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+05: Player Sponsor
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Everything posted by Fraz

  1. As others have said not a particularly great first half however we were excellent in the second. 3 superbly taken goals and a good day out with the family albeit a bit chilly. Even enjoyed making an erse of myself attempting to play football at half time! :D Can't wait for a weekend away in Edinburgh, should be a cracker.
  2. What hassle have they caused the club? Pretty much everything you have said could be applied to things said in CTO by posters with different views. Does that make CTO "too outspoken"? You obviously feel they are a bad thing and it would seem so do for other 'section E lads' but all I can see is fellow (presumably young) fans doing their bit to try and get behind the club. While they may not do and say everything to your liking at least they are making an effort which is more then can be said for many of our supporters. The last FB status I noticed from them was encouraging people to get behind the team and purchase tickets for the semi final. Truly shocking.
  3. Not sure why anyone would take a dig at young folk on FB / Twitter who are doing their best to support the team and manager. It may not have been as well executed and advertised as it might have been but good on them for making the effort. Surprised at your attitude Luke, thought off all people you would get behind an idea like this to say thx to the gaffer for staying.
  4. I'm quite happy with my grasp of grammar as I had very good teachers at the IRA. Chemistry on the other hand...
  5. Still 12 pairs left!
  6. Like these? Bet they put in some tasty challenges.
  7. Thought this may be of interest to some, shame I never heard earlier, anyway... Young Scot are doing a giveaway of 25 pairs of tickets for young people, you have to be aged between 11 and 26 and have a Young Scot Card. Go to https://rewards.youngscot.org/ and sign up with your young Scot Card for rewards (if you haven't already done so). You then have to earn 500 points on your rewards. This is quite easy though as all you need to do is then do a few things like follow them on twitter, FB and do a survey etc to reach that target, the site has a full list! There are other rewards too. They are first come first served though so don't mess about, get a ticket for you and your mate!
  8. U can use trainers but might be a bit slippy at speed. U do get special astro mouldies and some folk do use normal mouldies, though I never have. Personal preference I guess. All that said I've never played on the Millburn one so it may behave differently.
  9. Really looking forward to this, taking the family down and going to make a wee weekend of it. Hotel booked, trip to the zoo booked, all that's missing is, well the actual tickets!
  10. I just call it like I see it, simple. After all I wasn't the grown man repeatedly trolling a FB page that had nothing to do with my interests, still on the verge of tears about something that happened nearly 20 years ago. ;) Glad your keeping tabs on my education.
  11. Are u after folk to play 11 v 11s? Not sure my fat erse could cope.
  12. Have you left him a message to let him know your feelings? I'd imagine he is quiet this season because he is busy following his "team" home and away......i'm sure you are the same of course Left him a message, err... why? Doesn't really figure that much in my life to FB stalk some full of seeth, refusnik Sevconian. As you say, enjoying life as an ICT supporter to worry about that pish. You appear to have a real anger towards the person in question and have called him a gimp on here.Thought you may have preffered to leave him a private message rather than on a board he doesn't go on. It's all very well slagging the guy but he does support his teams.think he has missed one game all season,can you say the same? i know i can't Whatever are you on about? One comment and it's 'real anger' From his posts on FB about ICT he comes across as a gimp to me, simple, I've responded to him on the Courier FB page (in status' about ICT games so he was clearly on the troll to which admittedly I bit) at the time, he's slagged me for supporting ICT, I've slagged him for his love of a dying team and refusnik, anti-ICT seeth mentality. I'm sure he thinks I'm a gimp too. Big deal. I'm not obsessed with him like you seemingly are so I have no idea as to his forum habits for game attendance. Are you suggesting that every time someone has an opinion about someone else they should try to contact them personally to discuss the issues between them? Also what's his game attendance got to do with anything, going to more Sevco games makes him a good bloke? Strange judging by his hatred toward ICT he didn't go to ICT games after the merger but according to you went to The Rangers games after they became a new club. Anyway I don't go to games, too much hassle like.
  13. What happens if someone in row 11 wants to sit? If it's the top ten rows then anyone wanting to sit behind would be doing so in the car park.
  14. Have you left him a message to let him know your feelings? I'd imagine he is quiet this season because he is busy following his "team" home and away......i'm sure you are the same of course Left him a message, err... why? Doesn't really figure that much in my life to FB stalk some full of seeth, refusnik Sevconian. As you say, enjoying life as an ICT supporter to worry about that pish.
  15. Was at Cafe 1 for my dad's 65th, Butcher and Malpas were sitting behind us.
  16. Looking out the window this morning I'd say frozen pitch far more likely.
  17. Seen as no one replied to you and I've just been over to the stadium the answer is no it's not open.
  18. I find it quite difficult to rustle my sweeties when I'm standing though. :P
  19. I'll not be going now- Game off, frozen pitch. :(
  20. I live for Dougal's posts.
  21. Pele is manager at Formartine is he no?
  22. Polls available on mobile wud be my request for the next update.
  23. I doubt very much he'd have got a pay raise.at all. He's still under the same contract.
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