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Everything posted by davie

  1. Murchie, I'm glad you had a fun day out. So did I, and about a thousand others. I didn't make it on to the pitch at the goal mini invasions, but I did at the end. There had been chants of "we're going on the pitch" etc. and the stewards knew what was happening, hence they handled the situation with considerable restraint. As for your expected "abuse", I haven't seen that yet, but if I were you I'd maybe think before you refer to your fellow ICT fans as "idiots" and then qualify your statement like that. In context, you can see this for exactly what it was - a celebration rather than goading or anything worse.
  2. It was the hat that did it. I shall convey your appreciation to the 5 teenage boys that I was "nervous" of controlling! Great, great day that Struan + me will remember for years! :D :D
  3. Could this thread not go in general nonsense, because that's exactly what it is? I shook your hand yesterday pal (old git in a daft hat) because I knew it was a morph suit. Wear it again next week, it was class and just look at the OP's signature line. How true.
  4. It was honestly ages ago. There was never anyone that was markedly better than us (although i was feart as feck after the 1-3 game against C*unty. In the 3-3 draw against Ayr, Butcher was getting pelters from the main stand, and he could have folded then as could have the team but it spurred them on. Foran has come back to that point again and again and you could see the fight that was there. The Alba final was gutting, but they were no better than us and in that first half showed how vulnerable they were. Wierdly, 2nd half was probably Jockey Scott's only tactical success. Once ICT gelled, absolutely no doubt at all who was going to win this by sheer force of will if neccessary. DFC never had that and in a two horse race they were the donkey. Shame :004: I've even dared to change the avatar now!
  5. davie

    another balf on the site? My second names balfour and all!

  7. I'm away for a dram! CHAMPIONS!!!!! conga time on saturday, see you all there.
  8. Hoi! That's ma sister you're talkin about.............
  9. Only thing Dundee will be bottling is their own p*sh, which they seem to produce vast amounts of. Maybe they could sell it under the brand anme "teckle" to fund their lower league camaign next year.
  10. I hope you die by the bloodhound gang, because of the ALBA cup. (only slightly tongue in cheek) :P
  11. I reckon the SFL has been quality, and reconnected a lot of us back to the core values of being a football supporter. It's just a shame that aberdeen fans won't get to replicate that. East End Park - quality. Standard of football - quality. ALBA cup final wrong result but still quality. I'll miss that, but I will enjoy waving bye bye to falkirk on the way past.
  12. Lose at Ayr? No chance. I also couldn't give a flying one about how scumdee get on during the week, the party head is on for Ayr, whether we go there as de facto champions or actual champions. Me & sailor Jerry are gonna celebrate like Billy Dodds in a wee propellor hat! STAND UP FOR THE CHAMPIONS
  13. How many dundee fans do you honestly think will turn up for this? Only the morbidly curious or completely bewildered will come up the road, knowing that they are going to be mercilessly goaded at every turn.
  14. Jocky says anything by the beastie boys. Fight for your right to party will do feckin nicely.
  15. Yes. Take about a thousand of your mates with you. That should sort it.
  16. Brilliant today, in what could have been a real banana skin. I agree with TB - first half was mince, but it was a definite handball from their lad. First goal settled it, there was only one winner after that. Every player from Ryan Esson forwards was excellent, but Rooney - what a player. I can't honestly recall anyone improving that much over a season. I just wish that the volley in the 2nd half had gone in, it was goal of the season stuff.
  17. Different, different class. Thanks Terry & Maurice, now I can party at Ayr!
  18. me and ma boy watching us win the league (hopefully.........)
  19. Morton - I believe! First half of their double complete, we might do this on saturday in all but name and then finalise it with a beach party at Ayr. We can then spend all of mayday laughing at Dundee. Mon ICT.
  20. This is and always has been a thorny issue. There may not be a flood of people wanting to run the buses, but it does give us a chance to establish what we want from such a service, what the rules governing its use should be and a chance to make it an inclusive service. Whether you like it or not, there was always the air of a "private" club around the supporters club bus - I have heard people describe themselves as being "one of Cath's chosen few" in that they could surreptitiously consume alcohol whilst others were taken to task. If a process of selection was in place, then I'm afraid that those who find themselves outside the clique will take potshots, and if you created the situation you have to be big enough to take the (sometimes misguided) criticism. Thanks Cath, for doing as good a job as you could for so long, but this creates an opportunity for someone else to take the idea to the next level.
  21. On the contrary. The lack of people wanting to travel on this bus is because you cannot drink on it. So why are a section of fans not welcome on the buses then? Should the "online clique" cancel memberships to the supporters club or any plans they have join the supporters club? A great advert to raise membership you are!! I'm with you on this one. Mabaswa, you actually said at the start of this thread that dornochcaley wasn't welcome on the bus. You've brought up that "some others on gthis forum" wouldn't be welcome either. That, by any reading, is devisive and discourages people from using the bus. criticising "lady F" is no grounds for banning people from using transport to games, it just cuts down on the amount of people there to cheer on the team and reinforces your wee clique.
  22. It'll have to be "WHA'S IN CHERGE" so that heilandee and his mates can understand what their noses are being rubbed in. A tangerine background would also be very helpful in this respect, and I would then promise to take it to the cup final so that our gy*sy cousins also knew exactly what THEIR noses were being rubbed in. I'd pay good money for that.
  23. I'll be at the final, but it'll not be on the county side! Born and brought up an arab, I'm delighted to see RC get to the final, cause it'll be a better game than another turgid 'tic battle in Glasgow. And united will win. Having said all this, ICT fan for the past ten years or more - the first game I went to up here was at Kingsmills park (against Kilmarnock in the cup if I remember right) and I know where my allegiances lie. Mon ICT!
  24. Factually incorrect....AGAIN!!! Smee, you are being a tw*t. Please stop it.
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