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Everything posted by StockholmSyndrome

  1. Agree with every word you said there, captain. We never had to settle for such a sickening lack of initiative in the past and we should not have to do it now. I'd be ecstatic if Brewster was shunted off to become a coach at Aberdeen, the sooner the better. It would be their funeral after all!
  2. When we've lost players before we've always been in a strong enough situation to carry on and do well without them, but we're not that strong any more. All the quality is fast being sapped from the squad.
  3. Have just left them a comment succinctly pointing out their error. Maybe next time they'll actually do their research properly.
  4. 100k (or possibly considerably less) for our most creative player is most certainly not a good bit of business. I could live with being a "selling club" if we actually did well out of our transfers, but we never, ever get the true value of our players. Just fed up to the back teeth with all this now.
  5. **sigh** It was a real nice team we had once. Goodbye Ian, I don't blame you for going: I wouldn't want to work for Brewster either.
  6. Tbh, if he gets another job in football after this I'll be surprised. He should stick to what he's good at and open a gym or something.
  7. Hurry up and go, Craig. And don't slam the door on your way out.
  8. I've been to one game all season, which was last week's miserable outing at Love Street. As I also live "down south" these days, there's been absolutely no incentive for me to get up with the larks on Saturday morning, spend all morning on a train, watch 90 minutes of miserable "football" then spend most of the evening on a train home. If things improve (i.e we get a manager who actually knows what he's doing) I'll be much more likely to go to games again.
  9. Do you actually believe that, or are you on the wind up? If he hasn't turned it around by now, one month isn't going to change anything.
  10. It's because we love the club and because it hurts so much to see what's happening to it that we're reacting in the way that we are. You can't just stand by and see something you love being destroyed, you have to do something about it.
  11. Dennis is not that cynical. He simply looked like he was back to his old self: a highly intelligent, skillful player who thrives when his confidence is high.
  12. By that reasoning, Karl, why don't we just wind the football club up now? It would save a lot of people a great deal of bother, time and money. We have to voice our opinions. If enough pressure is put on the club they will eventually have to act. They may be reluctant to do it, and not like doing so, but in the end they will have no choice.
  13. Re the P&J link, the man really does not have a blue's clue what he's doing. Looking for experienced players? We HAD experienced players before he started getting shot of them all. I see from the article that he also had a "morale-boosting" meeting with the players this week. Heaven help us...
  14. Oh well, Opera Mini is a complete pill then! Opera have probably tweaked their server settings or something, knowing them. The phone's native browser is no better: it loads everything but doesn't let me edit the text box!!
  15. I'm getting quite sorry I won't be able to make it! Hope everyone's in good voice this weekend!
  16. As I don't have home internet access, I usually acces the site on my mobile, using the Opera Mini browser. This has worked very well, up until Tuesday night, when I suddenly found that I am no longer able to quote people's posts using the "Reply" button on each post. When I click the reply button, instead of the page loading with the text box and that person's post already quoted for me I find that the text box and link to the smilies etc just doesn't load at all, so I can't quote any more. I can still use my Fast Reply box at the bottom of each page, but not being able to quote people any more is a bit of a pain. Is this a site issue, or just Opera Mini suddenly being a complete pill?
  17. So who's going to sing these on Saturday?
  18. Hasn't this thread gone a bit OT now?
  19. Pathetic. Who's he going to blame next time? The ballboys?
  20. OMG....They are they Borg....we can't win.....Resistance is Futile Ha! I had the exact same thought! :thumb04:
  21. Lol! Very good Locutus! Resistance is not futile?
  22. I was searching the internet today and look what I found!! Clicky clicky
  23. I think I know what you mean. On the one hand it would be immensely satisfying to stuff the Dons. On the other hand, it would just be a sticking plaster on a gushing wound as it wouldn't solve any of our underlying problems.
  24. Who's talking about winning the league??? All we want is for the management and players to show a little bit of ambition and to at least put up a fight against the opposition. We used to do that, but have completely lost what initiative we used to have. We don't need to win every game or even finish in the top half. What we do need is to achieve our potential, and so far in the past year we've fallen well short of that. We are actually going backwards, and that's unacceptable and dangerous.
  25. I second all that. Football should be for the fans, so it's really nice to have someone that interacts with the fans, and such a legend at that. Just wondered, John, if you think that the current talk of reorganising Scottish football will actuall come to anything, and if it does will it actually make a difference? (Ps, when you log back into your other account there's a pm waiting for you that I sent earlier)
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