyness 101, I was in the United end at that game wearing my "Caley Jags Champions" T-shirt. Class day out.
  19. A couple of days 'till the start of the season and still no Caley D. Has he been kidnapped by aliens and subject to probing? Has some other fate befallen him? We, the public, have a right to know.
  20. After your fourth sleep, remember to get up nice and early, so you can have Lennon's gob to shut at 2.00pm. It's the bloody Alzheimer's I tell you............where did I put my socks?
  21. davie

    Nick Ross

    Good touch, good movement and a good football brain. If you're good enough, you're old enough.
  22. Well Gino is Brazilian .... and Russel has been called Russeldinho at times so maybe He's the very man! He might get a bit cauld in the North stand in January 'tho, and end up looking like a hairy smurf.
  23. I'm well up for this one; I ain't been anticipating anything like this for ages. I don't share peoples stated dreariness about the SPL. It's where we need to be. Not perfect, but its our top table, cats pyjamas, dogs nads. Give me one of these days as recompense for slogging yer way to Dumfries or Dumfermline or Airdrie and I'll be happy. Give me these henry's from Glesgae to shout at, they deserve it. Give me Lennon's gob to shut at 4.45pm. It's bigger than anything you'll find in Div. 1. And I won't miss C*unty. I'll be too busy enjoying the fact that they didn't get here. Four more sleeps.
  24. Pragmatic things to enliven the atmosphere? Get one guy with a loud hailer in Section G. That should whip it up. Get more drums. Get the bar thing going and lubricate the tonsils. Stand if you like. Antagonise or encourage those around you. Above all, relax and enjoy avoid carping and sweetie rustling dinna be afraid to vent your unbridled joy/ utter admiration/ hopeless excitement. On the other hand, give it laldy for personalised anger/ utter disgust/ howling frustration. Just do it. If you feel none of these things inspired by a football match, stay at home and take up knitting. Plain one, purl one, plain one, purl one................. Four more sleeps.
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