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Everything posted by bdu98196

  1. Denis Law, Think about the mans age and Caley Stadium ain't a warm place in winter......he'd spend all his heating allowance just keeping that seat warm lol.
  2. Did we not take 5000+ both times to Hampden for the Scottish cup semi's? Where are all these fans now?
  3. He's pish and would want way too much cash for us to have him as a bench warmer, we could probably have 10 kids of better quality for less than his wage demands would be. May as well call for us to sign Emile Heskey - he played for Engerlund too.
  4. Managerial silly season in that league. What's that the sixth sacking since xmas.
  5. Source?
  6. Have to agree, with TB staying hopefully the younger players see his loyalty and feel they can commit longer term as well and that short term cash isnt always the best option. Perhaps they could be directed to said Adam Rooney from the BBC interview as an example of that scenario.
  7. Liam Kelly from Killie to Bristol http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/20983918 Just read Wolves are ready to send Griffiths out again - for racist tweeting. Is he that calculating that he knows doing these things Wolves won't want him and he will get to go back to Hibs where he is clearly happy - or is he just a fanny?
  8. Ordered mine yesterday on the phone, very easy to do and no problems at all. Only an extra 50p for postage too - so if like me you are unable to get to the stadium or an exiled-invernisian, then you can get the tickets and still go. No excuses folks!!!
  9. One that may not happen, is that Dean Saunders wants to keep Leigh Griffiths for the rest of the month to assess him before deciding if he is part of the Wolves plans or can go back to Hibs on loan. Ross County are supposedly offering Ivan Sproule a contract after he is being released from Hibs.
  10. http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/20972500
  11. http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/20963963 Don't let the door hit you on the way out
  12. Now a decission is made this thread is really at an end, perhaps now TB has shown commitment to our club and cause we should do the same and all fans be united behind him and show support by attending the games and getting beyond the 3000 fans we regullarly have to a number more fitting for a team sitting 2nd in a league!!!
  13. Its not a format undertaken by the major leagues in Europe, but it might work, cant be any worse than what we have now. Fact is there are too many teams for the population and until this is addressed thorugh mergers and rationalisation then it will always be a struggle for small clubs, although having 1 governing body is long overdue and it will be intersting to see the proposal for cash distibution and how it is more evenly spread. Also understand that if there is league reconstruction, whoever wins SFL3 will stay in the bottom league next season. Apparantly Green wants to move them down to England - if this is the outcome of reconstruction - I'm a supporter lol.
  14. Wow, things have really moved on since I left work, now at 23 pages and Terry stays just like some of us knew he would. Must be hard though for some of the haters to accept, probably though this was their chance to get Robbo back in charge. Now lets get behind Terry and the team and get into that cup final!!! Personally I'm a (very) 'happy clapper' tonight.
  15. They got Hayes no problem . Shinnie IMO is a better player and prospect than Hayes. That's not saying that I wouldn't like Jonny to still be in the ICT team, but Shinnie can go onto better things in football.
  16. Aberdeen, don't think even if there is any truth in the rumour that they have much chance of getting AS. Afterall look at their player retention for guys like Fraser who wants to move down south because there is so much more money - if AFC cant afford to keep their 18 & 19 year olds then how can they expect to get a Scottish International!!! If he leaves it will be England or the OF, hence my comment above regarding 'The Orcs'
  17. So the from the above summation (sorry cant access 'the sun' article at work) - Barnsley have publically come out and said they desperately want TB, but he is at best a 2nd choice option. Great PR there by the club and board if thats the case.
  18. Ah, its good to see now that as he is on the verge of possibly leaving the 'anti-butcher' brigade can come back out and say that he isnt really that good, we can do better, best get rid now when someone wants him etc etc and then don't have to focus on our achievements so far this season which have been heavily influenced by Terry & Mo. Thank god I'm a 'happy clapper'
  19. The world of football is so fickle. 6 games into the season there was a thread citing TB replacements when some wanted him out - now we all want him to stay (well I hope we all do). Someone should just reserect the names to spaculate for replacements lol. TB will stay til the summer, he will be replaced by a young manager as ICT have in the past - Sheerin or Hartley are probably the most likely candidates.
  20. We have a cup final to win and possibly our best ever SPL finish. TB knows what this team can achieve and I think he will stay and do that, then if he gets the success the team deserve this year he will get better offers than Barnsley in summer, which he will be more likely to take. This wont be the only offer on the table in teh next few months of that I'm sure.
  21. Helicopter Sat when we won D1 the first time
  22. Bloody hope not - he's a proper 'James Blunt'. Lets welcome the new lad and hope that TB's eye for a decent young player finds us another bit of quality.
  23. Bottom LHS, click on 'change theme' - that work?
  24. The same Ryan McGowan who has only signed a 9 month deal in China.........wonder why he did that?
  25. Except they aint allowed to sign anyone. They cant sign anyone in this window, but they can agree pre-contracts for players who are out of contract at the end of this season (Bosman) or even arrange transfers to be processed on 1st Sept. Nothing is preventing them from doing this - which I believe is wrong.
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