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Everything posted by Oddquine

  1. If they don't vote to abolish the 11-1 requirement on voting rights, then every team which ends up in administration has only themselves to blame.
  2. Not if the player is a professional and out to further his career, imo. Why would anyone choose deliberately to move from Englandshire to the Highlands with the intentions of playing sh1te? What environment? Maybe I'm daft......but is a football pitch not a football pitch wherever you play? What other environment is he talking about? I live where I don't, given my druthers, particularly want to be..but hey, you do what you have to do when you have to do it. If the players we sign can't hack living in Inverness, then that is not a problem with them being English...that is more of a problem with them being big babies.
  3. Not bashing the idea of encouraging more support, but is there support to be had up there? ICT have been to other places on tour (Orkney for example), do many Orkney folk support ICT? One would suspect as well, that if Inverness travelled to play Wick, and all the Wickers came out to watch, they'd be supporting Wick, no? Am I welcome? Honestly, I come out with a little tongue-in-cheek remark about our brothers in the north and now it seems I have the whole area after me! There is a fecking tongue in cheek smilie...here it is for future reference...... What do you class as a Wicker? Somebody who lives in Wick whether they are local or not? Be aware that everybody living in Caithness does not come from Caithness....or live in Wick. There are loads of incomers/white settlers etc who may well go to watch Wick, if they like attending football matches but do not necessarily support Wick as their first team. And your kind of snide remarks could make some of us decide not to support ICT as our first team. Yokels!!!!!!
  4. Insult other members, why don't you!
  5. According to a bit in the Record: http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/champions-league-celtic-stay-afloat-1203856 Celtic fan Jamieson provided the pre-match entertainment at Parkhead when his silver-winning effort at the Aquatics Centre was shown live on the giant television screens inside the stadium. Roared on by 50,000 of his fellow supporters it was a surreal moment as the impressive crowd willed the 23-year-old to become the first Scot to win a swimming gold since David Wilkie won in the same 200-metre breaststroke event at Montreal in 1976.
  6. How is it tainted? Because Rangers didn't win it?
  7. Because memories are long on both sides....hence the Orange Order and Hibernian marches in Scotland commemorating something that happened hundreds of years ago in Ireland, for Pete's sake! That is the basic impetus for the virulent rivalry, which attached itself early on to the other virulent rivalry which can be Scottish Football like a parasitic tapeworm does to an intestine......and as we are finding, is as hard to cure as a tapeworm infestation. Virulent antipathy to well known players of one team by the supporters of the other team is simply a symptom of the tapeworm infestation attacking the brain, as it can if allowed to go unchecked.
  8. Darn sure they were expected to beat them...if the management have much the same attitude as some punters on here.....stick anybody out on a pitch in an ITC shirt and if the opposing team perceives themselves as the same kind of "diddy team" some of us do, they are going to be so respectful that they will be lying down and letting us walk over them. Did we do that with Celtic in 2000? I don't think so.....so why deny the fact that other teams have just as much guts and determination as we have when it comes to the crunch......particularly in a cup which is more important to them in their football season than it is to us, if we are going to be honest. And wouldn't you have been one of the first on here ranting if anyone in the first team squad had been injured and was out for weeks or months, that they should never have been playing with an more important SPL game on Saturday because our squad is too small to risk them on unimportant (in the SPL scheme of things) games? The game did what it was meant to do, bar get the right result. We have a fit team for Saturday, Foran got punished for being suspended on Saturday(Joke!), a few signed first team players got another run out.....under 20 fringe players got a chance to show what they can do, many out of their usual positions if the team list was a 1-11 one...and management got a chance to see its options for emergencies. Many of the fringe players will be playing in the under 20 league and getting match practice then, as can three of the first team squad if necessary. Not winning doesn't necessarily mean they played badly....though might get more idea about how the game went if there is anything in my Gazette tomorrow (which is maybe unlikely) or in the Northern Scot on Saturday.
  9. There are smilies to indicate that......eg :clown: etc If they ain't used....the remarks ain't a joke. But that post has saved you from a vituperative response I was just about to send. BTW..Goal Scorer for ICT was Ryan Watson.
  10. You know something the sodding arrogance in that makes me . How can anyone possibly assume because we have fielded a team of a load of laddies who are still learning (because if they weren't they'd all be in the fecking first team) against a team of mostly adults who have been mostly playing together for ages, we deserve to win just because we are ICT and an SPL team? Away and Support one of the OF, because their fans think they only have to turn up to win as well! Thought ICT fans were better than that.
  11. A predominantly u-19 team against the Highland League champions? Which planet do you think ICT exists on?
  12. Damnation! (though do feel torn when ICT play the CanCans)
  13. Straight to penalties. No extra time. Looks as if 1-1 FT score.
  14. Not a lot different a team than the one for the Wick game....though names are listed differently. Now whether that means they are playing in different positions, darned if I know. Heck this game is complicated for simple people! Differences are no Skinner or Warren, but Murphy on from the start, Foran added.......and it looks like one less sub.
  15. ICT: Antonio Reguero, Martin Laing, Matt Murphy, Steven MacKenzie, Ritchie Foran, Gavin Morrison, Kyle Whyte, Liam Polworth, Jason Oswell, Nick Ross, Ryan Watson. Subs: Calum Ferguson, Kevin Buchan, Jay Gheyne, Ryan Christie, Scott Mathieson.
  16. Not many updates..the reason for which is probably the 0-0 HT score.
  17. To an extent we are in agreement........they either are one or the other and not whichever one suits depending on which is going to suffer least. They may be entitled to the glories of oldco.......if, after the investigation into the EBT dual contract thing, oldco is left with glories to pass on. They would be able to claim, at least, that they had been founded however many years ago they were founded, had won however many honours they had won up until 2001 and are one of the two most obnoxious and divisive clubs in Scottish football. Losing titles will not be the powers that be being nasty, hostile and bigoted against "Rangers" "The Rangers" " Sevco 5088" or whoever they are today.....losing titles will be the laid down punishment if oldco is found guilty of breaking the rules..the same punishment as any other club doing the same thing would face....and that removal of titles from oldco would remove the option of claiming them by newco.
  18. Done that in the past...bought a half season ticket as a Christmas present. Not, tbh, that I thought the recipient was or would change into being an ICT supporter, but just because he wanted to see his preferred SPL team, at that stage hadn't "earned" the away game ticket option, and was happy to let me spent around £60 for him to attend one game (I think it was one)..and I was happy enough to be able to stop obsessing about what to get him and start worrying about the others I had to get for.
  19. I'm sure they probably would though it would a) kinda depend on where you are and if the phones were working b) kinda depend on the cost.....as in if you only have a mobile phone and no land line, or are living in Outer Mongolia. c) kinda depend if you had sod all to do all day or not...like work..between the opening hours of the place selling the tickets which appears to be the opening hours of the vast majority of businesses in the UK. d) kinda depend if you have an all day free package with your phone company or not.....because I don't and will absolutely not phone anyone before 7pm unless forced to (I've found I can whine quite adequately by email)..because 99% of the time I get the "we can't be arsed talking to you just now, but we might get round to you when we feel like it" muzak, which costs me a small fortune for the privilege of boaking at the really bad music choices made by others. e) kinda depend if you are inclined to go to the effort of looking for another way to do it. A spur of the moment decision rather requires an immediate easy option to follow through...otherwise you might think about it and having thunk, change your mind and not bother.
  20. So basically you are saying do the link....it is less complicated! Next question.........when is the cut-off date for donations to player sponsorship?
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